Before reading this chapter, I thought organic food is like Polyface farm, because it provides an ecological and sustainable cycle on the farm, the author called it industrial organic.So I really don't konw what is organic now.
implausible: whether or not its wellsprings were in my genes who can really say, but the idea doesn't strike me as implausible.
adj:difficult to believe and therefore unlikely to be true 难以置信的;不可能真实的
implausible theory / idea / explanation
Margaret found his excuse somewhat implausible. 玛格丽特认为他的借口有些站不住脚
vanquish: the big-brained creature best equipped to vanquish the trees on their behalf.
v to defeat someone or something completely 彻底征服,彻底击败
opt out: to choose not to participate in sth often used with opt out of sth退出,拒绝参加