It is tall and white-columned, appropriately azalea-ed.
1. azalea n. 杜鹃花
A gold plaque declares it a historical landmark.
2. plaque n. 匾;血小板;饰板
N-COUNT A plaque is a flat piece of metal or stone with writing on it which is fixed to a wall or other structure to remind people of an important person or event. (金属或石质的) 匾额
Gas lanterns flicker despite the hot six o’clock sun.
3. flicker
vi. 闪烁;摇曳;颤动;扑动翅膀;假装昏倒
vt. 使闪烁;使摇曳
n. 闪烁;闪光;电影
V-I If a light or flame flickers, it shines unsteadily. 闪烁不定
flicker 还有颤动的意思,比如
But I see it, the flicker on her mouth, a hint of softness beneath her anger.
His belt is cinched too tight to be comfortable much less fashionable.
4. cinch
n. 肚带;紧握;有把握的事情
vt. 紧握住;系肚带
We step into the foyer and the first thing I see is the chandelier, sparkling, gauzy with light.
5. foyer
n. 门厅,休息室;大厅
6. chandelier
n. 枝形吊灯
7. gauzy
adj. 薄的;纱似的;轻薄透明的
I look down from my lollygagging.
8. lollygag
V to loiter aimlessly 无所事事[美国英语]
She has on a suit like mine, thankfully, but in crimson.
9. crimson
n. 深红色
adj. 深红色的
vt. 使变为深红色;脸红
vi. 变为深红色;脸红
She is almost my height in her peau de soie heels.
10. peau de soie
N. a rich reversible silk or rayon fabric 双面横棱缎
I gasp as a prong of her ring scratches my skin.
11. prong
vt. 刺;贯穿;翻掘
n. 耙子;叉状物
是不是很懵逼, The prongs of something such as a fork are the long, thin pointed parts.
“There she is!” Behind Missus Whitworth, a tall, bull-chested man lumbers toward me.
12. lumber
vi. 伐木;喧闹地向前走;笨重地行动,缓慢地移动
vt. 砍伐木材;乱堆
n. 木材;废物,无用的杂物;隆隆声
我们熟知的意思是伐木、木材,这里指 move heavily or clumsily
Daddy follows and I cringe at the fine line of mud on the back of his shoe.
13. cringe
If you cringe at something, you feel embarrassed or disgusted, and perhaps show this feeling in your expression or by making a slight movement. 感到局促不安
One more swipe of the rag would’ve gotten it, but Daddy’s not used to wearing good loafers on a Saturday.
14. loafer
n. 乐福鞋;懒汉鞋
a low leather step-in shoe; the top resembles a moccasin but it has a broad flat heel
We move into a formal living room with ornate molding and green velvet settees, so full of heavy furniture I can hardly see the floor.
15. ornate
adj. 华丽的;装饰的;(文体)绚丽的
rich in decorative detail
16. molding
n. 模塑;铸造;装饰用的嵌线
17. settee
n. 有靠背的长椅;中型沙发