1、 Grow up [ɡroʊ ʌp]:成长,长大 Example sentence: I want to be a doctor when I grow up (我长大后想当医生。)
2、 Mature [məˈtjʊr]:成熟 Example sentence: She has always been mature for her age (她一直都比同龄人更成熟。)
3、 Develop [dɪˈvɛləp]:发育,成长 Example sentence: The seeds will develop into plants if you water them regularly (如果定期浇水,种子就会长成植物。)
4、 Come of age [kʌm əv eɪdʒ]:成年 Example sentence: In many cultures, people are considered adults when they come of age (在许多文化中,人们被认为是成年人当他们达到法定年龄。)
5、 Reach adulthood [riːtʃ ədʌlthood]:达到成年 Example sentence: At 18 years old, you legally reach adulthood and can vote (18岁时,你合法达到成年并可以投票。)
6、 Come into one's own [kʌm ˈɪntuː wʌnz əʊn]:发挥才华,成为自己 Example sentence: It took her years to come into her own as a writer (她花了多年时间才成为一名出色的作家。)
7、 Age [eɪdʒ]:年龄增长 Example sentence: As we age, our bodies go through various changes (随着年龄增长,我们的身体会发生各种变化。)
8、 Evolve [ɪˈvɒlv]:逐渐发展,演变 Example sentence: Technology has evolved rapidly in the past decade (在过去的十年里,技术发展迅速。)
9、 Progress [prəˈɡrɛs]:进步,发展 Example sentence: She has made significant progress in her studies (她在学业上取得了显著的进步。)
10、 Advance [ədˈvæns]:取得进步,晋升 Example sentence: He advanced quickly in his career and became a manager (他在职业生涯中进展迅速,成为了一名经理。)
11、 Blossom [ˈblɒsəm]:开花,成长 Example sentence: With hard work and dedication, she blossomed into a successful businesswoman (凭借努力和奉献精神,她成长为一位成功的女商人。)
12、 Thrive [θraɪv]:繁荣,兴旺 Example sentence: The company thrived under his leadership (在他的领导下,公司蓬勃发展。)
13、 Maturity [məˈtjʊərɪti]:成熟 Example sentence: His maturity and wisdom impressed everyone around him(他的成熟和智慧给周围的人留下了深刻的印象。)
14、 Reach one's full potential [riːtʃ wʌnz fʊl pəˈtɛnʃəl]:发挥出全部潜力 Example sentence: With proper training and support, she was able to reach her full potential(在得到适当的培训和支持下,她能够发挥出全部的潜力。)
15、 Develop into [dɪˈvɛləp ˈɪntuː]:发展成为 Example sentence: The small startup developed into a multinational corporation(这家小企业发展成了一家跨国公司。)
16、 Transform [trænsˈfɔːrm]:转变,改造 Example sentence: The neighborhood has transformed over the years into a vibrant community(这个社区多年来发生了转变,成为了一个充满活力的社区。)
17、 Expand [ɪkˈspænd]:扩大,增长 Example sentence: The business expanded rapidly and opened branches in multiple cities(这家公司迅速扩大规模,在多个城市开设分支机构。)
18、 Ripen [ˈraɪpən]:成熟 Example sentence: The fruits need a few more days to ripen fully(这些水果还需要几天才能完全成熟。)
19、 Attain [əˈteɪn]:达到,获得 Example sentence: After years of hard work, she attained her goal of becoming a published author(经过多年的努力,她实现了成为一名出版作家的目标。)
20、 Come of age [kʌm əv eɪdʒ]:达到法定年龄 Example sentence: In many countries, people come of age when they turn 18(在许多国家,人们在18岁时就达到法定年龄。)
21、 Blossom into [ˈblɒsəm ˈɪntuː]:开花成长 Example sentence: With proper guidance, the young artist blossomed into a renowned painter (在得到适当的指导下,这位年轻的艺术家成长为一位著名的画家。)
22、 Advance in age [ədˈvæns ɪn eɪdʒ]:年龄增长 Example sentence: As we advance in age, our priorities and perspectives might change (随着我们年龄的增长,我们的优先事项和观点可能会改变。)
23、 Transform into [trænsˈfɔːrm ˈɪntuː]:转变成为 Example sentence: The caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly (毛毛虫变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。)
24、 Mature into [məˈtjʊər ˈɪntuː]:成熟为 Example sentence: With experience and learning, he matured into a responsible leader (凭借经验和学习,他成熟为一位负责任的领导人。)
25、 Unfurl [ʌnˈfɜːrl]:展开,展示 Example sentence: Over time, her talents and abilities unfurled for the world to see (随着时间的推移,她的才能和能力展示给了世界。)
26、 Excel [ɪkˈsɛl]:出色,超过 Example sentence: Through hard work and dedication, she excelled in her career (凭借努力和奉献精神,她在职业生涯中取得了出色的成绩。)
27、 Reach new heights [riːtʃ njuː haɪts]:达到新高度 Example sentence: Their collaboration allowed them to reach new heights in their respective fields (他们的合作让他们在各自的领域中达到了新的高度。)
28、 Evolve into [ɪˈvɒlv ˈɪntuː]:逐渐发展成为 Example sentence: The simple idea evolved into a groundbreaking invention (这个简单的想法逐渐发展成了一项开创性的发明。)
29、 Grow into [ɡroʊ ˈɪntuː]:渐渐长大成为 Example sentence: He grew into a confident and capable individual (他逐渐成长为一位自信而有能力的人。)
30、 Come into maturity [kʌm ɪntuː məˈtjʊərɪti]:进入成熟期 Example sentence: It takes time for individuals to come into maturity and understand themselves better(个人进入成熟期并更好地理解自己需要时间。)
31、 Embrace adulthood [ɪmˈbreɪs əˈdʌlthood]:迎接成年 Example sentence: As they embrace adulthood, they face new responsibilities and challenges(随着他们迎接成年,他们面对新的责任和挑战。)
32、 Attain adulthood [əˈteɪn əˈdʌlthood]:成年 Example sentence: Once they attain adulthood, they are legally responsible for their own decisions(一旦他们成年,他们在法律上对自己的决定负责。)
33、 Step into adulthood [stɛp ˈɪntuː əˈdʌlthood]:踏入成年 Example sentence: Graduation marks the moment students step into adulthood and begin their professional journeys(毕业标志着学生踏入成年并开始他们的职业道路。)
34、 Grow older [ɡroʊ ˈoʊldər]:年龄增长 Example sentence: with each passing year, we grow older and wiser(随着岁月的流逝,我们变得更年长也更加智慧。)
35、 Transition to adulthood [trænˈzɪʃən tuː əˈdʌlthood]:进入成年阶段 Example sentence: The transition to adulthood can be challenging as individuals navigate their way through new responsibilities(进入成年阶段对个人来说可能是具有挑战性的,因为他们在新的责任中寻找自己的道路。)
36、 Achieve maturity [əˈtʃiːv məˈtjʊərɪti]:达到成熟 Example sentence: Through life experiences, one can achieve maturity and gain a deeper understanding of the world(通过生活的经历,人们可以达到成熟并对世界有更深入的理解。)
37、 Go through the stages of growing up [ɡoʊ θruː ðə ˈsteɪʤɪz əv ˈɡroʊɪŋ ʌp]:经历成长的阶段 Example sentence: From childhood to adolescence to adulthood, everyone goes through the stages of growing up(从童年到青春期再到成年,每个人都经历成长的阶段。)
38、 Become of age [bɪˈkʌm əv eɪʤ]:成年 Example sentence: When individuals become of age, they gain certain legal rights and responsibilities(当个人达到法定年龄时,他们获得了特定的法律权利和责任。)
39、 Enter into the adult world [ˈɛntər ɪntuː ði ˈædʌlt wɜrld]:进入成年人的世界 Example sentence: As they graduate from college, they enter into the adult world and face new challenges(毕业后,他们进入成年人的世界,面对新的挑战。)
40、 Evolve and mature [ɪˈvɒlv ænd məˈtjʊər]:演变和成熟 Example sentence: Over time, her ideas and perspectives evolved and matured(随着时间的流逝,她的想法和观点逐渐演变和成熟。)
41、 Transition to independence [trænˈzɪʃən tuː ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns]:转变为独立 Example sentence: Going off to college marks a transition to independence for many young adults(上大学标志着许多年轻人转变为独立的阶段。)
42、 Progress towards adulthood [ˈprəʊɡrɛs twɔːdz əˈdʌlthood]:朝着成年迈进 Example sentence: Through their experiences and challenges, they made progress towards adulthood(通过他们的经历和挑战,他们不断朝着成年迈进。)
43、 Become fully fledged [bɪˈkʌm ˈfʊli flɛdʒd]:成为成熟的 Example sentence: With time and training, he became a fully fledged professional in his field(随着时间和培训,他成为了他领域中成熟的专业人士。)
44、 Attain personal growth [əˈteɪn ˈpɜːrsənl ɡroʊθ]:实现个人成长 Example sentence: Through self-reflection and continuous learning, she attained personal growth(通过自我反思和不断学习,她实现了个人成长。)