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How does the metal batsuit shown in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016 movie) trailer help to combat Superman?
The suit in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" looks a lot like the power armor suit in Frank Miller's graphic novel "The Dark Knight Returns".
在蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明出现的蝙蝠装看起来很像 Frank Miller 的漫画“黑暗骑士崛起”中出现的动力装甲。
The suit is similar to Iron Man's armor. It gives Batman greater strength and added protection. In "The Dark Knight Returns" he stood toe-to-toe with Superman, and even defeated him, with the help of a kryptonite arrow fired by Green Arrow.
We know that "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" director Zack Snyder is drawing directly from "The Dark Knight Returns" graphic novel because he's told us so in an interview with "Popcorn Magazine."
我们知道在 "Popcorn Magazine" 的一个访谈中,蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明的导演 Zack Snyder 表示这部电影直接参考了“黑暗骑士崛起”这部漫画。
Batman Vs. Superman Will Be Influenced By The Dark Knight Returns - IGN
If you compare the below image from "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" with the comic frame from "The Dark Knight Returns" above, you can see a lot of similarities with the design.
I would expect the fight, the reasons for the fight and the resolution to be quite different than "The Dark Knight Returns" however. We'll have to wait until the film comes out to know what this version of Batman's power armor does.