Due to the occurence of modern social media, we are entering an era of information explosion. Some politic issues are first been seen by public on the Internet not TV anymore. So we can find out that there is a tendency that students are more interested in politics than in the past.
Firstly, instead of studing their academics for all day long, students currently are more enjoying the democratic rights to express their own opinions toward the politics news. Whatever big news happened, students want to get involved in the heated discussion, just like they want to show that they're not out of date and are always caring about the society and world. For example, in the past in China, it's prevailing that studens are immersed in studying their compulsary education. Few time was left to them to care about the surrounding politic affairs, not to mention the world politic affairs. However, things change now. Students now have more time to care about the news happened worldwide. Take the Diaoyu Island for example, students in China not only read the news on newspapers but also are encouraged to discuss the political stand Chinese students should take towards these affairs.
Secondly, thanks to the rapid development of social media platforms and Internet, students are now easily accessible to the latest news around the world. They have various platforms to express their feelings and opinions towards the news. There are a lot of platforms students usually use such as Weibo,wechat and facebook. Actually the cost of expressing online is so few that everyone can make some comments to the politics as long as he can be accessed to Internet. The strongest testimony is that millions of students comment on the news issued online and share their opinions publicily. Everyone is showing their preference of choosing which precident during the president election.
Third, governments are willing to hear the voices of people, including students. Nowadays we are living in a democratic society and the policy and regulations need to be evaluated when the regulations are implemented. The authourity can hardly know the effects of newest policies and regulations if the public don't make any feedback. It's obvious that students also are the group of people who are enjoying the policies and their voices are also needed to be heard especially when the policy is about the education. So there is a positive cycle between the authority and students. Students are more wiiling and dare to express their opinions.
In a nutshell, thanks to the more and more democratic atmosphere as well as the prevalance of social media development and easy access to the Internet, students are more interested to politics than in the past.