人生是一场马拉松比赛,别着急,慢慢跑~~ 学习也是,你我共勉!o(*≧▽≦)ツ
trivial of issues 鸡毛蒜皮的小事
conversational competence 交流能力
engage with ideas 接触创意
hone interpersonal communications skills 发掘人际交往技能
1. Don't multitask 不要三心二意
Don't be half in it and half out of it. 不要身在曹营,心在汉。
There is no reason to learn how to show you're paying attention, if you are in fact paying attention.
Ture listening requires a setting aside of oneself
Everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don't.
2. Don't pontificate 不要好为人师
pundit 专家说教
n 有学问的人,评论家(A person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who often talks about it in public)
3. Use open-ended questions 使用开放式问题
Start your questions with who, what, when, where or how.
If you put in a complicated question, you're going to get a simple answer out.
Let them describle it. They're the ones that know.
Try asking them like, "What was that like?"
4. Go with the flow 顺其自然
That means thoughts will come into your mind and you need to let them go out of your mind.
5. If you don't know, say that you don't know
Err on the side of caution. 谨言慎行
Talk should be not cheap 谈话应该是负责任的行为
6. Don't equate your experience with theirs.
If they're talking about the trouble they're having at work, don't tell them about how much you hate your job.
It's not the same. It is never the same.
All the experiences are individual. more importantly, it is not about you,
Conversations are not a promotional opportunity.
7. Try not to repeat yourself. 尽量别重复自己的话
It's condescending, and it's really boring.
8. Stay out of the weeds.少说废话
What they care about is you, So forget the details. Leave them out.
9. Listening 倾听
Listening perhaps the most, the number one important skill that your could develop.
If your mouth is open, you are not learning.
If you can't do that, you're not in a conversation. You're just two people shouting out barely related sentences in the same place.
Most of us don't listen with the intent to understand. We listen with the intent to reply.
10. Be brief 简明扼要
A good conversation is like a minishirt, short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject.
Be interested in other people, Everyone has some hidded, amazing thing about them.
Go out, talk to people, listen to people, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.