public class ThreadPoolExecutor extends AbstractExecutorService {
private final AtomicInteger ctl = new AtomicInteger(ctlOf(RUNNING, 0));
private static final int COUNT_BITS = Integer.SIZE - 3;
private static final int CAPACITY = (1 << COUNT_BITS) - 1;
// runState is stored in the high-order bits
private static final int RUNNING = -1 << COUNT_BITS;
private static final int SHUTDOWN = 0 << COUNT_BITS;
private static final int STOP = 1 << COUNT_BITS;
private static final int TIDYING = 2 << COUNT_BITS;
private static final int TERMINATED = 3 << COUNT_BITS;
// Packing and unpacking ctl
private static int runStateOf(int c) { return c & ~CAPACITY; }
private static int workerCountOf(int c) { return c & CAPACITY; }
private static int ctlOf(int rs, int wc) { return rs | wc; }
public void execute(Runnable command) {
if (command == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
int c = ctl.get();
if (workerCountOf(c) < corePoolSize) { // 如果工作线程数 < corePoolSize,就new 一个新的线程
if (addWorker(command, true))
c = ctl.get(); // 如果线程new 失败了,说明不满足runState 和workerCount 的要求,有并发的操作,重新获取一次标志位
if (isRunning(c) && workQueue.offer(command)) { // 如果是运行状态,就往队列里添加任务
int recheck = ctl.get();
if (! isRunning(recheck) && remove(command)) // 如果不是运行状态了,就从队列里移除任务,并执行拒绝策略
else if (workerCountOf(recheck) == 0)
addWorker(null, false);
else if (!addWorker(command, false)) //如果队列也添加不了,就new thread直到maxPoolSize,如果失败就执行拒绝策略
private final class Worker
extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
implements Runnable
/** Thread this worker is running in. Null if factory fails. */
final Thread thread;
/** Initial task to run. Possibly null. */
Runnable firstTask;
/** Per-thread task counter */
volatile long completedTasks;
* Creates with given first task and thread from ThreadFactory.
* @param firstTask the first task (null if none)
Worker(Runnable firstTask) {
setState(-1); // inhibit interrupts until runWorker
this.firstTask = firstTask;
this.thread = getThreadFactory().newThread(this);
/** Delegates main run loop to outer runWorker */
public void run() {