以太坊源码研读0x06 MPT树

MPT,全称Merkle Patricia Trie,以太坊中用来存储用户账户的状态及其变更、交易信息、交易的收据信息。看其全称便大概知道MPT融合了MerkleTree,Trie,Patricia Trie这三种数据结构的有点,从而最大限度地快速实现查找功能并节省空间。



Trie,又称为字典树或者前缀树 (prefix tree),属于查找树的一种。它与平衡二叉树的主要不同点包括:

  • 每个节点数据所携带的 key 不会存储在 Trie 的节点中,而是通过该节点在整个树形结构里位置来体现(下图中标注出完整的单词,只是为了演示Trie的原理);
  • 同一个父节点的子节点,共享该父节点的 key 作为它们各自 key 的前缀,因此根节点 key 为空;
  • 待存储的数据只存于叶子节点和部分内部节点中,非叶子节点帮助形成叶子节点 key 的前缀。



Patricia Trie

这就是基于Trie改进后的Patricia Trie,又被称为 RadixTree 或紧凑前缀树 (compact prefix tree),是一种空间使用率经过优化的 Trie。

Patricia Trie🌰

Merkle Tree

MerkleTree,通常也被称作Hash Tree,顾名思义,就是存储hash值的一棵树。之前在公链开发中有涉及到Merkle Tree理解和代码实现,在此不再赘述。



MPT 是 Ethereum 自定义的 Trie 型数据结构。以上面存储英文单词的Trie为例,一个Trie实际上就是一个26叉树。而MPT在以太坊里是用来检索字节数据的,因此这里的MPT实际上是一个16叉树,分别代表0x0 - 0xf。


  • 空节点(NULL)
  • 分支节点(branch node):17个分 ,包含16个bytes(0x0-0xf)以及1个value
  • 扩展节点(extension node):只有1个子结点
  • 叶子节点(leaf node):没有子节点,包含1个value






// MPT几种节点结构
type (
    // 分支节点,它的结构体现了原生trie的设计特点
    fullNode struct {
        // 17个子节点,其中16个为0x0-0xf;第17个子节点存放数据
        Children [17]node // Actual trie node data to encode/decode (needs custom encoder)
        // 缓存节点的Hash值,同时标记dirty值来决定节点是否必须写入数据库
        flags    nodeFlag
    // 扩展节点和叶子节点,它的结构体现了PatriciaTrie的设计特点
    // 区别在于扩展节点的value指向下一个节点的hash值(hashNode);叶子节点的value是数据的RLP编码(valueNode)
    shortNode struct {
        Key   []byte
        Val   node
        flags nodeFlag
    hashNode  []byte
    valueNode []byte


// New creates a trie with an existing root node from db.
// If root is the zero hash or the sha3 hash of an empty string, the
// trie is initially empty and does not require a database. Otherwise,
// New will panic if db is nil and returns a MissingNodeError if root does
// not exist in the database. Accessing the trie loads nodes from db on demand.
func New(root common.Hash, db *Database) (*Trie, error) {
    if db == nil {
        panic("trie.New called without a database")
    trie := &Trie{
        db:           db,
        originalRoot: root,
    // 如果根哈希不为空,说明是从数据库加载一个已经存在的MPT树
    if root != (common.Hash{}) && root != emptyRoot {
        rootnode, err := trie.resolveHash(root[:], nil)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        trie.root = rootnode
    return trie, nil


    insert  MPT树节点的插入操作
    node    当前的节点
    prefix  当前已处理完的key(节点共有的前缀)
    key     当前未处理的key(完整key = prefix + key)
    value   当前插入的值

    bool    返回函数是否改变了MPT树
    node    执行插入后的MPT树根节点
func (t *Trie) insert(n node, prefix, key []byte, value node) (bool, node, error) {
    if len(key) == 0 {
        if v, ok := n.(valueNode); ok {
            return !bytes.Equal(v, value.(valueNode)), value, nil
        return true, value, nil
    switch n := n.(type) {
    case *shortNode:
        // 如果是叶子节点,首先计算共有前缀
        matchlen := prefixLen(key, n.Key)
        // If the whole key matches, keep this short node as is
        // and only update the value.
        // 1.1如果共有前缀和当前的key一样,说明节点已经存在  只更新节点的value即可
        if matchlen == len(n.Key) {
            dirty, nn, err := t.insert(n.Val, append(prefix, key[:matchlen]...), key[matchlen:], value)
            if !dirty || err != nil {
                return false, n, err
            return true, &shortNode{n.Key, nn, t.newFlag()}, nil
        // Otherwise branch out at the index where they differ.
        // 1.2构造形成一个分支节点(fullNode)
        branch := &fullNode{flags: t.newFlag()}
        var err error
        // 1.3将原来的节点拆作新的后缀shortNode插入
        _, branch.Children[n.Key[matchlen]], err = t.insert(nil, append(prefix, n.Key[:matchlen+1]...), n.Key[matchlen+1:], n.Val)
        if err != nil {
            return false, nil, err
        // 1.4将新节点作为shortNode插入
        _, branch.Children[key[matchlen]], err = t.insert(nil, append(prefix, key[:matchlen+1]...), key[matchlen+1:], value)
        if err != nil {
            return false, nil, err
        // Replace this shortNode with the branch if it occurs at index 0.
        // 1.5 如果没有共有的前缀,则新建的分支节点为根节点
        if matchlen == 0 {
            return true, branch, nil
        // Otherwise, replace it with a short node leading up to the branch.
        // 1.6 如果有共有的前缀,则拆分原节点产生前缀叶子节点为根节点
        return true, &shortNode{key[:matchlen], branch, t.newFlag()}, nil

    case *fullNode:
        // 2 若果是分支节点,则直接将新数据插入作为子节点
        dirty, nn, err := t.insert(n.Children[key[0]], append(prefix, key[0]), key[1:], value)
        if !dirty || err != nil {
            return false, n, err
        n = n.copy()
        n.flags = t.newFlag()
        n.Children[key[0]] = nn
        return true, n, nil

    case nil:
        // 3 空节点,直接返回该值得叶子节点作为根节点
        return true, &shortNode{key, value, t.newFlag()}, nil

    case hashNode:
        // We've hit a part of the trie that isn't loaded yet. Load
        // the node and insert into it. This leaves all child nodes on
        // the path to the value in the trie.
        // 4.1哈希节点 表示当前节点还未加载到内存中,首先需要调用resolveHash从数据库中加载节点
        rn, err := t.resolveHash(n, prefix)
        if err != nil {
            return false, nil, err
        // 4.2然后在该节点后插入新节点
        dirty, nn, err := t.insert(rn, prefix, key, value)
        if !dirty || err != nil {
            return false, rn, err
        return true, nn, nil

        panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T: invalid node: %v", n, n))


  • a.在空节点的MPT插入第1个节点node1(b621411,40),由于当前MPT树节点为空,这里走的是代码里的3操作。此时直接返回leafNode1作为根节点,因为当前MPT只有一个叶子节点
leafNode1 b621411 40
  • b.0接着插入第2个节点node2(a543918,100),此时当前的节点为叶子节点node1,这里走的是代码1.2操作。首先需要构造一个分支节点branchNode1:
0 1 2 3 ... a b ... f value
  • b.1然后将原来的节点node1插入到branchNode1(代码1.3操作);并把新的节点插入到branchNode1后(代码1.4操作)。这是递归调用insert函数进入下一步时的当前节点便成为了branchNode1,相当于将问题转换为代码2.
插入node2(a543918, 100)
  • b.2 上面已经知道node1,node2并没有共同前缀。因此,此时代码里走的是1.5将brenchNode1返回作为根节点

  • c.0若此时的node2为(b6a7521, 100),比较node1,node2发现两个节点有共同的前缀b6,此时需要构造一个扩展节点shortNode1(节点value指向下一个节点hash)存储两个节点的共同前缀,然后再构造一个brenchNode2来连接node1,node2

node2(a6a7521, 100)
  • c.1 此时由于拥有共同节点,所以要返回的根节点为原节点拆分的存储共同前缀的节点(代码1.6)


// delete returns the new root of the trie with key deleted.
// It reduces the trie to minimal form by simplifying
// nodes on the way up after deleting recursively.
// 删除节点
func (t *Trie) delete(n node, prefix, key []byte) (bool, node, error) {
    switch n := n.(type) {
    case *shortNode:
        // 如果是叶子节点或扩展节点,首先获取与当前节点的共同前缀
        matchlen := prefixLen(key, n.Key)
        // 删除节点不存在,不需要删除 MPT树不变
        if matchlen < len(n.Key) {
            return false, n, nil // don't replace n on mismatch
        // 删除节点为当前共有节点(即根节点),删除后MPT为空
        if matchlen == len(key) {
            return true, nil, nil // remove n entirely for whole matches
        // The key is longer than n.Key. Remove the remaining suffix
        // from the subtrie. Child can never be nil here since the
        // subtrie must contain at least two other values with keys
        // longer than n.Key.
        // key > n.key,从key中删除剩余的后缀
        // 子节点这里不会为空,因为至少有2个拥有key值得子节点 取其子节点
        dirty, child, err := t.delete(n.Val, append(prefix, key[:len(n.Key)]...), key[len(n.Key):])
        if !dirty || err != nil {
            return false, n, err
        switch child := child.(type) {
        case *shortNode:
            // Deleting from the subtrie reduced it to another
            // short node. Merge the nodes to avoid creating a
            // shortNode{..., shortNode{...}}. Use concat (which
            // always creates a new slice) instead of append to
            // avoid modifying n.Key since it might be shared with
            // other nodes.
            return true, &shortNode{concat(n.Key, child.Key...), child.Val, t.newFlag()}, nil
            return true, &shortNode{n.Key, child, t.newFlag()}, nil

    case *fullNode:
        dirty, nn, err := t.delete(n.Children[key[0]], append(prefix, key[0]), key[1:])
        if !dirty || err != nil {
            return false, n, err
        n = n.copy()
        n.flags = t.newFlag()
        n.Children[key[0]] = nn

        // Check how many non-nil entries are left after deleting and
        // reduce the full node to a short node if only one entry is
        // left. Since n must've contained at least two children
        // before deletion (otherwise it would not be a full node) n
        // can never be reduced to nil.
        // When the loop is done, pos contains the index of the single
        // value that is left in n or -2 if n contains at least two
        // values.
        pos := -1
        for i, cld := range n.Children {
            if cld != nil {
                if pos == -1 {
                    pos = i
                } else {
                    pos = -2
        if pos >= 0 {
            if pos != 16 {
                // If the remaining entry is a short node, it replaces
                // n and its key gets the missing nibble tacked to the
                // front. This avoids creating an invalid
                // shortNode{..., shortNode{...}}.  Since the entry
                // might not be loaded yet, resolve it just for this
                // check.
                cnode, err := t.resolve(n.Children[pos], prefix)
                if err != nil {
                    return false, nil, err
                if cnode, ok := cnode.(*shortNode); ok {
                    k := append([]byte{byte(pos)}, cnode.Key...)
                    return true, &shortNode{k, cnode.Val, t.newFlag()}, nil
            // Otherwise, n is replaced by a one-nibble short node
            // containing the child.
            return true, &shortNode{[]byte{byte(pos)}, n.Children[pos], t.newFlag()}, nil
        // n still contains at least two values and cannot be reduced.
        return true, n, nil

    case valueNode:
        return true, nil, nil

    case nil:
        return false, nil, nil

    case hashNode:
        // We've hit a part of the trie that isn't loaded yet. Load
        // the node and delete from it. This leaves all child nodes on
        // the path to the value in the trie.
        rn, err := t.resolveHash(n, prefix)
        if err != nil {
            return false, nil, err
        dirty, nn, err := t.delete(rn, prefix, key)
        if !dirty || err != nil {
            return false, rn, err
        return true, nn, nil

        panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T: invalid node: %v (%v)", n, n, key))


// Get returns the value for key stored in the trie.
// The value bytes must not be modified by the caller.
// 获取MPT上存储的数据
func (t *Trie) Get(key []byte) []byte {
    res, err := t.TryGet(key)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled trie error: %v", err))
    return res

// TryGet returns the value for key stored in the trie.
// The value bytes must not be modified by the caller.
// If a node was not found in the database, a MissingNodeError is returned.
// 获取MPT上存储的数据
func (t *Trie) TryGet(key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    key = keybytesToHex(key)
    value, newroot, didResolve, err := t.tryGet(t.root, key, 0)
    if err == nil && didResolve {
        t.root = newroot
    return value, err

// 遍历MPT节点
func (t *Trie) tryGet(origNode node, key []byte, pos int) (value []byte, newnode node, didResolve bool, err error) {
    switch n := (origNode).(type) {
    case nil:
        return nil, nil, false, nil
    case valueNode:
        return n, n, false, nil
    case *shortNode:
        // key不存在
        if len(key)-pos < len(n.Key) || !bytes.Equal(n.Key, key[pos:pos+len(n.Key)]) {
            // key not found in trie
            return nil, n, false, nil
        // 扩展节点继续递归找到叶子节点
        value, newnode, didResolve, err = t.tryGet(n.Val, key, pos+len(n.Key))
        if err == nil && didResolve {
            n = n.copy()
            n.Val = newnode
            n.flags.gen = t.cachegen
        return value, n, didResolve, err
    case *fullNode:
        // 递归寻找叶子节点
        value, newnode, didResolve, err = t.tryGet(n.Children[key[pos]], key, pos+1)
        if err == nil && didResolve {
            n = n.copy()
            n.flags.gen = t.cachegen
            n.Children[key[pos]] = newnode
        return value, n, didResolve, err
    case hashNode:
        // hash节点,先从数据库里加载出当前节点再继续寻找
        child, err := t.resolveHash(n, key[:pos])
        if err != nil {
            return nil, n, true, err
        value, newnode, _, err := t.tryGet(child, key, pos)
        return value, newnode, true, err
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T: invalid node: %v", origNode, origNode))



序列化主要是用来把内存中的数据放到数据库中,反序列化则反之。以太坊 MPT的序列化主要用到了Compat编码和RLP编码。


Compat编码,又叫hex prefix编码(HP),它是基于hex编码。所以首先要明白Hex编码是怎么一回事。

Hex编码:当[key, value]数据插入MPT时,这里的key必须经过特殊编码以保证能以16进制形式按位进入fullNode.Children[]。由于Children数组最多容纳16个字节点,所以以太坊这里定义了Hex编码方式将1bytes的字符大小限制在4bit(16进制)以内。trie给出的Hex编码方式如下:



  • 1.将1个byte的高低4bit分别放到2个byte里,形成新的byte[]
  • 2.在新byte[]后再追加1个byte来标记当前byte[]为Hex格式




  • 1.将Hex格式的尾部标记byte去掉,然后将每2nibble的数据合并到1个byte

  • 2.判断Hex编码长度,如果输入 Hex 格式字符串有效长度为偶数,偶数标志位0010,这样新增1byte来放置compat标志位就为00100000;反之将Hex字符串第一个nibble放置在标记位低4bit,加上奇数标志位0011的compat标志位就为0011xxxx。


// Trie keys are dealt with in three distinct encodings:
// KEYBYTES encoding contains the actual key and nothing else. This encoding is the
// input to most API functions.
// HEX encoding contains one byte for each nibble of the key and an optional trailing
// 'terminator' byte of value 0x10 which indicates whether or not the node at the key
// contains a value. Hex key encoding is used for nodes loaded in memory because it's
// convenient to access.
// COMPACT encoding is defined by the Ethereum Yellow Paper (it's called "hex prefix
// encoding" there) and contains the bytes of the key and a flag. The high nibble of the
// first byte contains the flag; the lowest bit encoding the oddness of the length and
// the second-lowest encoding whether the node at the key is a value node. The low nibble
// of the first byte is zero in the case of an even number of nibbles and the first nibble
// in the case of an odd number. All remaining nibbles (now an even number) fit properly
// into the remaining bytes. Compact encoding is used for nodes stored on disk.
// Hex编码串转化为Compact编码
func hexToCompact(hex []byte) []byte {
    // 如果最后一位是16,terminator为1,否则为0
    terminator := byte(0)
    // 包含terminator的节点为叶子节点
    if hasTerm(hex) {
        terminator = 1
        // 1.0将Hex格式的尾部标记byte去掉
        hex = hex[:len(hex)-1]
    // 定义Compat字节数组
    buf := make([]byte, len(hex)/2+1)
    // 标志位默认
    buf[0] = terminator << 5 // the flag byte
    if len(hex)&1 == 1 {
        // 如果Hex长度为奇数,修改标志位为odd flag
        buf[0] |= 1 << 4 // odd flag
        // 然后把第1个nibble放入buf[0]低四位
        buf[0] |= hex[0] // first nibble is contained in the first byte
        hex = hex[1:]
    // 1.1然后将每2nibble的数据合并到1个byte
    decodeNibbles(hex, buf[1:])
    return buf
// Compact编码转化为Hex编码串
func compactToHex(compact []byte) []byte {
    base := keybytesToHex(compact)
    // delete terminator flag

      00000000  扩展节点偶数位
      00000001  扩展节点奇数位
      00000010  叶子节点偶数位
      00000011  叶子节点偶数位

    if base[0] < 2 {
        // 如果是扩展节点,去除最后一位
        base = base[:len(base)-1]
    // apply odd flag
    // 如果是偶数位chop=2,否则chop=1
    chop := 2 - base[0]&1
    return base[chop:]

// 将key字符串进行Hex编码
func keybytesToHex(str []byte) []byte {
    l := len(str)*2 + 1
    var nibbles = make([]byte, l)
    for i, b := range str {
        nibbles[i*2] = b / 16
        nibbles[i*2+1] = b % 16
    //末尾加入Hex标志位16 00010000
    nibbles[l-1] = 16
    return nibbles

// hexToKeybytes turns hex nibbles into key bytes.
// This can only be used for keys of even length.
// 将hex编码解码转为key字符串
func hexToKeybytes(hex []byte) []byte {
    if hasTerm(hex) {
        hex = hex[:len(hex)-1]
    if len(hex)&1 != 0 {
        panic("can't convert hex key of odd length")
    key := make([]byte, len(hex)/2)
    decodeNibbles(hex, key)
    return key

func decodeNibbles(nibbles []byte, bytes []byte) {
    for bi, ni := 0, 0; ni < len(nibbles); bi, ni = bi+1, ni+2 {
        bytes[bi] = nibbles[ni]<<4 | nibbles[ni+1]

// prefixLen returns the length of the common prefix of a and b.
func prefixLen(a, b []byte) int {
    var i, length = 0, len(a)
    if len(b) < length {
        length = len(b)
    for ; i < length; i++ {
        if a[i] != b[i] {
    return i

// hasTerm returns whether a hex key has the terminator flag.
func hasTerm(s []byte) bool {
    return len(s) > 0 && s[len(s)-1] == 16


hex char bits node path length
0 0000 extension even(偶数)
1 0001 extension even(偶数)
2 0010 leaf(terminator) odd(奇数)
3 0011 leaf odd(奇数)



func TestInsert(t *testing.T) {

    // 1.创建一个空的MPT树
    trie := newEmpty()

    updateString(trie, "doe", "reindeer")
    updateString(trie, "dog", "puppy")
    updateString(trie, "dogglesworth", "cat")

    exp := common.HexToHash("8aad789dff2f538bca5d8ea56e8abe10f4c7ba3a5dea95fea4cd6e7c3a1168d3")
    root := trie.Hash()
    if root != exp {
        t.Errorf("exp %x got %x", exp, root)

    trie = newEmpty()
    updateString(trie, "A", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")

    exp = common.HexToHash("d23786fb4a010da3ce639d66d5e904a11dbc02746d1ce25029e53290cabf28ab")
    // 2.调用Commit函数进行序列化
    root, err := trie.Commit(nil)
    if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("commit error: %v", err)
    if root != exp {
        t.Errorf("exp %x got %x", exp, root)
// Commit writes all nodes to the trie's memory database, tracking the internal
// and external (for account tries) references.
// 序列化MPT树,并将所有节点数据存储到数据库中
func (t *Trie) Commit(onleaf LeafCallback) (root common.Hash, err error) {
    if t.db == nil {
        panic("commit called on trie with nil database")
    // 3.折叠MPT节点的实现
    hash, cached, err := t.hashRoot(t.db, onleaf)
    if err != nil {
        return common.Hash{}, err
    t.root = cached
    return common.BytesToHash(hash.(hashNode)), nil

// 折叠MPT节点的实现
func (t *Trie) hashRoot(db *Database, onleaf LeafCallback) (node, node, error) {
    if t.root == nil {
        return hashNode(emptyRoot.Bytes()), nil, nil
    h := newHasher(t.cachegen, t.cachelimit, onleaf)
    defer returnHasherToPool(h)
    // 4.将节点进行哈希
    return h.hash(t.root, db, true)


// hash collapses a node down into a hash node, also returning a copy of the
// original node initialized with the computed hash to replace the original one.
// 将节点向下折叠为hash node,同时返回用计算出的散列初始化的原始节点的副本以替换原始节点。
    node    MPT根节点
    db      存储的数据库
    force   true 当节点的RLP字节长度小于32也对节点的RLP进行hash计算
    node    入参n经过哈希折叠后的hashNode
    node    hashNode被赋值了的同时未被哈希折叠的入参n
func (h *hasher) hash(n node, db *Database, force bool) (node, node, error) {
    // If we're not storing the node, just hashing, use available cached data
    if hash, dirty := n.cache(); hash != nil {
        if db == nil {
            return hash, n, nil
        // 移除节点 当trie.cachegen-node.cachegen > cachelimit
        if n.canUnload(h.cachegen, h.cachelimit) {
            // Unload the node from cache. All of its subnodes will have a lower or equal
            // cache generation number.
            return hash, hash, nil
        if !dirty {
            return hash, n, nil
    // Trie not processed yet or needs storage, walk the children
    // 将所有子节点替换成他们的Hash
    collapsed, cached, err := h.hashChildren(n, db)
    if err != nil {
        return hashNode{}, n, err
    // 将所有节点都换算完hash的hashNode存入数据库
    hashed, err := h.store(collapsed, db, force)
    if err != nil {
        return hashNode{}, n, err
    // Cache the hash of the node for later reuse and remove
    // the dirty flag in commit mode. It's fine to assign these values directly
    // without copying the node first because hashChildren copies it.
    cachedHash, _ := hashed.(hashNode)
    switch cn := cached.(type) {
    case *shortNode:
        cn.flags.hash = cachedHash
        if db != nil {
            cn.flags.dirty = false
    case *fullNode:
        cn.flags.hash = cachedHash
        if db != nil {
            cn.flags.dirty = false
    return hashed, cached, nil

// hashChildren replaces the children of a node with their hashes if the encoded
// size of the child is larger than a hash, returning the collapsed node as well
// as a replacement for the original node with the child hashes cached in.
// 把所有的子节点替换成他们的hash,可以看到cache变量接管了原来的Trie树的完整结构
// collapsed变量把子节点替换成子节点的hash值。
func (h *hasher) hashChildren(original node, db *Database) (node, node, error) {
    var err error

    switch n := original.(type) {
    case *shortNode:
        // Hash the short node's child, caching the newly hashed subtree
        // 当前节点为叶子节点或扩展节点,将collapsed.Key从Hex编码转换为Compat编码
        collapsed, cached := n.copy(), n.copy()
        collapsed.Key = hexToCompact(n.Key)
        cached.Key = common.CopyBytes(n.Key)

        if _, ok := n.Val.(valueNode); !ok {
            collapsed.Val, cached.Val, err = h.hash(n.Val, db, false)
            if err != nil {
                return original, original, err
        return collapsed, cached, nil

    case *fullNode:
        // Hash the full node's children, caching the newly hashed subtrees
        collapsed, cached := n.copy(), n.copy()

        // 分支节点,遍历将子节点全换成子节点的hash值
        for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
            if n.Children[i] != nil {
                collapsed.Children[i], cached.Children[i], err = h.hash(n.Children[i], db, false)
                if err != nil {
                    return original, original, err
        cached.Children[16] = n.Children[16]
        return collapsed, cached, nil

        // Value and hash nodes don't have children so they're left as were
        // 没有子节点,直接返回
        return n, original, nil

// store hashes the node n and if we have a storage layer specified, it writes
// the key/value pair to it and tracks any node->child references as well as any
// node->external trie references.
// MPT节点存储
func (h *hasher) store(n node, db *Database, force bool) (node, error) {
    // Don't store hashes or empty nodes.
    if _, isHash := n.(hashNode); n == nil || isHash {
        return n, nil
    // Generate the RLP encoding of the node
    // 调用rlp.Encode方法对这个节点进行编码
    if err := rlp.Encode(&h.tmp, n); err != nil {
        panic("encode error: " + err.Error())
    // 如果编码后的值 < 32 并且没有要求强制保存(根节点),直接存储在父节点中
    if len(h.tmp) < 32 && !force {
        return n, nil // Nodes smaller than 32 bytes are stored inside their parent
    // Larger nodes are replaced by their hash and stored in the database.
    // 如果编码后的值 > 32 存储到数据库中
    hash, _ := n.cache()
    if hash == nil {
        hash = h.makeHashNode(h.tmp)

    if db != nil {
        // We are pooling the trie nodes into an intermediate memory cache
        hash := common.BytesToHash(hash)

        // 数据库存储的key为node经过RLP编码后的hash值
        db.insert(hash, h.tmp, n)

        // Track external references from account->storage trie
        if h.onleaf != nil {
            switch n := n.(type) {
            case *shortNode:
                if child, ok := n.Val.(valueNode); ok {
                    h.onleaf(child, hash)
            case *fullNode:
                for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
                    if child, ok := n.Children[i].(valueNode); ok {
                        h.onleaf(child, hash)
    return hash, nil


  • 1.调用hash函数作了三个操作:一是保留了原有的树形结构到cached,二是计算了原有树形结构的hash并把其存到hashed里,三是在有子节点的节点调用了hashChildren函数来递归地将所有子节点变为他们的哈希值。

  • 2.hashChildren用于遍历每一个节点,其中又嵌套调用了hash函数来计算节点的哈希值,hashChildren与hash函数相互调用正好遍历了整个MPT树结构。

  • 3.store函数对节点做RLP编码,并将节点存储到数据库中



// 根据hashNode取出对应的节点
func (t *Trie) resolveHash(n hashNode, prefix []byte) (node, error) {

    hash := common.BytesToHash(n)
    // 通过hash解析出node的RLP值
    if node := t.db.node(hash, t.cachegen); node != nil {
        return node, nil
    return nil, &MissingNodeError{NodeHash: hash, Path: prefix}


// node retrieves a cached trie node from memory, or returns nil if none can be
// found in the memory cache.
// 从内存中检索缓存的MPT节点,如果在内存缓存中找不到任何节点,则返回nil。
func (db *Database) node(hash common.Hash, cachegen uint16) node {
    // Retrieve the node from cache if available
    node := db.nodes[hash]

    if node != nil {
        return node.obj(hash, cachegen)
    // Content unavailable in memory, attempt to retrieve from disk
    enc, err := db.diskdb.Get(hash[:])
    if err != nil || enc == nil {
        return nil

    // 真正根据hash接触node的函数
    return mustDecodeNode(hash[:], enc, cachegen)
func mustDecodeNode(hash, buf []byte, cachegen uint16) node {
    n, err := decodeNode(hash, buf, cachegen)
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %x: %v", hash, err))
    return n
// decodeNode parses the RLP encoding of a trie node.
// 解析MPT节点的RLP编码。
func decodeNode(hash, buf []byte, cachegen uint16) (node, error) {

    if len(buf) == 0 {
        return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    elems, _, err := rlp.SplitList(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode error: %v", err)
    switch c, _ := rlp.CountValues(elems); c {
    // 这里根据rlpList的长度来判断节点类型,2为shortNode,17的话是fullNode
    case 2:
        n, err := decodeShort(hash, elems, cachegen)
        return n, wrapError(err, "short")
    case 17:
        n, err := decodeFull(hash, elems, cachegen)
        return n, wrapError(err, "full")
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of list elements: %v", c)


// 针对shortNode的解码方式
func decodeShort(hash, elems []byte, cachegen uint16) (node, error) {

    // kbuf -- compact key;rest -- 节点的value
    kbuf, rest, err := rlp.SplitString(elems)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    flag := nodeFlag{hash: hash, gen: cachegen}
    // 1.将key从conmpact编码转换为Hex字符串
    key := compactToHex(kbuf)
    // 2.根据是否包含终结符号(16--00010000)来判断是否为叶子节点
    if hasTerm(key) {
        // value node
        // 包含16,是叶子节点
        val, _, err := rlp.SplitString(rest)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid value node: %v", err)
        return &shortNode{key, append(valueNode{}, val...), flag}, nil

    // 3.解析剩下的节点
    r, _, err := decodeRef(rest, cachegen)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, wrapError(err, "val")
    return &shortNode{key, r, flag}, nil
// 解析剩余节点
func decodeRef(buf []byte, cachegen uint16) (node, []byte, error) {
    kind, val, rest, err := rlp.Split(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, buf, err
    switch {
    case kind == rlp.List:
        // 'embedded' node reference. The encoding must be smaller
        // than a hash in order to be valid.
        // 根据RLP编码规则 len(buf) - len(rest)为类型加内容的长度
        if size := len(buf) - len(rest); size > hashLen {
            err := fmt.Errorf("oversized embedded node (size is %d bytes, want size < %d)", size, hashLen)
            return nil, buf, err

        // 递归调用decodeNode解析函数
        n, err := decodeNode(nil, buf, cachegen)
        return n, rest, err
    case kind == rlp.String && len(val) == 0:
        // empty node
        return nil, rest, nil
    case kind == rlp.String && len(val) == 32:
        // 数据类型为hash值,构造一个hashNode返回
        return append(hashNode{}, val...), rest, nil
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid RLP string size %d (want 0 or 32)", len(val))



// Trie is a Merkle Patricia Trie.
// The zero value is an empty trie with no database.
// Use New to create a trie that sits on top of a database.
// Trie is not safe for concurrent use.
// MPT
type Trie struct {
    // 保存节点的数据库
    db           *Database
    // MPT根节点
    root         node
    // MPT根哈希
    originalRoot common.Hash

    // Cache generation values.
    // cachegen increases by one with each commit operation.
    // new nodes are tagged with the current generation and unloaded
    // when their generation is older than than cachegen-cachelimit.
    // cachegen -- Cache generation values,缓存生成值。每次执行commit操作
    //      cachegen都会自增1
    // cachelimit 缓存限制值 
    //      当trie.cachegen-node.cachegen > cachelimit 移除节点
    cachegen, cachelimit uint16



type SecureTrie struct {
    // MPT树
    trie             Trie
    // 缓存key经过keccak256后的哈希值
    hashKeyBuf       [common.HashLength]byte
    // 映射hash值和原有key的关系
    secKeyCache      map[string][]byte
    // self
    secKeyCacheOwner *SecureTrie // Pointer to self, replace the key cache on mismatch





    1. transactionsRoot,交易树
    1. receiptsRoot,收据树
    1. stateRoot,状态树


    1. storageRoot,存储树,它是所有合约数据存储的地方





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