前言: 艾米·佩雷斯 (Emmy Perez)是美国当代诗人,任教大学。两个月前,与艾米,还有另外几名作家教授一起共用晚餐,提及将其诗作译作中文,她欣然应允。后,聊天甚欢。是以为记。
The Room
Emmy Perez
She is afraid to die today because her room is disheveled. They will open her, re-create her life on a chart. Scars on her arm from outdated immunizations; the size of brain; the last meal she ate; the color of ink in her irises; the flesh of her last lover underneath her fingernails; the traces of all pastlovers in the vessel of her body, the ravines transporting all their fluids, flowing Pacific or Atlantic according to the Continental Divide; the diseasesher organs suffered; the quality of her blood pumped from the kettle of herheart; everything unnecessary scooped out: eggs, liver, lungs, heart. Is afraid of leaving today because her room is disheveled: photos, letters, numerous lovers, medicine, journal entries. Cannot leave today. Looks both ways before crossing the street and returns inside to the evidence.
(Solstice, page 15)
作者:艾米·佩雷斯 / 译者:淡西
( 《至日》第15页)