A 5-MicroRNA Signature for Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis and hsa-miR-31 for Prognosis.
- miRNA-677个
- 用了PCA和SVM来建立这个miRNA的分类期-分SCC和正常组织
- 找到了5个miRNA
- 用Kaplan–Meier analysis, univariate Cox analysis, and multivariate Cox analysi来验证
- 其中 hsa-miR-31的高表达对差预后影响最大
- 数据上传到gse15008
判断准确性-The analysis of the original training group using this classifier had a predictive accuracy of 94.1%. The classifier was subsequently validated with an independent test cohort comprising another 26 SCC patients and displayed an accuracy of 96.2% with this group
- image-20200612182933385
高表达 hsa-miR-31在中国人群中差预后image-20200612183038031
- 说-hsa-miR-31 targets DICER1 but not PPP2R2A and LATS2
immunoblots of DICER1, PPP2R2A, and LATS2 proteins in SK-MES-1 cells transiently transfected with hsa- miR-31 and control microRNA, respectively.可以看到转然后hsa-miR-31只有DICER1的表达量降低。
Integration of copy number and transcriptomics provides risk stratification in prostate cancer: A discovery and validation cohort study
Understanding the heterogeneous genotypes and phenotypes of prostate cancer is fundamental to improving the way we treat this disease. As yet, there are no validated descriptions of prostate cancer subgroups derived from integrated genomics linked with clinical outcome.
In a study of 482 tumour, benign and germline samples from 259 men with primary prostate cancer, we used integrative analysis of copy number alterations (CNA) and array transcriptomics to identify genomic loci that affect expression levels of mRNA in an expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) approach, to stratify patients into subgroups that we then associated with future clinical behaviour, and compared with either CNA or transcriptomics alone.
自己的理解,通过CNA和array transcriptomics来找打影响mRNA表达量的位点,结合临床信息,将病人分为亚组。
- identified five separate patient subgroups
- These subgroups were able to consistently predict biochemical relapse
- show the relative contributions of gene expression and copy number data on phenotype
- confirm alterations in six genes previously associated with prostate cancer (MAP3K7, MELK, RCBTB2, ELAC2, TPD52, ZBTB4)
- confirm a number of previously pub- lished molecular changes associated with high risk disease, including MYC amplification, and NKX3-1, RB1 and PTEN deletions, as well as over-expression of PCA3 and AMACR, and loss of MSMB in tumour tissue
The percentage of samples containing copy number aberrations (CNA) at each locus is shown by gain/loss (red/blue),其中前面列出的那几个基因在那个PCA3的那些基因里面。
下面这个图是5个subgroup,然后纵轴是发生gain or loss的比例,并且那些标注的基因就是op ten strongest DEGs in each cluster。我肉眼看到那些标注基因是落在一些gain or loss的区域上,这个理解应该也是符合文章主题吧。但也有个别的不是,比如PCA3。
LncRNA profile study reveals a three-lncRNA signature associated with the survival of patients with oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
但是有个疑问就是, 【 coefficient of variance >0.10 】是什么呢?然后还有就是后面的这些6389个基因说是聚类把tumor和nontumor区分开,仅仅有6个misclassified,好像这个聚类没有关系,并不能说明这些基因的好坏,我记得老师讲过的。
In total, 6389 lncRNAs with a coefficient of variance >0.10 were selected from the 8900 lncRNAs for clustering analysis. Hierarchical clustering of these 6389 lncRNAs based on centred Pearson correlation clearly separated OSCC tissues from normal tissues (figure 2).
Mda-9/Syntenin Is Expressed in Uveal Melanoma and Correlates with Metastatic Progression.
Identification of patients at high risk of metastases may provide indication for a frequent follow-up for early detection of metastases and treatment. The analysis of the gene expression profiles of primary human uveal melanomas showed high expression of SDCBP gene (encoding for syndecan-binding protein-1 or mda-9/syntenin), which appeared higher in patients with recurrence, whereas expression of syndecans was lower and unrelated to progression.
Kaplan-Meier analysis of Mda-9/syntenin protein expression and disease-free survival in patients with primary tumors. Patients with low mda-9/syntenin expression (dark line) showed longer survival than patients with high expression (gray line) (P,0.014).
Coupled electrophysiological recording and single cell transcriptome analyses revealed molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal maturation.
Here we report success in per- forming both electrophysiological and whole-genome transcriptome analyses on single human neurons in culture. 翻译就是:电生理学和全基因组转录组分析单一的在细胞培养的人类神经元。
Using Weighted Gene Coexpression Network Analyses (WGCNA), we identified gene clusters highly correlated with neuronal maturation judged by electro- physiological characteristics.翻译就是:利用加权基因共表达网络分析(WGCNA),我们确定了通过电生理特征判断与神经成熟高度相关的基因簇。
(D) PCA of single-cell transcriptomes including neuron and peripheral blood samples suggested that neurons were distinct from peripheral blood cells.
(E) Pan-neuronal genes were exclusively expressed in neurons but not blood samples.
(F) Gene clustering of all 20 single cells and 21 blood samples (a1–a21) revealed a neuronal specific gene module (blue module).这个WGCNA分出来基因模块。
(G) GO analyses of the blue module (4255 genes). Length of bars indicates the significance (−log10 transferred P-value, Fisher’s exact test). Genes shown in right are well-known genes with corresponding functionsblue模块
(H) Hub-gene net- work of the blue module.