1. 在国外大街上见到政要是意见很平常的事情,我在加拿大美国呆过,在加拿大饭店打工的时候,经常遇到市长带着家人或者办公室主任去吃饭,照样排队,吃完给钱,周围人跟没事一样,要合影照相是意见很容易的事情
It's very common for me to see politicians on the streets of foreign countries. I've been in Canada and the United States. When I worked in a Canadian Hotel, I often met the mayor who took his family or chief of staff to dinner, still lined up and gave money after eating. People around me were as good as they were. It's very easy for me to take photos
2. 与西方人交往并没有那么容易,西方人很友好,但是要深层次的交往是很不容易的,语言是一方面,重要的是文化的隔阂,国外的人是希望彼此之间保持隐私和独立的,中国人的习惯和交友方式在国外并不一定合适
It's not so easy to communicate with westerners. Westerners are very friendly, but it's not easy to communicate deeply. On the one hand, language is important, which is the cultural gap. Foreigners want to keep their privacy and independence from each other. The habits and ways of making friends of Chinese people are not necessarily suitable abroad
3. 在国外高学历在饭店打工或者做一般工作的很正常,我在美国饭店打工的时候,遇到刚过去的移民或者交换学者,都是博士生导师,为了补贴家用,去饭店打工很正常,一天在饭店赚的钱(主要是小费)就是80-120美元左右,这在美国来讲可以买到很多东西了
It's normal for me to work in a hotel or do a general job with a high degree abroad. When I work in a hotel in the United States, I meet a recent immigrant or exchange scholar who is a doctoral supervisor. It's normal for me to work in a hotel in order to subsidize my family. The money I earn in a hotel one day (mainly tips) is about 80-120 dollars, which can buy a lot of things in the United States
4. 在国外有车有别墅是意见很普通的事情,只要信用良好,买车买别墅是一件很轻松的事情,宝马奔驰在国外很便宜,保时捷路虎价格也是国内的一半.国外人少,一般人说的买房子就是买别墅,有前后院子的,也不贵
It's a common thing to have a car and a villa in foreign countries. As long as the credit is good, it's very easy to buy a car and a villa. BMW Benz is very cheap in foreign countries, and the price of Porsche Land Rover is half of that in China. There are few foreigners, so it's generally said that buying a house is to buy a villa with front and back yards, which is not expensive
5. 在国外管道工,电工等动手能力强的技术工种赚钱比白领还多,比如你家里下水道坏了,需要修理,首先你要电话预约,等个几天或者一周,他们会上门修理,从出门开始要给你计算时间,一个小时几十美元甚至200美元不等
In foreign countries, plumbers, electricians and other skilled workers with strong hands-on ability make more money than white-collar workers. For example, if the sewer in your home is broken and needs to be repaired, first you need to make an appointment by phone, wait a few days or a week, they will repair it at home, and they will calculate the time for you from the beginning of going out, ranging from tens of dollars to 200 dollars an hour
6. 在国外乞丐也是一件工作,我是在美国读的大学,早上在街上见到一个乞丐,他很友好的给我说 Good Morning,我当时就感觉到这人很友好,其实回头一想,那也是他的工作,没有贵贱之分.
It's also a job to be a beggar abroad. I am a university student in the United States. I saw a beggar on the street in the morning. He said good morning to me in a friendly way. At that time, I felt that this man was very friendly. In fact, looking back, that's his job. There's no distinction between high and low
7. 在加拿大或者美国如果有警车警灯亮着跟着你,马上要靠边停车,把手放在方向盘或者显眼的位置,因为如果你一旦乱动,警察会随时开枪.我有一次经历,警灯亮着我就停在旁边,看到警察就站在我前门靠后,一只手就放在枪上,但是他们很友好,解释一下轻微的违章是可以不用罚款的
In Canada or the United States, if the police car lights up to follow you, immediately pull over and put your hand on the steering wheel or a prominent position, because if you move around, the police will shoot at any time. I once experienced that when the police light is on, I will stop by. When I saw the police standing behind my front door, I put one hand on the gun, but they were friendly and explained slightly There is no need for a fine
8. 在国外大城市,经常碰到警车追逐犯法或者超速的逃犯,并且直升机跟踪报道,因为国外很多人开跑车,遇到警车亮灯就不停,有些人故意开车跑
In large foreign cities, we often encounter police cars chasing criminals who break the law or speed limit, and helicopter tracking reports, because many people drive sports cars in foreign countries, when they encounter police cars with lights on, they don't stop, and some people deliberately drive
9. 到了美国工作了我听到我美国同事说,明年我女儿就18周岁了,她要自己搬出去住了,要不就要付钱给我房租和水电费,当时我听了不可思议,但是这是他们的文化,在他们看来是一件很正常的事情,经常会遇到一个很有钱的父母,但是孩子过得很穷,这很普遍在国外
When I came to work in the United States, I heard my American colleague say that next year my daughter will be 18 years old, and she will move out on her own, or she will pay me rent and water and electricity. At that time, I heard that it was incredible, but this is their culture, In their eyes, it is a normal thing. They often meet a rich parent, but their children are very poor, which is very common abroad
10. 想追西方女孩子的男生要注意了,其实美国的妹子还是比较保守的,并不像电影里演的那样在酒吧喝杯酒就会和别人上床,即使是帅哥也不行
Boys who want to catch up with western girls should pay attention to it. In fact, American girls are conservative. They don't sleep with others when they drink a glass of wine in the bar as shown in the movie, even handsome ones can't.
11. 到了国外才知道,老外不会算数,简单来讲8*8他们都不知道,因为他们不背乘法口诀
I only know when I'm abroad. Foreigners can't count. In short, they don't know 8 * 8 because they don't recite multiplication