Transitions & Conjunctions
句子中的连接词或字可以帮助段落的连贯性,在这一课中特别介绍一些常见的Transitions & Conjunctions 供大家参考之用。
1) Transitions:
在使用某些转折字时,必须了解标点符号的用法。 例如:若在一句子中使用引申或转折意思,如下列所示,便要用分号和逗号。
For example:
You cannot go to the beach because it is raining heavily; moreover, you haven't finished your homework.
For example:
I studied Japanese for four years in college. Nevertheless, I had trouble talking with people when I was traveling in Japan.
2) Coordinate Conjunctions
记住这两个英文字:FAN BOYS,便会受用无穷,它们选取七个Coordinate Conjunctions 的第一个字母组合,即:for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
3) Subordinate Conjunctions
Choose one of the following topics and develop a paragraph. When you have finished writing, give it to a friend or classmate to read and review. Use the following questions to respond to each other's writing.
Review Checklist
Review Questions:
1) What is the topic of the paragraph? Is it narrowed down enough?
2) What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
3) What is the controlling idea of the paragraph? Is it clear and focused? Do you have any suggestions for improving the controlling idea?
4) Is the paragraph unified? Do all of the sentences support the controlling idea? If not, point out sentences that are irrelevant.
5) Is the paragraph coherent? Are the ideas logically arranged? Does the paragraph flow smoothly? If not, suggest ways to improve coherence.
6) What is the most interesting part of the paragraph?
7)What has the writer done well?