23、 在Plot(绘图)部分选择SubCont01:Sub_Debutanizer变量列表以显示所有与子控制器问题相关的变量的图。
24、 运行200步仿真,并放大到250步我们将获得:
25、 返回到方案编辑器中并将Economic Function Tracking Filter(经济函数跟踪滤波)(在General选项卡中)修改为1.0。这使得经济优化跟踪速度大大加快。
26、 现在在操作变量的权重方面进行一些微调,例如,回流的动作需要给与更大的处罚。
27、 回到情景编辑器中并设置一个事件改变回流权重。如果你想从仿真开始时采取这一调整,在控制器本身的子控制器节点下的Weight(权重)标签修改权重,并重新建立控制器。
28、 回到仿真图观察闭环过程行为是如何变化的。
SMOCPro 环境提供给用户快速编译模型从而搭建控制器,以及在离线仿真环境中仿真的能力。软件的控制器节点可被用于定义子控制器,修改控制器参数,定义经济优化函数以及指定所需的子控制器行为。仿真节点可用来测试当控制器投在线时可能遇到的较为广泛的各种情况。
- In the Plot section select the SubCont01:Sub_Debutanizer variable list to have the plot display all relevant variables related to the sub-controller problem.
- Run 200 steps of simulation and zoom in for 250 steps to get:
This plot shows satisfactory behavior in disturbance rejection. However, faster optimization is desired since the Duty minimization is slow in the second half of the plot. - Go back to the scenario editor and change the Economic Function Tracking Filter (in the General tab) to 1.0. This results in much faster tracking of the economic optimum.
- Now perform some fine-tuning on the manipulated variable weights, for example, the Reflux moves could be penalized more.
- Go back to the scenario editor and set an event to change the Reflux Weight. If you want this tuning to act from the simulation start, modify this Weight in the Weight tab under the sub-controller node of the controller itself and (re)build the controller.
- Go back into the simulation plot to see how the behavior of the closed loop process has changed.
Take Home Message
The SMOCPro environment provides the user the ability to quickly go from compiling a model to building a controller and simulating it on an offline simulation environment. The Controller node of the software can be used to define sub-controllers, modify controller tuning, define economic optimization functions as well as specify the desired sub-controller behavior. The simulation node can be used to test a wide spectrum of circumstances that may be encountered by the controller once it is implemented online.
(\Program Files\ShellGlobalSolutions\PCTP\Tutorial\SMOCPro\Tutorial2_ReactorCL.wsp)
(\Program Files\ShellGlobalSolutions\PCTP\Tutorial\SMOCPro\Tutorial2_ReactorPID.wsp)
Figure -2 Reactor flow scheme.
**Case 2: Reactor (Hydrotreater Type) Quality Control **
(\Program Files\ShellGlobalSolutions\PCTP\Tutorial\SMOCPro\Tutorial2_ReactorCL.wsp)
(\Program Files\ShellGlobalSolutions\PCTP\Tutorial\SMOCPro\Tutorial2_ReactorPID.wsp)
The figure below shows a simplified process flow scheme for reactor control. The process feed is heated in a furnace and passed on to a reactor where a reaction takes place. The reaction is controlled by the feed inlet temperature of the reactor (TC1) and by a quench gas flow (FC).
The objective of the process is to obtain a product of a certain quality, measured at the reactor outlet stream (QI). Also, the temperature in the reactor (Temperature) should not exceed a certain maximum value.
Because of variations in the properties of the fuel gas and the settings of the pressure controller, the furnace outlet temperature can have some non-negligible variations. The temperature controller ultimately rejects these; but the transient effect of the variations needs to be properly identified to perform tight reaction control.