《Decompilation as search》就是基于搜索的思路去研究反编译,效果还不错。
随着移动设备的逐步普及,移动设备的安全越来越重要,可以参考《Android Hacker's Handbook》,在CSDN上有下载。
[2] libbeauty
Given an input .o file, it can create a .c file that compiles and has the same function as the original .o file
https://github.com/jcdutton/libbeauty [有部分源码]
[3] Dagger
Dagger enables easy retargetability of several planned tools, like rewriters, static or dynamic binary translators , and even simple instruction set emulators.
[4] SecondWrite
[5] IDC
[6] Fracture
Fracture can speed up a variety of applications and also enable generic implementations of a number of static and dynamic analysis tools.
[7] RevGen
Automatically converting existing binary programs to the standard LLVM IR, making an increasingly large number of static and dynamic analysis frameworks, as well as run-time instrumentation tools, applicable to legacy software.
[8] Emscripten
A compiler from LLVM assembly to JavaScript. However there is also a lot of room for additional optimizations in Emscripten itself, in particular in how it nativizes variables and s tructures, which can potentially lead to very significant speedups.
[9] Retargetable Decompiler
Create a retargetable decompiler that can be utilized for source code recovery, static malware analysis, etc.
[10] BAP
Make it easy to develop binary analysis techniques and tools.
[11] Jakstab
Jakstab is an Abstract Interpretation-based, integrated disassembly and static analysis framework for designing analyses on executables and recovering reliable control flow graphs.It is designed to be adaptable to multiple hardware platforms using customized instruction decoding and processor specifications similar to the Boomerang decompiler.
[12] Boomerang
Develop a real decompiler for machine code programs through the open source community
[13] Hex-Rays
A plugin to IDA Disassembler
[14] Phoenix
参考《Native x86 Decompilation using Semantics-Preserving Structural Analysis and Iterative Control-Flow Structuring》
[15] C-Decompiler
上交的陈耿标 《反编译器C-Decompiler关键技术的研究与实现》
[16] Capstone
[17] SmartDec
[18] Obfuscator-LLVM
[19] mcsema
It is a library to translate the semantics of native code to LLVM IR.
[20] PIN
Pin is a dynamic binary instrumentation framework for the IA-32 and x86-64 instruction-set architectures that enables the creation of dynamic program analysis tools.
[21] valgrind
Valgrind is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools. There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. You can also use Valgrind to build new tools.
[22] BitBlaze
The BitBlaze project aims to design and develop a powerful binary analysis platform and employ the platform in order to (1) analyze and develop novel COTS protection and diagnostic mechanisms and (2) analyze, understand, and develop defenses against malicious code. The BitBlaze project also strives to open new application areas of binary analysis, which provides sound and effective solutions to applications beyond software security and malicious code defense, such as protocol reverse engineering and fingerprint generation.
[23] CodeSurfer
CodeSurfer is a code-understanding tool for C and C++ source code and for Intel x86 machine code. CodeSurfer performs a deep semantic analysis of a program and provides sophisticated queries for understanding your code. It enables you to effortlessly identify and navigate the deep structure of your program: the semantic threads that reveal exactly how your program works. CodeSurfer can be used either interactively or programmatically.
[24] Decompilation as search
[25] snowman
With a new decompiler for C/C++, developers can gain insight into the workings of a program without looking at source code. That's the plan for Snowman, which the project's lead developer hopes to make akin to an LLVM for decompilation.
[26] libcpu
"libcpu" is an open source library that emulates several CPU architectures, allowing itself to be used as the CPU core for different kinds of emulator projects. It uses its own frontends for the different CPU types, and uses LLVM for the backend.
[27] BARF Project
BARF is an open source binary analysis framework that aims to support a wide range of binary code analysis tasks that are common in the information security discipline. It is a scriptable platform that supports instruction lifting from multiple architectures, binary translation to an intermediate representation, an extensible framework for code analysis plugins and interoperation with external tools such as debuggers, SMT solvers and instrumentation tools. The framework is designed primarily for human-assisted analysis but it can be fully automated.
[28] miasm
Miasm is a free and open source (GPLv2) reverse engineering framework. Miasm aims to analyze / modify / generate binary programs. Here is a non exhaustive list of features:
Opening / modifying / generating PE / ELF 32 / 64 LE / BE using Elfesteem
Assembling / Disassembling X86 / ARM / MIPS / SH4 / MSP430
Representing assembly semantic using intermediate language
Emulating using JIT (dynamic code analysis, unpacking, ...)
Expression simplification for automatic de-obfuscation
[29] obfuscator-llvm
The aim of this project is to provide an open-source fork of theLLVMcompilation suite able to provide increased software security throughcode obfuscationand tamper-proofing. As we currently mostly work at theIntermediate Representation(IR) level, our tool is compatible with all programming languages (C, C++, Objective-C, Ada and Fortran) and target platforms (x86, x86-64, PowerPC, PowerPC-64, ARM, Thumb, SPARC, Alpha, CellSPU, MIPS, MSP430, SystemZ, and XCore) currently supported by LLVM.
[30] DAVA
Dava is a decompiler for arbitrary Java bytecode. It can be used to decompile bytecode produced by Java compilers, compilers for other languages (AspectJ, SML, C) that generate Java bytecode and tools like Java bytecode obfuscators, instrumentors and optimizers.
[31] ded
ded is a project which aims at decompiling Android applications. The ded tool retargets Android applications in .dex format to traditional .class files. These .class files can then be processed by existing Java tools, including decompilers. Thus, Android applications can be analyzed using a vast range of techniques developed for traditional Java applications.
[32] Dare
[33] Procyon
Procyon is a suite of Java metaprogramming tools focused on code generation and analysis
[1] BIL http://bap.ece.cmu.edu/
[2] REIL http://www.zynamics.com/binnavi/manual/html/reil_language.htm
[1] CMU University
[2] Berkeley University
[3] Maryland University
[4] Saarland university Compiler Group
[5] IDA