1.What does this section say?
This section mainly tells about haw’s mind when he waslooking for new cheese in the maze and still hadn’t any great progress. Althoughhe couldn’t find more cheese, haw regretted not having made this step earlierand was glad to start Haw looked back on things and realized the change on cheesein cheese station C had happened but they didn’t find it until there wasnothing left. So haw wrote on the wall of the Maze: Smell Your Cheese Often SoYou Know When It Is Getting Old.
2.What does this section mean for you? Give astory from your life.
The two sentences that impressed me in this section are “Betterlate than never” and “Smell you cheese often”. And I’m going to talk about theformer.
It is pretty right that “Better late than never” when itcomes to stepping out of comfort zone for me. I think that it never be late aslong as you can realize it’s time to change and take actions rapidly after it. Mostof us failed in the second step, in other words we realized our weakness butcouldn’t make change right now.
Sometimes I would find I didn’t do well in one area and I know I have to learn more and improve my ability. But I couldn't always get started right now. The more I procrastinate, the more I worry about not succeeding. Whenexternal pressure forced me to do it, I realized that I could do it as long as Istart to do. Especially when I see this sentence in the article, it has a greatresonance.