1. carry weight 表示重要,有分量。比如一家人中妈妈的说最有分量,可以表达成:Mom's words carry weight.
carry strong weight还可以表示words too strong话说的太重
这里注意用strong来形容话说的重,在电影Eat, Pray ,Love里也出现过这个用法。
2.I hate to say that you are fired.婉转的表示说出不好的消息 I hate to say
3. spent 过的值得,充实
Tonight is well spent.
4.尽管 As much as I hate to do, I must stay home and finish my paper.这里的as much as就可以替换掉常用的although,despite
5.显著的进步 marked progress/improvement, marked的同义词noticeable
比如跟着Eric练语音,我有了明显的进步 Following Eric's instruction, I made marked progress in pronunciation.
6.nit-picking 鸡蛋里挑骨头,吹毛求疵。(主要是注意细节)
还有一个形容词picky,表示挑剔,只喜欢某一种东西,比如小朋友爱挑食;Children are picky eaters.
7.tardy=late 但更正式
Sorry for the tardy reply.
8. devil
devil's advocate 故意唱反调的人,看了荆棘海的图更好的理解了意思
Speak of the devil 说曹操曹操就到
better the devil you know
deviled egg 一种很多酱烹饪的鸡蛋
车子抛锚 The car breakdown
精神崩溃 mental breakdown
all our 这里的our弱读,不用很完整。
that I 的弱读
2.句尾不弱读 wait for 的for