鲁豫有约: 金星 2016-7-1
- 买下了总统套房, 是以前的梦想之一.
- 为了上大儿子的户口, 把婚离了. 小二,小三的户口至今没有着落, 上不了飞机, 只好自驾万里.
- play with the system. Changing it will waste too much time.
- 遇见时已经有了男朋友, 那个男朋友不适合结婚. 男朋友和汉斯喝了一杯, 与金星和平分手.
- 家里女人比较像女人, 这个家才比较稳定.
- 以前放花痴, 现在不花了.
- 不防有女孩约汉斯. 太累了. 该发生的就会发生的. 大活人看不住.
- 大儿子留英一年, 说 manner is the most important thing of a person.
- (最暧昧的故事, 在法国机场) 有那个画面感就够了. 干净唯美.
- 喜欢一个人只是喜欢那个画面感. 换一个环境就不一样了.
- (为什么离开北京到上海) 因为北京太需要关系和背景, 想靠自己的能力.
- 没有抱怨. 被人骗钱那些事是老天爷让你补课, 补这个课需要一年两年.
- (打扮好赴会前给儿子做针线活) This picture doesn't make to the magazine.
- (有女孩喜欢会怎么样) I have ego. If someone find me attractive, it pleases me. I enjoy it. I also have commitment to this family. There's something valuable to me. That' s how I was raised and part of my education. … Simly a question, which is more important to me?
- (金星的哪一面最吸引你) It's so many facets, so many elements in her personality I find attractive. Whenever I discover these different layers, I find very appealing, veray attractive,