“Few of us now have seen the stars as folk saw them then— our cities and towns cast too much light into the night—but, from the village of Wall, the stars were laid out like worlds or like ideas, uncountable as the trees in a forest or the leaves on a tree. Tristan would stare into the darkness of the sky until he thought of nothing at all, and then he would go back to his bed, and sleep like a dead man.
他爱上了镇子上的美丽姑娘Victoria Forester,在一个寒冷的晚上,在星光下,害羞的小T终于他终于勇敢地向她心爱的姑娘表白。无论小T说什么样的,Victoria都不为所动。小T见一颗流星划过,落向东方,竞然大胆地说:“为了你的吻和誓言我愿意为你带回那颗流星!”
1. bolt
“...the cat yowled, bolted through the door and was off into the dusk”
在文中是动词,意思是run away suddenly out of control失控逃走
eg. the horses shied and bolted.
2. goad
rovoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction
刺激; 激怒, 惹恼; 驱使:
“Louisa, his sister, would needle him about this as they walked to the village school in the morning, as she would goad him about so many other things: ”
3. heart-shape face
4. cross
The village of Wall watched the battle of wills with fascination, wondering what the outcome would be, for no one crossed Bridget Forester:
反对;拒绝;If you cross someone who is likely to get angry, you oppose them or refuse to do what they want.
5. forward
“Would you think it forward of me to kiss you?”
这里的forward是 bold or familiar in manner, especially in a presumptuous way 鲁莽的, 冒失的; 放肆的。
1. Five girls sat beside, and upon the branches of, the oldest apple tree in the orchard, its huge trunk making a fine seat and support; and whenever the May breeze blew, the pink blossoms tumbled down like snow, coming to rest in their hair and on their skirts. The afternoon sunlight dappled green and silver and gold through the leaves in the apple orchard.
3. There is nothing I would not do for your kiss, no mountain I would not scale, no river I would not ford, no desert I would not cross.