personable TEM8 GRE
UK /ˈpɜː.sən.ə.bəl/ US /ˈpɝː.sən.ə.bəl/
adj, Someone who is personable has a pleasant appearance and character.品貌兼优的, 英俊潇洒的
1. Tarantino takes a risk by casting a popular and personable actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, as a plantation owner, then neutralises any possible sympathy by giving him brown teeth.(The Guardian)
2. A gracefully mounted but safe-playing account of Dylan Thomas's 1950 tour of American academia, it nurtures personable performances from Celyn Jones (as Dylan) and Elijah Wood (as his stuffy Ivy League minder) without accumulating much friction between them.(The Guardian)
3. As columnist, comment editor and news editor, he was "popular, personable, unflappable".(The Guardian)
4. But I do remember a very personable, intelligent, inquiring young man.(The Guardian)
5. The smart, personable Green MP simply says her bit, announces there are now 361,736 signatories calling on MPs to reject fracking under homes, then takes the petition into the Commons.(The Guardian)
6. He commended his English golfing descendants for being personable and creative.(The New York Times)
7. He was seen as an expert mentor to younger players with a personable character and a selfless work ethic.(The Guardian)
8. He has never done anything bad, has a talent for music and is personable and kind to his grandmas.(The Guardian)
9. Ms Thorning-Schmidt, who is a daughter-in-law of a one-time British Labour Party leader, Neil Kinnock, is young and personable, but inexperienced.(The Economist)
10. The hope was that squeezing its drug income would force the FARC to negotiate seriously. Mr Pastrana, a personable former television director who speaks flawless English, did a good job selling this plan abroad.(The Economist)
11. To my astonishment, one rejected me on the grounds of being overly personable.(The Economist)
12. The big tournaments require knowledgeable commentators, which means that personable players can forge a second career explaining what's going on.(The Economist)
13. Mr Huntsman is young and personable, a success in business and politics, fluent in Mandarin and Republican.(The Economist)
14. The process is designed to uncover brainy, personable Stakhanovites with steely resilience and the gift of the gab.(The Economist)
personable people, actor, player
"pleasing in one's person, of good appearance," mid-15c., from person + -able, or else from Old French personable. Related: Personably.
amiable, comfortable, genial, gracious, hospitable
unpleasant, unwelcome, abominable, horrid, miserable, wretched, disgusting, abhorrent, hateful, odious,boring, dull, insipid, tedious, displeasing, dissatisfying
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