冰与火之歌Ⅴ:魔龙的狂舞 中英文双语同步对照版 第44篇 JON下


“We need a loan as well. Gold enough to keep us fed till spring. To buy food and hire ships to bring it to us.”

“春天?” 泰克叹气道。“这是不可能的,大人。”

“Spring?” Tycho sighed. “It is not possible, my lord.”

史坦尼斯怎么说他来着?你讨价还价起来,活像个卖鳕鱼的老婆子,雪诺大人。莫非你是艾德大人跟一个渔妇生下来的? 或许真是这样。

What was it Stannis had said to him? You haggle like a crone with a codfish, Lord Snow. Did Lord Eddard father you on a fishwife? Perhaps he had at that.


It took the better part of an hour before the impossible became possible, and another hour before they could agree on terms. The flagon of mulled wine that Satin delivered helped them settle the more nettlesome points. By the time Jon Snow signed the parchment the Braavosi drew up, both of them were half-drunk and quite unhappy. Jon thought that a good sign.


The three Braavosi ships would bring the fleet at Eastwatch up to eleven, including the Ibbenese whaler that Cotter Pyke had commandeered on Jon’s order, a trading galley out of Pentos similarly impressed, and three battered Lysene warships, remnants of Salladhor Saan’s former fleet driven back north by the autumn storms. All three of Saan’s ships had been in dire need of refitting, but by now the work should be complete.

十一艘远远不够,可是再等下去,艰难堡的自由民很可能在救援舰队到达之前死去。要么立刻出发,要么干脆别去。虽然鼹鼠嬷嬷(Mother Mole)和追随她的自由民极其绝望,可是他们真会愿意上船,放心把他们的生命交托给守夜人军团吗?

Eleven ships was no wise enough, but if he waited any longer, the free folk at Hardhome would be dead by the time the rescue fleet arrived. Sail now or not at all. Whether Mother Mole and her people would be desperate enough to entrust their lives to the Night’s Watch, though …

等到琼恩和泰克·奈斯托瑞斯(Tycho Nestoris)离开起居室,天已经开始变黑了。外面开始下雪。“就让我们缓了一口气。”琼恩把斗篷卷得更紧了。

The day had darkened by the time he and Tycho Nestoris left the solar. Snow had begun to fall. “Our respite was a brief one, it would seem.” Jon drew his cloak about himself more tightly.


“Winter is nigh upon us. The day I left Braavos, there was ice on the canals.”


“Three of my men passed through Braavos not long ago,” Jon told him. “An old maester, a singer, and a young steward. They were escorting a wildling girl and her child to Oldtown. I do not suppose you chanced to encounter them?”

“恐怕没有,大人。每天都有维斯特洛人路过布拉佛斯,不过大多数都经过乞丐港(the Ragman's Harbor)。布拉佛斯铁银行的船都泊在紫港(the Purple Harbor)。如果你乐意,我回去再打听打听。”

“I fear not, my lord. Westerosi pass through Braavos every day, but most come and go from the Ragman’s Harbor. The ships of the Iron Bank moor at the Purple Harbor. If you wish, I can make inquiries after them when I return home.”


“No need. By now they should be safe in Oldtown.”


“Let us hope so. The narrow sea is perilous this time of year, and of late there have been troubling reports of strange ships seen amongst the Stepstones.”


“Salladhor Saan?”

“里斯海盗? 有人说他已回老巢重操旧业,确实如此。另外雷德温大人的舰队也在断臂角附近游弋,无疑正在返航回家途中。不过这些人和他们的舰队我们都非常了解。不是的,我说的是那些……来自更远的东方,或许……有人听到过关于龙的古怪传言。”

“The Lysene pirate? Some say he has returned to his old haunts, this is so. And Lord Redwyne’s war fleet creeps through the Broken Arm as well. On its way home, no doubt. But these men and their ships are well-known to us. No, these other sails … from farther east, perhaps … one hears queer talk of dragons.”


“Would that we had one here. A dragon might warm things up a bit.”


“My lord jests. You will forgive me if I do not laugh. We Braavosi are descended from those who fled Valyria and the wroth of its dragonlords. We do not jape of dragons.”

不会,我想也不会。 “非常抱歉,泰克(Tycho)大人。”

No, I suppose not. “My apologies, Lord Tycho.”


“None is required, Lord Commander. Now I find that I am hungry. Lending such large sums of gold will give a man an appetite. Will you be so good as to point me to your feast hall?”


“I will take you there myself.” Jon gestured. “This way.”


Once there, it would have been discourteous not to break bread with the banker, so Jon sent Satin off to fetch them food. The novelty of newcomers had brought out almost all the men who were not on duty or asleep, so the cellar was crowded and warm.

王后本人不在,她女儿也是。现在她俩应该已经在国王塔安顿下来了吧。但是布鲁斯爵士(Ser Brus)和莫里根爵士(Ser Malegorn)在附近,一帮黑衣兄弟围着他们,听他们讲述东海望和海外最近发生的新鲜事。王后的三位仕女坐在一起,由侍女和十几个钦慕她们的黑衣兄弟服侍着。

The queen herself was absent, as was her daughter. By now presumably they were settling into the King’s Tower. But Ser Brus and Ser Malegorn were on hand, entertaining such brothers as had gathered with the latest tidings from Eastwatch and beyond the sea. Three of the queen’s ladies sat together, attended by their serving maids and a dozen admiring men of the Night’s Watch.

女王之手坐在门边,正在向两只阉鸡发动进攻,他从骨头上嘬下每一口肉,用麦酒灌下去。一看到琼恩·雪诺,亚塞尔爵士立刻抛掉鸡骨头,用手背一抹嘴,就逛了过来。他相貌特有喜感,罗圈腿,招风耳,胸膛壮如水桶,但琼恩知道最好不要嘲笑他。他是赛丽丝王后的叔叔,是首批跟随她改信梅丽珊卓的红神的信徒之一。即使他不是个弑亲者,也差不太远。伊蒙学士(Maester Aemon) 曾告诉他,亚塞尔·弗罗伦坐视自己的兄弟被梅丽珊卓烧死却没有采取任何行动拯救。世上怎么会有人眼看着自己的亲生兄弟活活烧死,还站在一旁无动于衷呢?

Nearer the door, the Queen’s Hand was attacking a brace of capons, sucking the meat off the bones and washing down each bite with ale. When he espied Jon Snow, Axell Florent tossed a bone aside, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and sauntered over. With his bowed legs, barrel chest, and prominent ears, he presented a comical appearance, but Jon knew better than to laugh at him. He was an uncle to Queen Selyse and had been among the first to follow her in accepting Melisandre’s red god. If he is not a kinslayer, he is the next best thing. Axell Florent’s brother had been burned by Melisandre, Maester Aemon had informed him, yet Ser Axell had done little and less to stop it. What sort of man can stand by idly and watch his own brother being burned alive?

“奈斯托瑞斯(Nestoris),” 亚塞尔爵士说道,“司令大人。我可以坐这儿吧?” 没等两人回答,他就矮身坐到长凳上。“雪诺大人,请问……史坦尼斯信中提到过的那个野人公主……她现在在哪儿,大人?”

“Nestoris,” said Ser Axell, “and the lord commander. Might I join you?” He lowered himself to the bench before they could reply. “Lord Snow, if I may ask … this wildling princess His Grace King Stannis wrote of … where might she be, my lord?”


Long leagues from here, Jon thought. If the gods are good, by now she has found Tormund Giantsbane. “Val is the younger sister of Dalla, who was Mance Rayder’s wife and mother to his son. King Stannis took Val and the child captive after Dalla died in childbed, but she is no princess, not as you mean it.”


Ser Axell shrugged. “Whatever she may be, at Eastwatch men claimed the wench was fair. I’d like to see with mine own eyes. Some of these wildling women, well, a man would need to turn them over to do his duty as a husband. If it please the lord commander, bring her out, let us have a look.”


“She is not a horse to be paraded for inspection, ser.”

“我保证不会数她的口齿。” 佛罗伦咧嘴笑着。“噢,别怕,我会用她应得的礼数对待她。”

“I promise not to count her teeth.” Florent grinned. “Oh, never fear, I’ll treat her with all the courtesy she is due.”

他知道我放走了她。小村子没有秘密,黑城堡也好不了多少。瓦尔久未露面,人们虽然从未公开讨论过,但有些人知道,而且兄弟们喜欢晚间在公共大厅传八卦。他听说过多少?琼恩很想知道。他又相信多少? “请原谅,爵士,瓦尔不能出来。”

He knows I do not have her. A village has no secrets, and no more did Castle Black. Val’s absence was not spoken of openly, but some men knew, and in the common hall at night the brothers talked. What has he heard? Jon wondered. How much does he believe? “Forgive me, ser, but Val will not be joining us.”


“I’ll go to her. Where do you keep the wench?”


Away from you. “Somewhere safe. Enough, ser.”

骑士的脸涨得通红。“大人,你知不知道我是谁?” 他呼出的气带着麦酒和洋葱的臭味。“一定要我报告王后吗?只要王后陛下一字出口,野丫头就会赤条条的出现在大厅,让我们品评鉴赏。”

The knight’s face grew flushed. “My lord, have you forgotten who I am?” His breath smelled of ale and onions. “Must I speak to the queen? A word from Her Grace and I can have this wildling girl delivered naked to the hall for our inspection.”

即使对王后来说,这个戏法也真够神奇的。“王后绝不会这样辜负我们的殷勤款待。” 琼恩说道,他希望自己说对了。“现在,我得告辞了,再不走我就要忘记待客之道了。泰克(Tycho)大人,请原谅。”

That would be a pretty trick, even for a queen. “The queen would never presume upon our hospitality,” Jon said, hoping that was true. “Now I fear I must take my leave, before I forget the duties of a host. Lord Tycho, pray excuse me.”

“好的,当然。” 银行家说道。“非常乐意。”

“Yes, of course,” the banker said. “A pleasure.”


Outside, the snow was coming down more heavily. Across the yard the King’s Tower had turned into a hulking shadow, the lights in its windows obscured by falling snow.


Back in his solar, Jon found the Old Bear’s raven perched on the back of the oak-and-leather chair behind the trestle table. The bird began to scream for food the moment he entered. Jon took a fistful of dried kernels from the sack by the door and scattered them on the floor, then claimed the chair.

泰克·奈斯托瑞斯(Tycho Nestoris)留下了一份合同副本。琼恩再三研读。真顺利,他沉思着。这么顺利我想都不敢想。顺利得他都不敢相信。

Tycho Nestoris had left behind a copy of their agreement. Jon read it over thrice. That was simple, he reflected. Simpler than I dared hope. Simpler than it should have been.


It gave him an uneasy feeling. Braavosi coin would allow the Night’s Watch to buy food from the south when their own stores ran short, food enough to see them through the winter, however long it might prove to be. A long hard winter will leave the Watch so deep in debt that we will never climb out, Jon reminded himself, but when the choice is debt or death, best borrow.

可是他并不喜欢自己的选择。等到春天到来,等到还款之日,他会更不喜欢。泰克·奈斯托瑞斯(Tycho Nestoris)确实有教养讲礼节,可是布拉佛斯铁银行在收账上却有着可怕的名声。九大自由贸易城邦都开有银行,有的还不止一家,它们像狗抢骨头一样争夺每一枚硬币,但是即使把其它所有银行加在一起,也比不过布拉佛斯铁银行的财富和影响力。每当有王公在其它银行赖账不还,破产的银行家只能把妻儿卖为奴隶,然后切脉自尽。每当有王公在铁银行拒绝还款,就会有新的王公不知从哪个角落冒出来,抢走他们的宝座。

He did not have to like it, though. And come spring, when the time came to repay all that gold, he would like it even less. Tycho Nestoris had impressed him as cultured and courteous, but the Iron Bank of Braavos had a fearsome reputation when collecting debts. Each of the Nine Free Cities had its bank, and some had more than one, fighting over every coin like dogs over a bone, but the Iron Bank was richer and more powerful than all the rest combined. When princes defaulted on their debts to lesser banks, ruined bankers sold their wives and children into slavery and opened their own veins. When princes failed to repay the Iron Bank, new princes sprang up from nowhere and took their thrones.


As poor plump Tommen may be about to learn. No doubt the Lannisters had good reason for refusing to honor King Robert’s debts, but it was folly all the same. If Stannis was not too stiff-necked to accept their terms, the Braavosi would give him all the gold and silver he required, coin enough to buy a dozen sellsword companies, to bribe a hundred lords, to keep his men paid, fed, clothed, and armed. Unless Stannis is lying dead beneath the walls of Winterfell, he may just have won the Iron Throne. He wondered if Melisandre had seen that in her fires.


Jon sat back, yawned, stretched. On the morrow he would draft orders for Cotter Pyke. Eleven ships to Hardhome. Bring back as many as you can, women and children first. It was time they set sail. Should I go myself, though, or leave it to Cotter? The Old Bear had led a ranging. Aye. And never returned.


Jon closed his eyes. Just for a moment …

… 他醒过来,身上僵得像块木板,熊老的乌鸦叽叽喳喳地叫着“雪诺,雪诺”。 是穆利把他摇醒的,“大人,有急事。打扰了,大人。我们发现了一个女孩。”

… and woke, stiff as a board, with the Old Bear’s raven muttering, “Snow, Snow,” and Mully shaking him. “M’lord, you’re wanted. Beg pardon, m’lord. A girl’s been found.”

“女孩?” 琼恩用手背揉着惺忪的睡眼,“瓦尔?瓦尔回了?”

“A girl?” Jon sat, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of his hands. “Val? Has Val returned?”


“Not Val, m’lord. This side of the Wall, it were.”


Arya. Jon straightened. It had to be her.

“女孩,” 乌鸦尖叫着,“女孩,女孩”。

“Girl,” screamed the raven. “Girl, girl.”


“Ty and Dannel came on her two leagues south of Mole’s Town. They were chasing down some wildlings who scampered off down the kingsroad. Brought them back as well, but then they come on the girl. She’s highborn, m’lord, and she’s been asking for you.”

“她带了多少人?” 他在水盆里浇水到脸上。诸神啊,他可真累坏了。

“How many with her?” He moved to his basin, splashed water on his face. Gods, but he was tired.


“None, m’lord. She come alone. Her horse was dying under her. All skin and ribs it was, lame and lathered. They cut it loose and took the girl for questioning.”


A grey girl on a dying horse. Melisandre’s fires had not lied, it would seem. But what had become of Mance Rayder and his spearwives? “Where is the girl now?”

“伊蒙学士的房间,大人。” 虽然伊蒙学士现在应该已经到达温暖安全的旧镇,可是在黑城堡,人们还是习惯这样的称呼。“她冻得脸色发青,颤抖得很厉害,所以泰(Ty)已经叫来克莱达斯(Clydas)给她瞧瞧。”

“Maester Aemon’s chambers, m’lord.” The men of Castle Black still called it that, though by now the old maester should be warm and safe in Oldtown. “Girl was blue from the cold, shivering like all get out, so Ty wanted Clydas to have a look at her.”

“非常好。” 琼恩好像又回到十五岁。小妹。他站起身来,披上斗篷。

“That’s good.” Jon felt fifteen years old again. Little sister. He rose and donned his cloak.


The snow was still falling as he crossed the yard with Mully. A golden dawn was breaking in the east, but behind Lady Melisandre’s window in the King’s Tower a reddish light still flickered. Does she never sleep? What game are you playing, priestess? Did you have some other task for Mance?


He wanted to believe it would be Arya. He wanted to see her face again, to smile at her and muss her hair, to tell her she was safe. She won’t be safe, though. Winterfell is burned and broken and there are no more safe places.

他不能让她待在长城,不管他多希望如此。长城不是女人待的地方,尤其是贵族少女。他也不能把她交给史坦尼斯或梅丽珊卓。国王只会把她嫁给自己的某个手下,霍普(Horpe) 或者马瑟(Massey)或者巨人杀手哥德瑞(Godry Giantslayer), 至于红衣女,诸神才知道她会怎么对付艾丽娅。

He could not keep her here with him, no matter how much he might want to. The Wall was no place for a woman, much less a girl of noble birth. Nor was he about to turn her over to Stannis or Melisandre. The king would only want to marry her to one of his own men, Horpe or Massey or Godry Giantslayer, and the gods alone knew what use the red woman might want to make of her.

最好的做法是把她送至东海望,让卡特·派克照看她登船航行至大洋彼岸,远离纷争不断的诸王。当然,要等到去艰难堡的舰队返航之后。或许她可以随泰克·奈斯托瑞斯(Tycho Nestoris)回布拉佛斯。希望铁金库可以找个显贵家族收养她。布拉佛斯在各大自由贸易城邦中离维斯特洛最近,…… 因而此地好坏参半。Lorath或伊本港可能安全点。不管送至何处,艾丽娅都要有银子用,有住处,有人保护。她还是个孩子。

The best solution he could see would mean dispatching her to Eastwatch and asking Cotter Pyke to put her on a ship to someplace across the sea, beyond the reach of all these quarrelsome kings. It would need to wait until the ships returned from Hardhome, to be sure. She could return to Braavos with Tycho Nestoris. Perhaps the Iron Bank could help find some noble family to foster her. Braavos was the nearest of the Free Cities, though … which made it both the best and the worst choice. Lorath or the Port of Ibben might be safer. Wherever he might send her, though, Arya would need silver to support her, a roof above her head, someone to protect her. She was only a child.

伊蒙学士以前的房间暖暖和和的,穆利拉开门时冒起的雾气让他俩都看不到东西了。房内壁炉里的火活泼泼地燃烧着,木材劈劈啪啪地响,不时迸发出火星。琼恩跨过一盆湿衣服(a puddle of clothing)。“雪诺,雪诺,雪诺,” 渡鸦从上面朝下尖叫着。女孩蜷缩在火旁,身上裹着三倍于她的身材的黑羊毛斗篷,睡得正香。

Maester Aemon’s old chambers were so warm that the sudden cloud of steam when Mully pulled the door open was enough to blind the both of them. Within, a fresh fire was burning in the hearth, the logs crackling and spitting. Jon stepped over a puddle of damp clothing. “Snow, Snow, Snow,” the ravens called down from above. The girl was curled up near the fire, wrapped in a black woolen cloak three times her size and fast asleep.


She looked enough like Arya to give him pause, but only for a moment. A tall, skinny, coltish girl, all legs and elbows, her brown hair was woven in a thick braid and bound about with strips of leather. She had a long face, a pointy chin, small ears.

可是她年龄太大,比艾莉亚大多了。这个女孩几乎与我同年。“她吃过东西吗?” 琼恩问穆利。

But she was too old, far too old. This girl is almost of an age with me. “Has she eaten?” Jon asked Mully.

“吃了面包,喝了点肉汤,大人。” 克莱达斯(Clydas)从椅子上站起身。“最好慢慢来,伊蒙学士常说。再多点,她可能会消化不良。”

“Only bread and broth, my lord.” Clydas rose from a chair. “It is best to go slow, Maester Aemon always said. Any more and she might not have been able to digest it.”


Mully nodded. “Dannel had one o’ Hobb’s sausages and offered her a bite, but she wouldn’t touch it.”


Jon could not blame her for that. Hobb’s sausages were made of grease and salt and things that did not bear thinking about. “Perhaps we should just let her rest.”


That was when the girl sat up, clutching the cloak to her small, pale breasts. She looked confused. “Where …?”


“Castle Black, my lady.”

“长城。” 她眼睛饱含热泪。“终于到了。”

“The Wall.” Her eyes filled up with tears. “I’m here.”


Clydas moved closer. “Poor child. How old are you?”

“下个命名日就满十六了。我不是孩子,我是一个成年女人了。” 她打了个呵欠,用斗篷掩住嘴。从斗篷的褶缝里露出一只光光的膝盖。“你没戴学士链,你是学士吗?”

“Sixteen on my next nameday. And no child, but a woman grown and flowered.” She yawned, covered her mouth with the cloak. One bare knee peeked through its folds. “You do not wear a chain. Are you a maester?”

“不是,” 克莱达斯(Clydas)说。“但我服侍过一个学士。”

“No,” said Clydas, “but I have served one.”


She does look a bit like Arya, Jon thought. Starved and skinny, but her hair’s the same color, and her eyes. “I am told you have been asking after me. I am—”

“琼恩·雪诺。” 女孩把辫子甩到背后。“我们两家血脉同源,荣辱与共。听我说,哥哥。我叔叔克瑞冈(Cregan)在我身后追得很紧。千万别让他把我抓回卡霍城。”

“—Jon Snow.” The girl tossed her braid back. “My house and yours are bound in blood and honor. Hear me, kinsman. My uncle Cregan is hard upon my trail. You must not let him take me back to Karhold.”

琼恩打量着她。我认识她。她的眼神,举止,说话的神气,他似曾相识。片刻间他记不起来。终于,他想起来了。“艾丽丝·卡史塔克(Alys Karstark)。”

Jon was staring. I know this girl. There was something about her eyes, the way she held herself, the way she talked. For a moment the memory eluded him. Then it came. “Alys Karstark.”


That brought the ghost of a smile to her lips. “I was not sure you would remember. I was six the last time you saw me.”

“你和你父亲一起来的。” 罗柏砍了他的头。“来做什么我忘了。”

“You came to Winterfell with your father.” The father Robb beheaded. “I don’t recall what for.”


She blushed. “So I could meet your brother. Oh, there was some other pretext, but that was the real reason. I was almost of an age with Robb, and my father thought we might make a match. There was a feast. I danced with you and your brother both. He was very courteous and said that I danced beautifully. You were sullen. My father said that was to be expected in a bastard.”

“我记得。” 这倒不全是谎言。

“I remember.” It was only half a lie.

“你现在还有点闷闷不乐,” 女孩说道,“不过如果你能救我,不让我叔叔抓住我,我就原谅你。”

“You’re still a little sullen,” the girl said, “but I will forgive you that if you will save me from my uncle.”

“你叔叔 …… 是不是阿洛夫(Arnolf)大人? ”

“Your uncle … would that be Lord Arnolf?”

“他不是什么大人,” 艾丽丝轻蔑地说。“我哥哥哈里才是合法领主,依照法律,我是他的继承人。女儿的继承权优先于叔叔。阿洛夫(Arnolf)叔叔只是城堡监守。他是我的叔祖,实际上,我父亲的叔叔。克瑞冈(Cregan)是他儿子。他跟我同宗。不过我们总是叫他叔叔。现在他们打算让我喊他丈夫。” 她握紧拳头。“战前我与达里恩·霍恩伍德(Daryn Hornwood)订过婚。只等我成年后就结婚,但是弑君者在呓语森林之战杀死了达里恩(Daryn)。我父亲写信回来说他会找一个南方领主娶我,可是他没机会了。他杀了几个兰尼斯特,就被你哥哥罗柏砍了头。” 她嘴唇扭曲了一下。“我还以为他们南征的全部目的就是杀兰尼斯特呢。”

“He is no lord,” Alys said scornfully. “My brother Harry is the rightful lord, and by law I am his heir. A daughter comes before an uncle. Uncle Arnolf is only castellan. He’s my great-uncle, actually, my father’s uncle. Cregan is his son. I suppose that makes him a cousin, but we always called him uncle. Now they mean to make me call him husband.” She made a fist. “Before the war I was betrothed to Daryn Hornwood. We were only waiting till I flowered to be wed, but the Kingslayer killed Daryn in the Whispering Wood. My father wrote that he would find some southron lord to wed me, but he never did. Your brother Robb cut off his head for killing Lannisters.” Her mouth twisted. “I thought the whole reason they marched south was to kill some Lannisters.”


“It was … not so simple as that. Lord Karstark slew two prisoners, my lady. Unarmed boys, squires in a cell.”


The girl did not seem surprised. “My father never bellowed like the Greatjon, but he was no less dangerous in his wroth. He is dead now too, though. So is your brother. But you and I are here, still living. Is there blood feud between us, Lord Snow?”


“When a man takes the black he puts his feuds behind him. The Night’s Watch has no quarrel with Karhold, nor with you.”


“Good. I was afraid … I begged my father to leave one of my brothers as castellan, but none of them wished to miss the glory and ransoms to be won in the south. Now Torr and Edd are dead. Harry was a prisoner at Maidenpool when last we heard, but that was almost a year ago. He may be dead as well. I did not know where else to turn but to the last son of Eddard Stark.”


“Why not the king? Karhold declared for Stannis.”

“我叔叔支持史坦尼斯,是希望挑衅兰尼斯特砍掉可怜的哈里(Harry)的脑袋。我哥哥一死,卡霍城就应该传给我,但我叔叔想抢走我的继承权。一旦克瑞冈(Cregan)让我生了一个孩子,他们就再不需要我了。他已经埋葬了两个妻子。” 她气愤地抹去眼泪,艾丽娅抹眼泪大概也是这样子吧。“你会帮我吗?”

“My uncle declared for Stannis, in hopes it might provoke the Lannisters to take poor Harry’s head. Should my brother die, Karhold should pass to me, but my uncles want my birthright for their own. Once Cregan gets a child by me they won’t need me anymore. He’s buried two wives already.” She rubbed away a tear angrily, the way Arya might have done it. “Will you help me?”


“Marriages and inheritance are matters for the king, my lady. I will write to Stannis on your behalf, but—”


Alys Karstark laughed, but it was the laughter of despair. “Write, but do not look for a reply. Stannis will be dead before he gets your message. My uncle will see to that.”


“What do you mean?”

“阿洛夫(Arnolf)火速赶往临冬城,确实如此,但他是为了在你的国王背后猛捅一刀。他很久以前就把赌注压在卢斯·波顿身上……为的是黄金,饶恕,还有可怜的哈里(Harry)的脑袋。 史坦尼斯是自投罗网。所以他帮不了我,即使有能力他也不会帮。” 艾丽丝抓紧她的黑斗篷,在他面前跪下。“你是我唯一的希望,雪诺大人。以你父亲的名义,我请求你保护我。”

“Arnolf is rushing to Winterfell, ’tis true, but only so he might put his dagger in your king’s back. He cast his lot with Roose Bolton long ago … for gold, the promise of a pardon, and poor Harry’s head. Lord Stannis is marching to a slaughter. So he cannot help me, and would not even if he could.” Alys knelt before him, clutching the black cloak. “You are my only hope, Lord Snow. In your father’s name, I beg you. Protect me.”

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