three.js - Animated Galaxy

  • 本篇文章将要绘制一个具有动画效果的galaxy,关于galaxy的实现可以参考之前的这篇笔记 Galaxy,我们在此基础上做了部分修改
  • We saw that animating each particles is a bad idea, animating the geometry buffer attribute on each frame is a bad idea, it must be have frame rate issue
  • so we're going to animate each particles by using vertex shader
  • Set up
<script setup>
  import * as THREE from 'three'
  import { OrbitControls } from 'three/addons/controls/OrbitControls.js';
  import * as dat from 'dat.gui'

   * scene
  const scene = new THREE.Scene()

   * Camera
  const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
    window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
  camera.position.set(3, 3, 3)

   * Renderer
  const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer()
  renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
  renderer.setPixelRatio(Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio, 2))

  window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight

    renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
    renderer.setPixelRatio(Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio, 2))

   * control
  const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement)
  controls.enableDamping = true

   * render
  const clock = new THREE.Clock()
  function tick () {
    let elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime()

    renderer.render(scene, camera)
  • 基于之前已实现的 Galaxy 修改后的 Galaxy,添加对应属性的gui
   * Galaxy
  // 参数
  const parameters = {
    count: 200000,
    size: 0.005,
    radius: 5,  // 星系半径
    branches: 3,  // 星系分支,平分星系角度
    spin: 1,  // 旋转系数,geometry距离原点越远旋转角度越大
    randomness: 0.5,  // 随机性
    randomnessPower: 3,  // 随机性系数,可控制曲线变化
    insideColor: '#ff6030',
    outsideColor: '#1b3984',

  let geometry = null
  let material = null
  let points = null

  const generateGalaxy = () => {
    if(points !== null) {
    // geometry
    geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry()

    const positions = new Float32Array(parameters.count * 3)
    const colors = new Float32Array(parameters.count * 3)

    const colorInside = new THREE.Color(parameters.insideColor)
    const colorOutside = new THREE.Color(parameters.outsideColor)

    for(let i = 0; i < parameters.count; i++) {
      const i3 = i * 3 

      // Position
      const radius = Math.random() * parameters.radius  
      const branchAngle = (i % parameters.branches) / parameters.branches * Math.PI * 2 

      const randomX = Math.pow(Math.random(), parameters.randomnessPower) * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : - 1) * parameters.randomness * radius
      const randomY = Math.pow(Math.random(), parameters.randomnessPower) * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : - 1) * parameters.randomness * radius
      const randomZ = Math.pow(Math.random(), parameters.randomnessPower) * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : - 1) * parameters.randomness * radius

      positions[i3] = Math.cos(branchAngle) * radius + randomX
      positions[i3 + 1] = randomY
      positions[i3 + 2] = Math.sin(branchAngle) * radius + randomZ

      // Color
      const mixedColor = colorInside.clone()
      mixedColor.lerp(colorOutside, radius / parameters.radius)

      colors[i3] = mixedColor.r
      colors[i3 + 1] = mixedColor.g
      colors[i3 + 2] = mixedColor.b
    geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(positions, 3))
    geometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.BufferAttribute(colors, 3))

    // material
    material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
      size: parameters.size,
      sizeAttenuation: true,
      depthWrite: false,
      blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
      vertexColors: true,

    // Points
    points = new THREE.Points(geometry, material) 
   * gui
  const gui = new dat.GUI()
  gui.add(parameters, 'count')
  gui.add(parameters, 'radius')
  gui.add(parameters, 'branches')
  gui.add(parameters, 'randomness')
  gui.add(parameters, 'randomnessPower')
  gui.addColor(parameters, 'insideColor').onFinishChange(generateGalaxy)
  gui.addColor(parameters, 'outsideColor').onFinishChange(generateGalaxy)
  • The first, we're going to create our own shader, we're going to replace PointsMaterial by ShaderMaterial
    • we get a warning telling us that the ShaderMaterial supports neither size nor sizeAttenuation, so remove these properties
    // material
    material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
      depthWrite: false,
      blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
      vertexColors: true,
  • Shader
  import vertexShader from './animated-galaxy/vertex.glsl'
  import fragmentShader from './animated-galaxy/fragment.glsl'

    // material
    material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
      depthWrite: false,
      blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
      vertexColors: true,
// vertex.glsl
void main () {
  // Position
  vec4 modelPosition =  modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
  vec4 viewPosition = viewMatrix * modelPosition;
  vec4 projectedPosition = projectionMatrix * viewPosition;

  gl_Position = projectedPosition;

  // Size
  gl_PointSize = 2.0; // 内置变量,fragment size
// fragment.glsl
void main () {
  gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  • Handle the Size
    • because we're not use the PointsMaterial, we need to redo the color, the size, the size attenuation...
      // material
      material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
        uniforms: {
          uSize: {value: 8}
    // vertex.glsl
    uniform float uSize;
    void main () {
      // Position
      // Size
      gl_PointSize = uSize; // fragment size
    • in real life, stars have different sizes, we can send a random value in the attributes
    const generateGalaxy = () => {
      const scales = new Float32Array(parameters.count)
      for(let i = 0; i < parameters.count; i++) {
          // Size
          scales[i] = Math.random()
      geometry.setAttribute('aScale', new THREE.BufferAttribute(scales, 1))
// vertex.glsl
uniform float uSize;

attribute float aScale;

void main () {
  // Position

  // Size
  gl_PointSize = uSize * aScale; // fragment size
  • Fix the pixel ratio
    • the gl_PointSize means the fragment size(这里最好要理解下设备像素比的概念, 即物理像素/逻辑像素)
    • if you have a screen with a pixel ratio of 1, the particles will look 2 times larger than if the screen with a pixel ratio of 2
    • 浏览器获取设备像素比的方法是window.devicePixelRatio,但我们在构造render的部分已经设置过了renderer.setPixelRatio(Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio, 2))
    // material
    material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
      uniforms: {
        uSize: {value: 8 * renderer.getPixelRatio()}

   * Renderer

  window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    renderer.setPixelRatio(Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio, 2))
  generateGalaxy()  // 将调用移动至renderer后面,防止上面在获取renderer变量时报错
  • Size Attenuation
    • 当我们只关注一颗particle时,会发现不管页面放大或是缩小,particle始终保持着相同大小
    • 我们当前使用的perspectiveCamera,呈现效果应当是particle距离camera越远,尺寸越小,这就是size attenuation
    • 原先使用PointsMaterial时,直接设置sizeAttenuation: true就可以了,但在shader中我们需要自己实现这一部分
    • we're going to take the code from the three.js depedencyPointsMaterial的顶点着色器文件路径: /node_modules/three/src/renderers/shaders/ShaderLib/points.glsl.js,我们需要关注的就是以下这段
          // 只有在perspectiveCamera下才会工作
          bool isPerspective = isPerspectiveMatrix( projectionMatrix );
          // scale is a value related to the renderer hight
          // particle的大小会根据屏幕的高度拉伸,这样不管是在大屏幕还是小屏幕,看到的particle都会差不多
          // mvPosition correspond to the position of the  vertex once the modelMatrix and the viewMatrix
          // in our case, it's viewPosition
          if ( isPerspective ) gl_PointSize *= ( scale / - mvPosition.z );
    • 基于以上的代码来修改我们自己的,然后就会发现距离camare近的particle尺寸相对远的较大,这就是size attenuation,但我们在这部分并不想让particle随着屏幕大小的改变而拉伸
    // vertex.glsl
    void main () {
      // Size
      gl_PointSize = uSize * aScale; // fragment size
      gl_PointSize *= ( 1.0 / - viewPosition.z );
Size attenuation.png
  • To draw our particle pattern
    • 通常是可以使用Meshuv属性来实现一些图案的,但在这里,我们使用的是new THREE.Points()Points对象是用于渲染大量的点的对象,他不具有uv属性,uv属性通常与Mesh一起使用,用于纹理映射
    • 在当前文件结构里,我们每一个vertex就代表一个particlefragment当然也一样,所以我们使用了内置变量gl_PointCoord
    • gl_PointCoord是一个二维向量,x 和 y 的取值范围都是[0, 1],表示当前片段在 Point Spirit 上的归一化坐标位置
    • 如下,在fragment中测试一下,看看得到的结果,同时再继续实现更多的形状
    // fragment.glsl
    void main () {
      gl_FragColor = vec4(gl_PointCoord, 1.0, 1.0);
  • Disc Pattern,边缘清晰的圆形
// fragment.glsl
void main () {
  // disc
  float strength = distance(gl_PointCoord, vec2(0.5));   // 计算当前片段与圆心(0.5, 0.5)的距离
  strength = step(0.5, strength);
  strength = 1.0 - strength;

  gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(strength), 1.0);
Disc Pattern.png
  • Diffuse Point Pattern,边缘扩散的particle
// fragment.glsl
void main () {
  // diffuse point
  float strength = distance(gl_PointCoord, vec2(0.5));
  strength *= 2.0;
  strength = 1.0 - strength;

  gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(strength), 1.0);
Diffuse Point Pattern.png
  • Light Point Pattern
// fragment.glsl
void main () {
  // light point
  float strength = distance(gl_PointCoord, vec2(0.5));
  strength = 1.0 - strength;
  strength = pow(strength, 10.0);

  gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(strength), 1.0);
  material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
    uniforms: {
      uSize: {value: 30 * renderer.getPixelRatio()}
Light Point Pattern.png
  • Handle the Color
// vertex.glsl
varying vec3 vColor;

void main () {
  // Color
  vColor = color;
// fragmrnt.glsl
varying vec3 vColor;

void main () {
  // light point
  float strength = distance(gl_PointCoord, vec2(0.5));
  strength = 1.0 - strength;
  strength = pow(strength, 10.0);

  // Color
  vec3 color = mix(vec3(0.0), vColor, strength);  // 将黑色与color混合
  gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
Handle the Color.png
  • Animate
    • we only need to rotate the particles on x and z
    • we calculate the particle angle and its distance to the center 我们计算particle和x轴之间的夹角以及particle到中心点的距离
    • we increase that angle according to the uTime and distance
    • we can use atan() to retrieve the angle 用于计算给定数值的反正切值
    // material
    material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
      uniforms: {
        uSize: {value: 30 * renderer.getPixelRatio()},
        uTime: {value: 0}
   * render
  const clock = new THREE.Clock()
  function tick () {
    let elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime()

    // update material
    material.uniforms.uTime.value = elapsedTime
// vertex.glsl
uniform float uSize;
uniform float uTime;

void main () {
  // Position
  vec4 modelPosition =  modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);

  float angle = atan(modelPosition.x, modelPosition.z);
  float distanceToCenter = length(modelPosition.xz);
  float angleOffset = (1.0 / distanceToCenter) * uTime * 0.2;
  angle += angleOffset;
  modelPosition.x = cos(angle) * distanceToCenter;
  modelPosition.z = sin(angle) * distanceToCenter;
  • 增加旋转后的随机性
    • 在创建galaxy时设置了一个参数randomness,只在设置初始position时使用了,旋转过程中却没有使用
    • 旋转过程中particle分布的随机性不好的话,就容易变得越来越线条,particle不能很好的分布在轴线附近,可以对比上下两张图,还是较为直观的
const generateGalaxy = () => {
  const randomness = new Float32Array(parameters.count * 3)
  for(let i = 0; i < parameters.count; i++) {
      // Position
      const radius = Math.random() * parameters.radius  
      const branchAngle = (i % parameters.branches) / parameters.branches * Math.PI * 2 

      positions[i3] = Math.cos(branchAngle) * radius
      positions[i3 + 1] = 0
      positions[i3 + 2] = Math.sin(branchAngle) * radius

      // random
      const randomX = Math.pow(Math.random(), parameters.randomnessPower) * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : - 1) * parameters.randomness * radius
      const randomY = Math.pow(Math.random(), parameters.randomnessPower) * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : - 1) * parameters.randomness * radius
      const randomZ = Math.pow(Math.random(), parameters.randomnessPower) * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : - 1) * parameters.randomness * radius

      randomness[i3] = randomX
      randomness[i3 + 1] = randomY
      randomness[i3 + 2] = randomZ
  geometry.setAttribute('aRandomness', new THREE.BufferAttribute(randomness, 3))
// vertex.glsl
attribute vec3 aRandomness;
void main () {
    // Position
    // random += aRandomness;
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