I was standing on the stage facing a large audience WHO were a bit silent ……
2 months ago, I was hosting a COT workshop. The audiences were new club officers from 16 clubs. The ultimate goal was to enhance new club officers cohesion power so they could work together to boost their club in the next 5 months. The workshop included 2 parts. The first part was a 10min sharing about transferable skills we could get from Toastmasters. The 2nd part which was also the most important part was panel discussion by clubs.
It was when I was trying to transfer to panel discussion by explaining metacognition, the audiences became silent.
But the red card reminded me that it’s time to start panel discussion.
I advocated audiences to stand up for panel discussion. But they were a bit hesitated which apparently showed that I didn’t transfer smoothly from metacognition to panel discussion. Feeling a bit awkward but I had to raise my voice: “time for group discussion, time to stand up to find your groups.”
When I was explaining transferable skills, I couldn’t skip metacognition.
I love metacognition. It’s the awareness of one’s own cognition. I am good at self-examination so I think I am good at metacognition UNTIL Susan came to me when others are busy at panel discussions.
Everyone should know Susan. The past regional director of Toastmasters International and current VPE of LMI club. She approached to me eagerly, saying:”why don’t you tie metacognition to goal orientation? the purpose for panel discussion is to set up goals together, right?”
At that moment, I was still a bit excited due to the awkwardnes on the stage. So I didn’t quite get it. But I couldn’t stop pondering on her words until several minutes later I started to realize the meaning behind it.
Metacognition, it refers to the processes used to monitor and assess one’s understanding and performance, it is also to know where you are now and where you are going to in future. Isn’t it strongly related to goal-setting? We all set goals at daily life and work, aren’t we?
Oh, Goal-setting!
I hate goal setting especially at workplace. What’s the point of setting goals in a workplace where you are not passionate at all?
Wait! I am good at metacognition, right? How couldn’t I ever tie metacognition to goal-setting? To know where you are now and where you want to go to in future!
Looking back, my career was like a mess.
I changed 6 jobs during the first 7 years after graduation. I didn’t like any of the jobs. The current company I worked for is the longest ever. That’s because I could enjoy flexible working hours and go to Toastmasters meetings. Hush!!!
But how couldn’t I, a person with high metacognition level, realize the importance of setting goals at workplace?
Everyone knows that I am a passionate Toastmasters. But I was not so passionate at the very beginning of my Toastmaters journey.
How did I gathered the passion over the past 1 or 2 years? Is it the number of meetings I attended at Toastmaters?
Hmm, I attend more meetings with my colleagues at workplace. Is it because I got satisfied here?
Yes, I am happy at Toastmasters meetings, especially when I got awarded.
Award? I got paid every month at work but it could never satisfy me like best role taker award.
So how could I satisfy myself at workplace?
Yes, Goal-setting!
It’s to set goals and meet goals. Just like coming to speak up at Toastmasters meetings and get awarded.
Suddenly, Goal setting, what I hate the most at workplace, became my new pathways outside of Toastmaters.
From last month, I started to set goals at work, goals for myself, goals aligned with the company. And only I am responsible for my goals instead of my managers. Gradually, I started to feel satisfied at workplace. This year, I set a big goal which is to get promoted by end of 2022.
Dear friends, do you hate your job? Are you searching for passion elsewhere? Why don’t you pause and reflect on your way of working. And set up small goals, get awards by achieving your goals, and eventually, you will find your passion at workplace.
Dear friends, metacognition is to know where you are and where you want to go. Set goals from today. You are a master of metacognition.