In China we have an old traditional thinking, we always want to keep our house because we want to raise ourselves by our house. How do you think to use the house to provide for healthcare?
I think it is conflict between the traditions and requirements of healthcare for elderly in a modern system. Nobody wants to leave their home, but aging occurs and it demands lifestyle changes as you get older. There are the new type of trade-offs challenge these historical traditions and the answer is not an easy one. It just goes back to the point I made earlier that the support for elderly, it needs to greater funding by the government both from the point of social security and pension but also the benefits that is paid out by the healthcare system. If the government were to shift its focus now from the quantity of enrollment to the quality of the benefits, that would be helpful to address the very important question you have raised.
We are all dealing with the same issues with different systems. The laboratory for dealing with rapidly aging society is Japan. Japan has the oldest population in the world right now. If you look at the demographic profile of old age dependency ratio, the ratio of65% of the older to the working age population.Japan looks like China except it’s about 20 years ahead. China is going the same direction as Japan. So japan is ahead of focusing a lot on addressing its elderly issues.
In the class I teach in Yale, I took students through this comparison in great detail. I do this not just from the standpoint of demographics but other characteristics such as currency and debt. But from the standpoint of demographics, the characteristics in Japan are very similar to where China is headed, not today, but 20 years from now, if China does nothing in terms of addressing its child birth and retirement age characteristics. It will look like Japan. So I run some stimulations through the demographical data of UN. If you expand the family size by literally on average half a child or more per year, which seems very feasible to me given a shift occurred in the family planning the one child policy in recent years. If you raise the retirement age, it’s very important from say 65 to 70, which is very consistent with the improved lifestyles or survival rate of Chinese citizens. That could make real differences in avoiding the Japanese’s type of outcome for China.