在info.plist文件中设置Required background modes添加
- App communicates using CoreBluetooth (客户端)
- App shares data using CoreBluetooth (服务端)
target - signing&Capabilities - background modes
检查一下是否自动勾选了 如果没有则手动添加并勾选
target - signing&Capabilities - background modes
- User Bluetooth LE accessories
- Acts as a Bluetooth LE
声明方式:增加UIBackgroundModes 键,并增加包含下列字符串的array值。
• bluetooth-central— 客户端
The app communicates with Bluetooth low energy peripherals
using the Core Bluetooth framework.
• bluetooth-peripheral— 服务端
The app shares data using the Core Bluetooth framework
当我们需要开发的蓝牙 只是客户端 例如连接扫描打印机在后台读写的时候