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Michael Jackson Moonwalker 1989 DVD

Moonwalker poster

中文名稱(Chinese name):


英文名稱(English name):



全體演員和職員(Full Cast & Crew):


傑裏·克萊默(Jerry Kramer)

吉姆·布拉菲爾德(Jim Blashfield)

(episode《讓我一個人呆會兒》 "Leave Me Alone")

科林·奇爾弗斯(Colin Chilvers)

(episode《犯罪高手》"Smooth Criminal")


邁克爾·傑克遜(故事)(Michael Jackson)(story)

(segment《犯罪高手》 "Smooth Criminal")

大衛·紐曼(劇本)(David Newman)(screenplay)

(segment《犯罪高手》 "Smooth Criminal")


邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)[飾演]邁克爾(Michael)

喬·佩斯奇(Joe Pesci)[飾演]大先生(Mr. Big)

肖·恩列儂(Sean Lennon)[飾演]肖恩(Sean)

凱莉·帕克(Kellie Parker)[飾演]凱蒂(Katie)

布蘭登·昆廷·亞當斯(Brandon Quintin Adams)[飾演]齊克“壞寶貝”邁克爾(Zeke 'Baby Bad' Michael)(as Brandon Adams)

本·亞倫(Ben Aaron)[飾演]大師(Maestro)(as Ben Hoag)


布倫特·凱利(Brent Kelly)[飾演]傑伊·奧康納(Jay O'Connor)

Cindera Che [飾演]亞洲女士(Asian Madam)(segment 《犯罪高手》"Smooth Criminal")

加蘭·斯賓塞(Garland Spencer)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)(segment《壞》'Badder')

D.J.德洛斯 (D.J. Dellos)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)(segment《壞》'Badder')

迪倫·斯圖爾特(Dylan Stewart)[飾演]艾倫(Ellan)

雷吉·威廉姆斯(Reggie Williams)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)

迪奧·巴斯科(Dion Basco)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)(segment《壞》'Badder')

埃裏·克瑞恩(Eric Ryan)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)

妮基·考克斯(Nikki Cox)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)(segment《壞》'Badder')

莫麗莎·唐查羅恩(Maurissa Tancharoen)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)(segment《壞》'Badder')(as Maurissa Tancheroen)

金伯利·鄧肯(Kimberly Duncan)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)(segment《壞》'Badder')

蒂莎·塔克(Tisha Tucker)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)

傑梅因·傑克遜二世(Jermaine Jackson II)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)(segment《壞》'Badder') (as Jermaine Jackson Jr.)

特倫斯·威廉斯(Terrance Williams)[飾演]舞者(Dancer)

制作團隊(Production team):


保羅·迪納(Paul Diener)[片段《讓我一個人呆會兒》“Leave Me Alone”]

執行制片人(executive producer):

弗蘭克·迪裏歐(Frank DiLeo)

邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)


丹尼斯E.瓊斯(Dennis E. Jones)

傑裏·克萊默(Jerry Kramer)

在線制片人(line producer)

約翰·羅梅恩(John Romeyn)


布魯斯·布勞頓(Bruce Broughton)

雷村黑斧合唱團(Ladysmith Black Mambazo)


托馬斯E.阿克曼(Thomas E. Ackerman)

羅伯特E.柯林斯(Robert E. Collins)

弗雷德裏克·埃爾姆斯(Frederick Elmes)

約翰·霍拉(John Hora)

藝術指導(Art Direction):

羅素·克裏斯蒂安(Russell Christian)

布賴恩·瓊斯(Bryan Jones)

約翰·沃克(John Walker)

聲音制作部門(Sound Department)

詹姆斯·博爾特(James Bolt)重新錄制混音(re-recording mixer)

瑞安·戴維斯(Ryan Davis)重新錄制混音(re-recording mixer) (2009-5.1 Remix)

查克·菲茨帕特裏克(Chuck Fitzpatrick)聲音合成(sound mixer)

傑弗裏·卡普蘭(Jeffrey Kaplan)錄音師(sound recordist)

萊昂內爾·斯特拉特(Lionel Strutt)配音錄音師(adr mixer)

約翰·文森特(John Vincent)聲音合成(sound mixer)

大衛·威廉斯(David Williams)聲音編輯(sound editor)

音樂部門(Music Department):

馬克·麥肯基(Mark McKenzie)管弦樂隊(orchestrator)

邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)歌曲配音歌手(playback singer)

艾爾·蒂特(Al Teeter)音樂編輯(music editor)(如:阿爾弗雷德 R.蒂特)(as Alfred R. Teeter)

湯姆·博伊德(Tom Boyd)雙簧管獨奏者(oboe soloist)

詹姆斯·撒切爾(James Thatcher)音樂家:法國號角(musician: french horn)

邁克爾·費舍爾(Michael Fisher).音樂家:打擊樂器(musician: percussions)(uncredited)

拍攝與制作(Filming & Production):

拍攝地點(Filming Locations)

為制作第二部分《覺得這很有趣》(2 of 2 found this interesting)

1.布朗斯通大街(Brownstone Street)


3.環球影城 - 100個環球城市廣場(Universal Studios - 100 Universal City Plaza)

4.美國加利福尼亞州環球城市(Universal City, California, USA)

5.美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯市(Los Angeles, California, USA)

為制作第一部分《覺得這很有趣》(1 of 1 found this interesting)

美國加利福尼亞州卡爾弗城(Culver City, California, USA)

卡爾弗工作室- 9336 W.華盛頓大道(Culver Studios - 9336 W. Washington Blvd.,)



Harbor Star Stage, San Pedro, Los Angeles, California, USA (soundstage)

拍攝日期(Filming Dates)

1987年12月 - 1988年1月

制作公司(Production company):

MJJ制作公司(MJJ Productions (presents))

最終產品(Ultimate Productions)

影片類型(Film type):

奇幻/劇情/音樂(Fantasy / story / music)




華納兄弟娛樂公司(Warner Bros. Entertainment)

發布日期(Release date):



影片數目(Number of films):


制片地區(Production area):

美國(United States)



技術規格(Technical Specs):

視頻編解碼器(Video Codec):H264

視頻比特率(Video Bitrate):1027 kb / s

視頻分辨率(Video Resolution):1208x714

音頻編解碼器(Audio Codec):AAC

音頻比特率(Audio BitRate):120kb/s

音頻語言(Audio Languages):英語(English)

字幕(Subtitles):傑特遜工作室制作(Jentson Studio Production)

運行時間(RunTime Per Part):1小時33分鐘(1 hour 33 minutes)

文件大小(Part Size):683 MB

人物簡介(Character synopsis):

邁克爾·約瑟夫·傑克遜(Michael Joseph Jackson)

Michael Joseph Jackson 1958 - 2009

邁克爾·傑克遜(1958年8月29日- 2009年6月25日),美國歌手,作曲家,舞蹈家。他被稱為“流行天王”,是世界上最受歡迎的藝人之一,在他去世的那一年,他是最暢銷的音樂藝術家。傑克遜對音樂、舞蹈和時尚的貢獻以及他所宣傳的個人生活,使他在四十多年的流行文化中成為一個全球人物。

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958– June 25, 2009) was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Dubbed the "King of Pop", he was one of the most popular entertainers in the world, and was the best-selling music artist during the year of his death. Jackson's contributions to music, dance, and fashion along with his publicized personal life made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.

內容簡介(Content synopsis):

中文部分(Chinese part):


一、情節片段(Plot segments):

第一場景:《鏡中人》(Man In The Mirror)


[《鏡中人》(Man In The Mirror)是席依達·蓋瑞特(Siedah Garrett)為邁克爾·傑克遜寫的一首歌,這也是一首關愛世界的歌曲,但它的思想與邁克爾·傑克遜其他此類歌曲《拯救世界》(Heal the world)、《 天下一家》(We are the world)、《他們從不關心我們》(They Don't Care About Us)和《是黑是白》(Black Or White)不同。這首歌呼喚的是,人人都要有自省的精神。這樣才能互相幫助,世界才能更美好。傑克遜曾經親口解釋說:“這首歌想說的要想改變世界,先要改變自己。”《鏡中人》是邁克爾·傑克遜最受好評的歌曲之一,也是最能代表邁克爾·傑克遜傳奇人生的歌曲。譯者注]

Moonwalker - Man In The Mirror



Moonwalker - Retrospective


       “音樂和我”(Music & Me)

       “我希望你回來”(I Want You Back)

       “ABC”(由戴維·丹尼爾斯設計)(ABC)(designed by David Daniels)

       “你的至愛”(The Love You Save)


       “誰在愛著你 ”(Who's Lovin' You)


       “舞蹈機器”(Dancing Machine)

       “怪罪搖擺舞”(Blame It on the Boogie)

       “搖動你的身體(直到倒地)”(Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground))

       “與你共舞”(Rock with You)

       “滿足為止”(Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough)

       “你能感覺到嗎”(Can You Feel It)

       “人之天性”(Human Nature)

       “走開”(Beat It)


       “比利·吉恩”(Billie Jean)

       “震驚狀態”(State of Shock)

       “天下一家”(We Are the World)

       “你讓我感覺到的”(The Way You Make Me Feel)

       “賣弄風情的戴安娜”(Dirty Diana)


Michael Jackson Bad LP, Album Epic Venezuela 1987
Moonwalker - Badder

第三部分是對傑克遜“壞”的標題歌曲音樂視頻的搞笑模仿,這首歌的特點是,孩子們從原來的片段中扮演不同角色的角色。美國男演員和視頻明星布蘭登·昆頓·亞當斯(Brandon Quintin Adams)他也出現在電影《犯罪高手》(Smooth Criminal)片段中,由他飾演年輕的邁克爾·傑克遜,他後來還出演了《階梯下的惡魔》(The People Under the Stairs)、《野鴨變鳳凰》(The Mighty Ducks)和《沙地傳奇》(The Sandlot)。此外,邁克爾的三個侄子傑梅因·拉·約恩·傑克遜(Jermaine La Jaune Jackson, Jr.)和梯基·傑克遜(TJ Jackson)、塔裏爾·傑克遜(Taryll Jackson)以及年輕的尼基·考克斯(Nikki Cox)也在其中飾演角色,後者後來主演了主演的《他們沒有好結局》(Unhappily Ever After)和《拉斯維加斯》(Las Vegas)。歌唱組的男孩們以背景舞者的身份出現。還有《恐怖博士的歡唱博客》(Dr. Horrible Sing-Along Blog)的合作者和《神盾局特工》(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)的共同創作者/聯合執行制片人,美國電視制片人/作家毛麗莎·譚查羅恩(Maurissa Tancharoen),參與了美國兒童媒體專營者(Kidsongs)帶來的舞蹈——《我想成為的!》( What I Want to Be! 1986)和金伯利·鄧肯(Kimberly Duncan)和美國演員兼舞蹈家科麗·泰勒(Cory Tyler)參演的,由美國兒童公司(Kids Incorporated)在第五至第六季(1988-1990)推出的“阿瑪瑞斯“可愛的人” 杜普雷 (Amaris "Ingrid" Dupree)。美國兒童媒體專營者在1989 - 1990年的《孩子》由特倫斯·威廉姆斯(Terrance Williams)出演,還有美國男孩樂隊在兒童歌曲《與動物在一起的一天》(A Day with the Animals 1986)表演,還包括精彩的體育世界(The Wonderful World of Sports 1987),前舞蹈家安吉拉·凱(Angella Kaye)在電影、視頻和節目中客串,還有比拉爾·阿布杜薩馬德(Bilal Abdulsamad),也出現在這一段場景中。

still of brandon quintin adams in the people under the stairs (1991)

[布蘭登·昆頓·亞當斯(Brandon Quintin Adams 1979年8月22日出生)美國電影明星,因在《野鴨變鳳凰》中扮演傑西·霍爾(Jesse Hall)和《沙地傳奇》中飾演肯尼·德內涅斯(Kenny DeNunez)前兩部電影而聞名。他還在1989年的電影《波利》(Polly)中飾演吉米·比恩(Jimmy Bean)。亞當斯也出現在1990年華納公司出品的系列電視喜劇《新鮮王子妙事多》(The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)中飾演馬丁(Martin)。譯者注]

Maurissa Tancharoen at PaleyFest 2014

[毛麗莎·譚查羅恩·惠登(Maurissa Tancharoen Whedon),1975年11月28日生於加州洛杉磯。美國電視制作人/作家、演員、歌手、舞者和詞作者。譚查羅恩的第一個付費劇本是在2001年,當時她向革命工作室出售了一段未命名的廣告,其中兩名亞裔美國聯邦調查局特工通過臥底來調查洛杉磯中南部的一個幫派,他們是韓國雜貨店的店員。她制作的電影作品包括《紐約警探》(NYPD Blue)她是制作人馬克·廷克(Mark Tinker)的助理,以及在布魯克林南部的威廉·M.芬克爾斯坦(William M. Finkelstein)擔任助理,同時還擔任該系列電影《舞出人生》(DanceLife)的聯合執行制片人。作為一名作家和故事編輯人,譚查羅恩一直致力於《神盾局特工》的創作,為美國高級有線和衛星電視網絡的斯塔斯(Starz)的系列劇進行寫作,如斯巴達克斯:競技場之神,美女上錯身,玩偶特工和曇花一現的情景喜劇奧利弗·比恩,她還參與斯巴達克斯:複仇的工作。譯者注]

Artist Cory Tyler

[科裏·泰勒(Cory Tyler)1973年5月25日出生於加州好萊塢,五歲時開始當演員。泰勒是著名喜劇演員和口技演員威利·泰勒(威利·泰勒和萊斯特)的兒子。泰勒曾出演過各種商業廣告、電視節目和電影,其中包括1988年邁克爾·傑克遜的《月球漫步者》和《孩子們》第六季。他最著名的角色是泰倫斯·泰勒在NBC情景喜劇《另一個世界》中的角色。譯者注]

第四場景:《速度之魔》(Speed Demon)

michael jackson speed demon by 0 lunajane 0

[“速度之魔”是美國錄音師邁克爾·傑克遜在他的第七張錄音室專輯“壞(Bad)”中截取的一首歌曲。 由傑克遜撰寫,編輯和共同制作,由昆西·瓊斯(Quincy Jones)負責制作。 “速度惡魔”是一首瘋狂的搖滾歌曲,其歌詞與快速駕駛有關。 這首歌曲於1989年10月12日發行,作為專輯和1988年電影“月球漫步者”的宣傳單曲。 這首歌收到了當代評論家的不同評論。譯者注]

Moonwalker - Speed Demon

第四部分由“壞”的第三部分場景過渡到由動畫創新者威爾·文頓(Will Vinton)執導的,以傑克遜的歌曲《速度之魔》為主題的場景。在拍完《壞》之後,小邁克爾和他的保鏢們(也就是年幼的孩子們)離開片場,穿過一團煙霧,來到他們的青年時代。一個男孩和他的祖母發現了邁克爾,並提示其他的遊客下車,並追逐著他,他們要他給簽名。

為了避免過分狂熱的粉絲(包括帶著相機的日本遊客,他們還帶著千篇一律的“東方”音樂、媒體,甚至是“偏執狂[The Noid]”)再加上一些槍手(在拍攝了一部類似史蒂芬·斯皮爾伯格(Steven Spielberg)導演的電影後,他在拍攝一部西部電影時遇到了困難),傑克遜很快使用一套電影布景中的服裝把自己喬裝成一只名叫斯派克的兔子(用動畫的方式注入了動態效果,出現了類似的組合媒體效果,比如兔子羅傑遇到了陷害,但具有更明顯的藍色情調),但當遊客們意識到這是傑克遜的時候,他就會戲弄粉絲們繼續追逐他。

Domino-s Pizza commercials The Noid Puppet

[這位偏執狂(The Noid)是上世紀八十年代多米諾披薩的廣告形象。這款名為“偏執狂”的披薩餅,將它包裝成穿著一件紅色的、緊身的、帶有兔耳式的身體套裝,上面有一個白色的圓圈,寫著黑色的N字。這是一種身體上的表現,體現了在三十分鐘或更短時間內送披薩所帶來的所有挑戰。譯者注]

Steven Spielberg to direct an adaptation of Roald Dahl’s The BFG

[史蒂芬·斯皮爾伯格(Steven Spielberg)1946年12月18日生於美國俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市,猶太人血統,電影導演、編劇和電影制作人。他的第一部電影是在亞利桑那州斯考茨德爾的一家旅館中拍攝的。13歲時,斯皮爾伯格拍攝了一部戰爭電影《無處容身》在“峽穀影展”中獲獎。1971年,斯皮爾伯格導演了他的第一部電視片《決鬥》。1975年拍攝了電影《大白鯊》,1982年的電影《E.T.》 使斯皮爾伯格首次獲得當年的奧斯卡最佳導演獎提名。1993年斯皮爾伯格執導的《侏羅紀公園》上映。同年憑借電影《辛德勒的名單》獲得奧斯卡最佳影片、 最佳導演等多項大獎;1999年再次憑借電影 《拯救大兵瑞恩》獲得第七十一屆奧斯卡最佳導演等多項大獎,2009年獲得第六十六屆美國電影電視金球獎終身成就獎。2013年《時代》雜志將他列入世紀百大最重要的人物的一員。 2018年3月19日,斯皮爾伯格榮獲2018帝國電影獎終身成就獎。譯者注]

為了逃離,邁克爾偷走了一輛摩托車,還有粉絲和狗仔隊(現在也出現在藍色情調的動畫中)在各種各樣的、更卡通化的車輛中進行追逐。在追逐過程中,他變身成其他名人,比如西爾維斯特·史泰龍(Sylvester Stallone)、蒂娜·特納(Tina Turner)和撒尿小孩赫爾曼(Pee-wee Herman),他們所騎的自行車也曾短暫地變形(變成了一個鑿子、停車標志、滑水板和噴氣背包),並多次試圖把粉絲扔到一邊。經過很長時間的追逐,粉絲們最終撞上了一個巨大(動畫制作)的警察,並被逮捕。邁克爾沒有受到他們的注意,他騎著車進入了沙漠,當太陽升起的時候,他在峽穀裏停了下來,脫掉了“斯派克”服裝。然後,他的“斯派克”服裝出現在了生活中,邁克爾開始與“斯派克”一起表演較長時間的舞蹈。最後,一個路過的交警打斷了邁克爾,指出他違規在一個“不能跳舞的區域”跳舞,當邁克爾轉身向他展示他在和兔子之間看誰跳的更好時,他發現兔子已經不見了。然後警察諷刺地向邁克爾索要親筆簽名(與“簽名”相反的),就在邁克爾准備離開的時候,兔子的頭出現在附近的岩石峭壁上,然後向他點頭微笑。

Still of Sylvester Stallone and Brian Dennehy in First Blood (1982)

[邁克爾·西爾維斯特·恩奇奧·史泰龍(Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone),1946年7月6日出生於美國紐約,美國畫家、演員、編劇、導演及制片人。1970年進入演藝圈。1976年自編自演《洛奇》系列電影首部。1977年憑借電影《洛奇》獲得第四十九屆奧斯卡和第三十四屆美國金球獎最佳男主角和最佳編劇獎提名。1982年自編自演《第一滴血》系列第一部,憑《洛奇》和《第一滴血》兩個動作電影系列成為上世紀八十年代好萊塢動作明星的代表。1984年留名好萊塢星光大道。1992年獲得第十七屆榮譽凱撒獎。2002年被授以“千年動作明星獎”。2003年以《第一滴血》“蘭博”當選美國國家廣播公司評出的“影視作品中的十大鐵血猛男形象”。2009年,威尼斯電影節授予“電影人榮譽最高獎”。2010年獲得好萊塢事業成就獎。2016年12月15日,西爾維斯特·史泰龍榮獲第二十一屆華鼎獎終身成就獎。此外,史泰龍還是一名抽象派畫家,曾在俄羅斯博物館、巴塞爾藝術博覽會等多個藝術展覽會開辦個人畫展,作品包括《朋友之死》、《尋找洛奇》和《大力神鐘點》等表象主義畫作。譯者注]

Tina Turner Feet

[蒂娜·特納(Tina Turner),原名安娜·梅·布洛克(Anna Mae Bullock),1939年11月26日出生於美國田納西州,瑞士籍美國歌手、女演員。從五十年代末作為“Ike & Tina Turner Revue”組合的主唱踏上舞臺進行表演開始,她的每一個毛孔就散發出性感的魅力。在她長達五十多年的演藝生涯中,憑借無數獎項的肯定以及對搖滾領域的貢獻,被人稱為搖滾女王。作為世界上最知名的流行藝人,特納被認作為最成功的女性搖滾藝術家,更並被滾石雜志稱作為史上最偉大的歌手之一。她的專輯與單曲唱片總計已經在世界上銷售了超過一億八千萬張。而她演唱會所售出的門票,也是史上獨唱藝人中最多的。她那永遠充沛的舞臺活力,辨識度極高的雄厚嗓音,長青的職業狀態,以及在各個年齡層中所受到的喜愛,均聞名於全世界。譯者注]

Paul Reubens in character as Pee-wee Herman at the 1988 Academy Awards

[撒尿小孩赫爾曼(Pee-wee Herman)是由美國喜劇演員保羅·魯本斯(Paul Reubens)創作和塑造的喜劇人物。他最出名的是他在二十世紀八十年代的兩部電視劇和電影系列片。這個孩子氣的“撒尿小童”(Pee-wee Herman)的角色是在1981年迅速成為HBO特別節目的舞臺表演。隨著舞臺表演越來越受歡迎,魯本斯在1985年將這個角色與“撒尿小童”的大冒險拍成電影,淡化了成人對兒童吸引力的影射。這為“撒尿小童”在兒童劇場的上演鋪平了道路,這是一個獲得艾美獎的兒童系列劇,從1986年到1991年在哥倫比亞廣播公司播出。另一部電影《撒尿小童與馬戲團》於1988年上映。譯者注]

第五場景:《讓我一個人呆會兒》(Leave Me Alone)

Moonwalker Leave Me Alone Elizabeth Taylor

影片的第五部分是通過傑克遜的“讓我一個人呆會兒”這首歌的動畫視頻,表達出各路媒體對傑克遜個人生活興趣的關注,因為他覺得人們不會放過他。它把傑克遜的生活比作遊樂園。這是為了以一種嘲弄口吻指出,媒體對他的生活毫無必要的聳人聽聞的報道,聲稱他有一個對伊麗莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)的神壇,並買下了這個象人的遺骨。在電影中,傑克遜的生活被描繪成一個馬戲團,因為媒體的操縱和他作為藝術家所忍受的每天的拉鋸戰。在他心愛的寵物小猩猩“泡泡”,當傑克遜在他的過山車中把它扶起來,和他一起騎在一起時,他可愛的小泡泡在他的面前顯得極為可愛。他的寵物蛇,肌肉,也在場。媒體將這些描繪成狗的頭部,暗示它們就像動物一樣。

Studio publicity portrait of the American actress Elizabeth Taylor(1956).

[伊麗莎白·羅斯蒙德·泰勒爵士(Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor 1932年2月27日- 2011年3月23日)她是英國裔美國演員,女商人,人道主義者。二十世紀四十年代初,她作為一名兒童女演員開始了自己的職業生涯,並成為二十世紀五十年代最受歡迎的好萊塢經典電影明星之一。在二十世紀六十年代她成功地繼續了自己的事業,在她的餘生中一直是一個著名的公眾人物。1999年,美國電影協會將她命名為“第七大女性銀幕傳奇”。

1942年,九歲的伊麗莎白出演了自己的第一部電影喜劇片《每分鐘出生一個孩子》 。1943年,泰勒與米高梅簽約。1944年,12歲的她主演了《玉女神駒》。1949年,伊麗莎白·泰勒作為女主角與蒙哥馬利·克利夫特聯袂主演了電影《郎心如鐵》。1956年主演《嶽父大人》。從1957年至1959年,她以《戰國佳人》、《朱門巧婦》及《夏日驚魂》三度獲得奧斯卡提名。1961年,她憑借在《青樓豔妓》中的表演獲第三十三屆奧斯卡最佳女主角。1963年,泰勒主演的《埃及豔後》上映。1967年,她憑《靈欲春宵》獲第三十九屆奧斯卡最佳女主角。1992年,泰勒獲得奧斯卡赫肖爾特人道主義獎。2005年,伊麗莎白·泰勒獲得了英國影視藝術學院頒發的終身成就獎。譯者注]

第六場景:《犯罪高手》(Smooth Criminal)

Moonwalker - Smooth Criminal michael jackson

這段視頻從三個無家可歸的孩子(肖恩、凱蒂和齊克)開始,他們從一個大城市溜出來,看到他們的朋友邁克爾走出他的公寓。當邁克爾站在門前觀望時候,他注意到一顆正在墜落的恒星,然後他遭到帶著機關槍的歹徒襲擊。之後,電影回放了邁克爾和孩子們在草地上玩耍充滿了歡樂時光的情景。他們的狗隊長跑開了,當邁克爾和凱蒂尋找他的時候,他們發現了大先生的巢穴,他的真名弗蘭基·利德(Frankie Lideo)是對弗蘭克·戴裏歐(Frank DiLeo)的一種暗指,當時弗蘭基·利德是邁克爾·傑克遜的經紀人,他擁有一個販毒集團,並有一群親信跟隨他。他想讓全世界的人都吸毒,並從兒童開始。他喜歡吃獼猴桃,無論到哪裏都想吃堅果。他癡迷於蜘蛛,就在他的巢穴入口處展示了大量豐富的蜘蛛。當他發表關於他所迅速發展的毒品帝國演講的時候,他也讓他們吞噬一個地球模型。這表明他通過毒品交易已經控制了整個世界。此外,他所有的追隨者都在他們的制服上戴上了帶有蜘蛛圖案的徽章。大先生發現邁克爾和凱蒂正在監視他的行動。

故事又回到了邁克爾在自己的公寓前遭到槍擊事件的情景。在歹徒們不知道他的情況下,邁克爾希望能看到天上的流星,並能躲過襲擊,所以他只留下了自己夾克作掩護。當歹徒們意識到邁克爾又逃跑了之後,大先生命令他的追隨者們用狗追蹤邁克爾。最終,他被逼到了一條小巷裏,在那裏,他希望能看到另一顆隕落的星星,然後變成一輛藍旗亞·斯徹特斯(Lancia Stratos)的運動跑車,讓大先生的追隨者們感到沮喪。邁克爾在城市的街道上被追趕,直到他看不到跟蹤的歹徒們。與此同時,孩子們在三十號俱樂部裏外搜尋,邁克爾告訴他們去見他,但是發現只有一個被遺棄鬧鬼的夜總會。當邁克爾到達時,凱蒂看到他的身影從一輛車裏變回了他自己。俱樂部的門開了,一陣風吹來,邁克爾走進來,發現裏面滿是穿著左特套服西裝和瘋狂跳著搖擺的舞者。孩子們聚集在俱樂部的一扇窗戶外,看著邁克爾跳著《犯罪高手》的舞蹈。

1970 Lancia Stratos

[藍旗亞·斯徹特斯(Lancia Stratos)是由意大利汽車制造商藍旗亞制造的跑車和拉力賽車。這是一輛非常成功的拉力賽車,贏得了1974,1975和1976年世界拉力錦標賽冠軍。譯者注]


第七場景:《一起來吧》(Come Together)

Moonwalker - Come Together


邁克爾的舞臺工作人員把孩子們的失蹤的狗還給了他,然後護送他到舞臺上,在舞臺上,他表演了披頭士的歌曲《一起來吧》(Come Together),孩子們在後臺看著他,給他加油。傑克遜的這首歌直到1992年才正式發行,後來在1995年的《銘記此刻》(Remember the Time)單曲專輯曆史上出現。

第八場景:《終曲謝幕》(Closing credits)

Moonwalker - Closing credits

在整部電影結尾的部分,還有兩個精彩的電影片段。第一部分是雷村黑斧合唱團(Ladysmith Black Mambazo)在三十俱樂部中演出《散步在月球之上》(The Moon is Walking)的幕後剪輯。第二部分是四分鐘版本的《犯罪高手》的音樂視頻。



外文部分(Foreign part):

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker is a 1988 American anthology musical art film starring Michael Jackson. Rather than featuring one continuous narrative, the film is a collection of short films about Michael Jackson, several of which are long-form music videos from Jackson's Bad album. The film is named after the dance technique known as the moonwalk, which Jackson was known for performing.

Plot segments

"Man in the Mirror"

The first segment of Moonwalker is a live performance of "Man in the Mirror" during his Bad Tour in Europe. Clips from Wembley Stadium among others can be seen. It also features a montage of clips of children in Africa, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Jesus Christ, kids in Graduation, and other historical figures.


The second segment is a 10-minute biographical film about Jackson, covering the early years from the Jackson 5 until the Bad world tour. Excerpts of the following songs are played in the following order:

    "Music and Me"

    "I Want You Back"

    "ABC" (designed by David Daniels)

    "The Love You Save"


    "Who's Lovin' You"


    "Dancing Machine"

    "Blame It on the Boogie"

    "Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)"

    "Rock with You"

    "Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough"

    "Can You Feel It"

    "Human Nature"

    "Beat It"


    "Billie Jean"

    "State of Shock"

    "We Are the World"

    "The Way You Make Me Feel"

    "Dirty Diana"


The third segment is a parody of the music video for Bad's title song, featuring children filling the roles of various people from the original clip. The video stars Brandon Quintin Adams (who also appears in the Smooth Criminal segment later in the film) as the young Michael Jackson, who would later star in The People Under the Stairs, The Mighty Ducks and The Sandlot. It also featured three of Michael's nephews Jermaine La Jaune Jackson, Jr. along with TJ and Taryll Jackson and a young Nikki Cox, who later starred in Unhappily Ever After and Las Vegas. The singing group The Boys appeared as background dancers. Dr.Horrible's Sing-Along Blog co-writer and co-creator/co-executive producer of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Maurissa Tancharoen, dancers of Kidsongs - What I Want to Be! (1986) and seasons 5-6 (1988-1990) of Kids Incorporated Amaris "Ingrid" Dupree / Kimberly Duncan (born 1977) / Cory Tyler, 1989-1990 Kidsongs kid Terrance Williams (born 1979), The Boys (American band) (who appeared in Kidsongs - A Day with the Animals (1986) / The Wonderful World of Sports (1987)), former dancer Angella Kaye (born March 1975) who cameo appeared in movies, videos, and shows, as well as Bilal Abdulsamad, are also featured in this segment.

"Speed Demon"

The fourth segment begins with the "Badder" short film transitioning into the second short film, "Speed Demon", directed by Claymation innovator Will Vinton. A portion of the clip is set to Jackson's song "Speed Demon".

After filming "Badder", Little Michael and his bodyguards (also young kids) are leaving the set and walk through a cloud of smoke and come out as their regular age. A boy and his grandmother spot Michael and prompts the other tourist fans to get off the bus and chase him for an autograph. In an attempt to avoid the overzealous fans (including camera-happy Japanese tourists accompanied by stereotyped "Oriental" music, the press, and even The Noid) plus some gunslingers (after stumbling upon the filming of a Western helmed by a director resembling Steven Spielberg), Jackson soon disguises himself as a rabbit named Spike, using a costume from one of the film sets (imbued with animatronic properties using Claymation, giving a similar combined-media effect as Who Framed Roger Rabbit but with more obvious bluescreening), but ends up taunting the fans into chasing him once they realize it is him. Michael steals a motorcycle in order to flee, with the fans and paparazzi (now also appearing in Claymation form) giving chase in various other, more cartoonish vehicles. During the chase, he morphs into other celebrities, namely Sylvester Stallone, Tina Turner and Pee-wee Herman, with the bike also briefly morphing (into a jackhammer, stop sign, waterski, and jet pack) in repeatedly unsuccessful attempts to throw the fans off. After a long chase, the fans / press are finally thwarted by crashing into a giant (Claymation) cop and are arrested. Freed of their attention, Michael rides on into the desert, and as the sun rises, he pulls over in a canyon to remove the "Spike" costume. The costume then comes to life and challenges him to an extended dance-off. In the end, a passing traffic cop interrupts Michael to point out he is in a "No Dancing Zone", and when Michael turns to show him that he was competing with the rabbit, he sees that the rabbit has disappeared. The cop then sarcastically asks for Michael's autograph (as opposed to "signature") on the ticket. Just as Michael is preparing to leave, the rabbit's head materializes on a nearby rocky crag, which then nods to him and smiles.

"Leave Me Alone"

The fifth segment of the film is the animated music video for the song "Leave Me Alone", focusing on media interest in Jackson's personal life, because he had felt that people wouldn't leave him alone. It compares Jackson's life to an amusement park. It is meant to point out, in a mocking tone, the way the media unnecessarily sensationalized his life with claims that he had a shrine to Elizabeth Taylor and bought the Elephant Man's bones. In the video, Jackson's life is portrayed as a circus due to the press's manipulation and the everyday tug-of-war he endured as an artist. His beloved then-pet chimp Bubbles makes a cameo appearance as Jackson is seen picking him up and riding with him in his roller coaster car. His pet snake, Muscles, is also present. The press are portrayed with dog heads to insinuate that they are like animals.

"Smooth Criminal"

The segment begins with three homeless children (Sean, Katie, and Zeke) sneaking through a big city to see their friend Michael walk out of his apartment. As Michael stands in front of the door, he notices a falling star before he is attacked by mobsters with machine guns. The film then backtracks to show Michael and the children playing in a meadow in happier times. Their dog Skipper runs away, and as Michael and Katie look for him they uncover the lair of Mr. Big, whose real name Frankie Lideo is an allusion to Frank DiLeo (Michael Jackson’s then manager), is a drug-dealing mobster with an army of henchmen. He wants to get the entire population of Earth addicted to drugs, starting with children. He likes to eat monkey nuts and leaves nutshells wherever he goes. He is obsessed with spiders, as displayed by their abundance at the entrance to his lair. He also has them engulfing a model globe when making a speech about his burgeoning drug empire. They signify the spread of his proposed control of the world via drug dealing. Further, all his henchmen sport a spider crest on their uniforms. Mr. Big discovers Michael and Katie are spying on his operation.

The story returns to the shooting in front of Michael's apartment. Unknown to the gangsters, Michael wished on the falling star and escaped the gunfire, leaving only his jacket. Upon realizing he has escaped again, Mr. Big orders his henchmen to track down Michael with dogs. He is eventually cornered in an alley, where he wishes on another falling star and turns into a Lancia Stratos sportscar that mows down several of Mr. Big's henchmen. Michael is pursued through the city streets until he loses the henchmen. Meanwhile, the children scout out Club 30's, where Michael had told them to meet him, and find only an abandoned and haunted nightclub. As Michael arrives, Katie sees a silhouette of him turning back from a car into himself. The door of the club opens with a gust of wind, and Michael walks in to find it filled with zoot suiters and swing dancers. The children gather outside a window of the club and watch Michael dance to "Smooth Criminal."

The song used in the film is much longer than the album release, with several lyrics that clarify the story. There is also an interlude where Jackson joins the other dancers in a modern interpretive dance. At the climax of the song, Mr. Big lays siege to the club and kidnaps Katie. Michael follows them back to Big's lair and ends up surrounded by his henchmen. Mr. Big appears and taunts Michael by threatening to inject Katie with highly addictive narcotics. While Katie manages to wriggle free, Mr. Big decides he's had enough and orders his men to kill Katie before finishing off Michael, but not before a falling star flies by. Michael transforms into a giant robot and kills all of Mr. Big's soldiers, then turns into a spaceship. Mr. Big gets into a large hillside-mounted energy cannon, firing on the spaceship into a nearby ravine. The children are his next target, but the spaceship returns from the ravine just in time to fire a beam in the cannon with Mr. Big inside. The children watch the ship fly into the night sky with shower of light.

"Come Together"

In the conclusion to "Smooth Criminal", Sean, Katie and Zeke return to the city, believing that Michael is gone forever. As the boys talk about Michael, Katie walks away crying and clutching a paper star. As she sits in a corner wishing for him to come back, the paper star flies out of her hand and Michael walks out of the night fog. He takes them to Club 30's, where they find that the club has turned into the backstage area of a concert. Michael's stage crew return the children's missing dog and then escort Michael onto the stage where he performs a cover of The Beatles song "Come Together" with the children watching and cheering him on from backstage. Jackson's version of the song was not officially released until 1992 as a B-side on the single "Remember the Time", and later in 1995 when it appeared on the album HIStory.

"Closing credits"

During the closing credits, two more segments are shown. The first has Ladysmith Black Mambazo performing "The Moon is Walking" in Club 30's amidst behind-the-scenes clips. The second is the four-minute version of the "Smooth Criminal" music video.


The release of Moonwalker was originally scheduled to coincide with Jackson's 1987 album, Bad. During the theatrical release of Moonwalker, Jackson was also embarking on the Bad world tour, his first tour as a solo performer. The film was released theatrically in Europe and South America, but Warner Bros.

canceled plans for a Christmas 1988 theatrical release in the United States. Moonwalker was instead released on home video in the United States and Canada on January 10, 1989, just as the Bad tour finished. (His tour was supposed to finish sooner, but had been postponed due to some vocal strain, so it went on until the last week of January 1989.) The video had sold more than 800,000 copies in the U.S. by April 17, 1989.


文字:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO) 制作

視頻:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO)演唱會數據庫邁克爾視頻庫-M001號


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