我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持3个月了.
我猜你喜欢看电影和美剧对吧? 我猜你看的时候离不开字幕对吧? 你想不想甩掉字幕? 跟我一起做听写吧! 拿出纸和笔, 把你听懂的句子写下来, 随意暂停, 查字典, 反复听都可以. 只有行动才能带来改变! 听完在评论里打个卡~
oh, this place is gigantic.
yeah, a gigantic piece of crap.
it is
but, I'm gonna buy it one day.
and I'm gonna fix it up.
all it needs is a new floor
and new walls and roof.
is that all?
and plumbing and electric.
and furniture
yes, and furniture
but it's right on the water.
and there's a big old barn out there.
I can turn that into my workshop
well, what about me?
now don't I get any say in this?
you want a say in this?
yes, I would.
what do you want?
i want a white house.
with /blue shuttuns 我猜: 房子外侧的装饰物/(shutters)
and a room overlooking the river so I can paint.
anything else?
I want a big old porch to wrap(that wraps) around the entire house.
we can drink tea, and watch the sun go down.
you promise?
yeah, I promise.
(划线的地方是我听错的. 我也想要这样一个white house on the water哇~)
window cover
a wooden cover on the outside of a window that prevents light or heat from going into a room or heat from leaving it
Shutters usually come in pairs and are hung like doors on hinges.
a metal covering that protects the windows and entrance of a shop from thieves when it is closed