疫苗接种本 vaccine booklet
这是你的疫苗接种本。This is your vaccine booklet.
上面有你的接种信息对吗?and you can see your information on it right?
我们拿着疫苗本要去打防疫针。so that means we're going to the doctor's to get a shot.
没事的,宝宝。it's okay baby.
只有一点点疼,就像被掐一下一样。it might hurt a little, but it's just like kind of pinch.
特别快就完事了。and it'll be really fast.
保证,很快就好了。I promise baby.You will be fine.
妈妈全程都陪着你。Mommy will be there with you all the time.
你坐妈妈腿上,我拉着你的手。you can sit on my lap and I'll hold your hand.
特别快一下下就好了。and it'll be over before you know it.
我知道,妈妈也不喜欢打针。i know. Even Mommy doesn't want to get a shot either.
疫苗可以让我们健康、少生病。but the shot can keep you healthy.
it can help you from getting sick.
it's just like a pinch.就像被拧一下一。
just like this hurt. I'll show you.就像这样一点点疼,你看。
it's just like a mosquito bite.蚊子叮一下似的。
it's just like a pinch.
look your daddy is checking in.爸爸在登记信息
and we're waiting for our turn.我们在排队
your daddy is confirming 核对your information.
you don't wanna get a shot.
i know that.
see,it's not a big deal.看吧?不是什么大事
let's leave here.
are you happy right now?
let's go.
you say I don't need to get a shot.