1. 学术期刊
- Structural Health Monitoring, SagePub
- Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
- Ultrasonics, Elsevier
- NDT&E, Elsevier
- Measurement Science and Technology, IPO
2. 研究机构
- MIT Lincon Lab
- Thapar University
- HIT 结构监测实验室
- London University
3. 研究学者
- Wensong Zhou, HIT
- Ervin Benjamin L, UIUC
- Beard,
- B. N. Pavlakovic,Imperial College
4. 经典书籍
- 固体中的超声波,Joseph Rose,2004
- Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids,Achenbach,1992
- 弹性固体中波的传播,Achenbach,1992
- 弹性动力学课件,胡恒山,2015
- Helmholtz Decomposition
- Bessel functions
- Fundamentals of Wavelets Theory, Algorithms, and Applications,JAIDEVA C. Goswami and ANDREW K. CHAN,2011
- Fundamentals of Signal Processing,Kihong Shin and Joseph K. Hammond,2008
- Modelling the Generation and Propagation of Ultrasonic Signals in Cylindrical Waveguides,Fernando Seco and Antonio R. Jiménez,2009
5. 国际会议
- 土木工程监测与控制研讨会
6. 软件
- ps_disp
- Disperse Software