Day 9 Writing (424 words /38 minutes)
Nowadays a large amount of advertising aimed at children should be banned because of its negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many kids start to watch TV and play tablets and phones at a younger age. As ads become an indispensable part of those media, parents start to fidget about the bad impact of those ads on their children. But do ads really cause harmful effects? No.
First, every ad is a chance for children to get to know the world around them. Adults should not view ads for children as an advertising because it is very much different in children’s eyes. What kids can see is animated animal friends playing with each other or loving family sitting together enjoying a cup of tasty milk on the screen. Adults pay more attention to the intention of the ads and how much money the ads will possibly get from their pockets eventually.
Second, with the overall high-quality advertising that are running on the screens, ads can add more aesthetic elements into children’s life. The intensive competition among ads only makes the best last. If an ad is not attractive and cannot leave a deep impression, it will be replaced by a better one in a blink of an eye. Plus, making great ads is not just about hiring a famous and well-loved spokesperson and getting some lovely endorsement, it is about the harmonious combination of the soundtrack, graphic design, and the development rhythm of the whole ad. It is no doubt that ads are way better than what the fine art class in kindergarten can provide to kids.
Third, ads are great education materials for parents and children because they are short and can easily draw attention from kids. Most parents only focus on the“negative” effect of ads for children, but they forget that a being’s existence is neutral, it is the interpretation of it that changes the whole story.Parents can discuss with their children about both the good side and the bad side of an ad and share views on it helping children understand the two faces of a coin and establish children’s independent thinking paradigm. In that way, no matter the ad is good or not, children can always benefit from it and it can also refine the relationship between parents and children. So, most of the time, it is really hard to tell whether the negative influence comes from the educators or the ads.
In a nutshell, just as the saying goes “there will always be a silver lining even in the storm”. It is really not about what we have, it is always about what we can do with them.