title: "Advance of periastron with radiation backreaction"
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Additional scalar dipole radiation brings away energy additionally. Since dipole radiation has slower attenuation than quadruple radiation, the scalar radiation might have much larger observational effect at a large orbit comparing to the gravitational wave.
A. The radiation power of different sources
The power of scalar dipole radiation under limit and gravitational waves up to
is given by
For a system only has one charged body, i.e., the relation of the stellar angular frequency and the orbit radius (
) in the center-of-mass frame is given by the Kelper's relation in high accuracy as
Besides, ,
. Additionally, in an extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI) system,
, and the mass ratio
. (A.1) - (A.3) could be simplified as
Comparison between radiation power from different sources is calculated as
For typical ,
, the power of the scalar radiation is about
times larger than gravitational wave.
Similarly, ratio between the scalar quadruple radiation and gravitational wave is about
For EMRI system with mass ratio , the scalar quadruple radiation is negligible.
B. First order post-Newtonian approximation
The total energy is made up with two parts, as
Satisfies Virial theorem.
The first-order Post-Newtonian (1PN) correction for a circular orbit is given by (Gtavitational Waves Vol.I, pp.246)
For , 1PN will bring in a
C. The backreaction of scalar dipole radiation
Under Newtonian mechanics, the system energy is made up with gravitational potential
kinetic energy
where ,
. Besides, there is additional energy loss due to the scalar dipole radiation, as
The conservation of energy shows
Define the system angular momentum as , the energy conservation condition then reads
(Notice that the units ). Define
, the orbit equation becomes
Re-arrange as
Calculate the derivative with respect to on both sides. On the right handed side, the first term
vanishes. The orbit equation then becomes
The first solution is , which refers to a circular orbit. When the orbit is not circular, after substituting the radiation power in (A.2), the orbital equation is given as
Take as small perturbation, the leading order solution reads
where is the eccentricity. The leading solution refers to Keplerian elliptic orbits when
to the orbital equation, as
The orbital equation could then be linearly separated into two parts, as
The latter has a special solution as
Then the EMRI orbit with additional scalar radiation energy loss is shown as
Comparing with the Schawarzschild periastron, as
The periastron term has the ratio
Notice that
The ratio reads
Not only suppressed by the mass ratio , but suppressed by dimensionless radius
as well.
D. The periastron angles
Notice that the series expansion
The periastron angle (C.17) is given by
The periastron point is given by
The precession angle
Comparing to such precession from GR prediction
This also results in
as same as (C.21).
E. The shrinked radius
Due to the additional energy loss channel, the inspiral radius will gradually shrink.
The total energy of the system with 1PN correction, (B.2), (B.3)
With ,
, the total (dimensionless) energy
On the other hand, the source term (scalar dipole radiation and GW)
From (E.2) and (E.5), the circular orbit radius evolving with time is given by
In one complete circle, the decrease of the orbit is approximately given by
where the time period . The change of the radius is given by
When ,
Consider that the Schwarzschild radius (2GM) of Sgr A* is about pc, the radius should decrease around
pc. However, the orbit error is around 1 mas at 8 kpc distance, which corresponds to around
pc. This means the decreasing of the radius is hard to detect by current observations.