
1.Stagnation ;hallmark ;rotat

Stagnation, both political and economic, has been the hallmark of a country where little has changed for decades, even as power has rotated between the established parties of left and right.

Stagnation:停滞【economics】a situation in which a country’s economy is not growing or succeeding

•lack of activity, growth, or development:a period of economic stagnation

there is a risk of intellectual stagnation.

N-COUNT 可数名词标志;特征;特点The hallmark of something or someone is their most typical quality or feature.

【搭配模式】:usu with poss

It's a technique that has become thehallmarkof Amber Films...


The killing had thehallmarks of a professional assassination...


His designs show a love of simplicity which is very much hishallmark.


V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(使)轮流;(使)轮换 If people or things rotate, or if someone rotates them, they take it in turns to do a particular job or serve a particular purpose.


【语法信息】:V n

The members of the club canrotateand one person can do all the preparation for the evening...


They will swap posts in a year's time, according to new party rules whichrotatethe leadership.


2.realignment ;reverberation

The resulting realignment will have reverberations far beyond France’s borders.

N-VAR 可变名词(公司、经济或体系的)重组If a company, economy, or system goes through a realignment, it is organized or arranged in a new way.

【搭配模式】:usu Nofn

...are alignment of the existing political structure.



Further fuelling voters’ anger is their anguish at the state of France.

N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词(精神上的)悲痛;(身体上的)剧痛Anguish is great mental suffering or physical pain.


A cry ofanguishburst from her lips...


Mark looked at him inanguish.


4.sluggish ; vitality

Much of that gloom is economic. France’s economy has long been sluggish; its vast state, which absorbs 57% ofGDP, has sapped the country’s vitality.

ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词懒洋洋的;缓慢的;有气无力的You can describe something as sluggish if it moves, works, or reacts much slower than you would like or is normal.

The economy remains sluggish...


Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands.


...the sluggish pace of reforms.


N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词活力;生命力;热情 If you say that someone or something has vitality, you mean that they have great energy and liveliness.

Without continued learning, graduates will lose their intellectualvitality...


Mr Li said China's reforms had broughtvitalityto its economy.


5.malaise ; stagnant

But the malaise goes well beyond stagnant living standards.

N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词(社会或群体的)痼疾Malaise is a state in which there is something wrong with a society or group, for which there does not seem to be a quick or easy solution.

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's chronic economicmalaise...


Unification has brought soaring unemployment and socialmalaise.


ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词停滞不前的;不发展的;无变化的 If something such as a business or society is stagnant, there is little activity or change.


He is seeking advice on how to revive thestagnanteconomy...


Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation ofstagnantsocieties.


6..hare ; dash ; contradicting

Hare-like, the Trump administration is dashing from one policy to the next, sometimes contradicting itself and willing to box any rival it sees.

N-VAR 可变名词野兔A hare is an animal like a rabbit but larger with long ears, long legs, and a small tail.

Hareis the flesh of this animal eaten as food.野兔肉

VERB 动词飞奔;猛冲 If youdashsomewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.

【语法信息】:V adv/prep

Suddenly shedashed down to the cellar...


Shedashed in from the garden.


VERB 动词违背;与…背道而驰 If one policy or situation contradicts another, there is a conflict between them, and they cannot both exist or be successful.

【语法信息】:V n

Mr Grant feels that the cutbackscontradictthe Government's commitment to better educational standards.


7.wont ; distill ; numerical ; mnemonics

As is their wont, state-run media have distilled the new thinking into numerical


经常的;惯常的If someone is won't to do something, they often or regularly do it.


Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings arewontto do.


VERB 动词精炼,浓缩(想法等);吸收…为一部分If a thought or idea is distilled from previous thoughts, ideas, or experiences, it comes from them. If it is distilled into something, it becomes part of that thing.



【语法信息】:V ninton


Reviews aredistilled from articles previously published in the main column...


Eventually passion wasdistilled into the natural beauty of a balmy night...


Roydistills these messages into something powerful...


The advice is based on thedistilled wisdom of a panel of heart specialists.


ADJ 形容词数值的;用数字表示的;数字的 Numerical means expressed in numbers or relating to numbers.

【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n

Your job is to group them by letter and put them innumericalorder.


N-COUNT 可数名词助记代号,助记口诀(指帮助记忆科学定律、拼写规则等的单词、小诗、句子等)A mnemonic is a word, short poem, or sentence that is intended to help you remember things such as scientific rules or spelling rules. For example, 'i before e, except after c' is a mnemonic to help people remember how to spell words like 'believe' and 'receive'.

【搭配模式】:oft N n



8.promptly ; disavow ; eschew

But China promptly persuaded the Philippines, which had brought the case, implicitly to disavow its legal victory, eschew its once-close ties with America and sign a deal accepting vast quantities of Chinese investment.

ADV-GRADED 副词立即;马上;及时If you do something promptly, you do it immediately.

【搭配模式】:ADV with v

Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, andpromptlyfell asleep.


VERB 动词否认;不承认;拒绝对…承担责任If you disavow something, you say that you are not connected with it or responsible for it.

【语法信息】:V n

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

Dr. Samuels immediatelydisavowed the newspaper story.


VERB 动词躲开;躲避If you eschew something, you deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it.

【语法信息】:V n

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, heeschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs.


9..wary ; contradict

Most officials were wary of it because the term could be interpreted as China laying down the law to others, contradicting its policy of not interfering in other countries’ internal affairs.

ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词小心的;提防的If you are wary of something or someone, you are cautious because you do not know much about them and you believe they may be dangerous or cause problems.

【搭配模式】:usu v-link ADJ

People did not teach their children to bewaryof strangers...


They were verywaryabout giving him a contract.


VERB 动词 与…矛盾;同… 抵触If one statement or piece of evidence contradicts another, the first one makes the second one appear to be wrong.

【语法信息】:V n

Her versioncontradicted the Govern-ment's claim that they were shot after being challenged...


The result seems tocontradicta major U.S. study reported last November.


10.initiates ; sanction

It reacts to, rather than initiates, sanctions policy towards North Korea.

VERB 动词(通过仪式)接纳,使加入If someone is initiated into something such as a religion, secret society, or social group, they become a member of it by taking part in ceremonies at which they learn its special knowledge or customs.


【语法信息】:V ninton

【语法信息】:Also V n

In many societies, young people are formallyinitiated into their adult roles.


...the ceremony thatinitiated members into the Order.


N-PLURAL 复数名词(对某国的)制裁 Sanctions are measures taken by countries to restrict trade and official contact with a country that has broken international law.

【搭配模式】:oft Nagainst/onn

In 1935 the League of Nations imposedsanctions against Italy following its invasion of Ethiopia.

1935 年国际联盟在意大利入侵埃塞俄比亚之后对其实施了制裁。

He expressed his opposition to the lifting ofsanctions.


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