Animals have many different kinds of bodies and skins.
A bird has many feathers on its body. It has two wings and a beak. The wings help the bird to fly. The beak is the hard part of a bird's mouth. A bird uses its beak to feed.
Many animals breathe using lungs. A fish breathes using gills on the side of its body.
Some animals have very smooth skin. A forg has very smooth skin. All mammals have hair on their bodies. Some animals have fur on their bodies. People have a lot of hair on their head.
My description:
Animals have many parts of body. Different parts are use to do different things.
Gills on the side of fish's head. It help fish to breathe. Most animals have lungs to breathe. Lung is an organ inside animals body.
As we know, people use mouth to eat food, but for bird, it calls beak. Birds use mouth to eat food, feed babies and carry things.
People have ears to hear, have eyes to see, have nose to smell. For most animals, they use these to sense(know) danger. Animals usually have more sensitive feeling than people.
Birds have wings to help them fly. Fishes have fin and tail to swim. Mammals have legs to walk, run and hop(rabbit always hop instead of run). Wings, fin and tail and legs help animals to move and run away from danger.
People wear clothes to keep warm, birds have feathers to keep warm, and some mammals such as sheap, dog, cat, thay have softly fur to keep warm.
Fishes have lots of scales cover their body. For most mammals, it is skin cover their body. Smooth means it is not rough and easy to touch, like baby's skin. But people do not always like smooth skin, just image frog. A frog has smooth and wet skin.