一小丛 冒出头的嫩绿
片片碧绿成长 从不是疑问
有雨滴的滋润 果核就生出幼苗
只要愿意寻找 就能发现幸运草
最初始的生机 来自春天祝福
极干枯的枝头 希冀也会永驻
Green hope
A little cluster of newly - sprouted green shoots.
Dews share their first joy.
With the guard of millions of sun - rays.
The growth of the greeness will never be doubted.
With the nourishment of raindrops, seeds can grow into little plants.
If you are willing to seek, you'll find the lucky clover.
The oringinal life, comes from the blessing of spring.
Hope may stay forever, on the driest branch.