从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。 —— 杰弗逊
Libevhtp |
Libevhtp was created as a replacement API for Libevent's current HTTP API. The reality of libevent's http interface is that it was created as a JIT server, meaning the developer never thought of it being used for creating a full-fledged HTTP service. Infact I am under the impression that the libevent http API was designed almost as an example of what you can do with libevent. It's not Apache in a box, but more and more developers are attempting to use it as so.
简而言之,作者之所以开发这个基于Libevent HTTP的库,是为了解决Libevent HTTP不太好用的特性,下面列举了一系列Libevent HTTP的瑕疵。
- It was not designed to be a fully functional HTTP server.
- The code is messy, abstractions are almost non-existent, and feature-creep has made long-term maintainability very hard.
- The parsing code is slow and requires data to be buffered before a full parse can be completed. This results in extranious memory usage and lots of string comparison functions.
- There is no method for a user to access various parts of the request processing cycle. For example if the "Content-Length" header has a value of 50000, your callback is not executed until all 50000 bytes have been read.
- Setting callback URI's do exact matches; meaning if you set a callback for "/foo/", requests for "/foo/bar/" are ignored.
- Creating an HTTPS server is hard, it requires a bunch of work to be done on the underlying bufferevents.
- As far as I know, streaming data back to a client is hard, if not impossible without messing with underlying bufferevents.
- It's confusing to work with, this is probably due to the lack of proper documentation.
- 不是为全功能的HTTP服务而设计。
- 代码有点糟糕,几乎没有抽象,很难维护。
- 解析数据慢,而且需要数据缓存之后才能完成完整解析。
- 很难创建HTTP服务。
- 流数据返回客户端很困难。
- 缺少文档,很难上手使用。
- 创建一个 parent evhtp_t 结构。
- Assign callbacks to the parent for specific URIs or posix-regex based URI's(设置特定的URIs)。
- (可选)为回调函数声明连接前的hooks。
- (可选)声明连接前、后的回调函数。
- (可选)开启内置的线程池处理连接。
- (可选)设置服务类型为HTTPS方式。
- 开始evhtp服务监听。
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import urllib
import urllib2
import time
def parseText():
data_urlencode = urllib.urlencode("Hello World!")
requrl = ""
req = urllib2.Request(url = requrl, data_urlencode)
res_data = urllib2.urlopen(req)
res = res_data.read()
print res
def main():
time1 = time.time()
time2 = time.time()
print time2 - time1
if __name__ == '__main__':
#include <stdio.h>
#include <evhtp.h>
testcb(evhtp_request_t * req, void * a) {
evbuffer_add_reference(req->buffer_out, "foobar", 6, NULL, NULL);
evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
main(int argc, char ** argv) {
evbase_t * evbase = event_base_new();
evhtp_t * htp = evhtp_new(evbase, NULL);
evhtp_set_cb(htp, "/test", testcb, NULL);
evhtp_bind_socket(htp, "", 8080, 1024);
event_base_loop(evbase, 0);
return 0;