New Year New Me Part.II
1.Turn your phone off
Try and switch your smartphone off a bit more. We're pretty sure our family would rather we can look them in the eye and tell them about our day.
时不时的脱离网络,能自由自在,面对面的对话,真好。发现身边好些小家伙已经开始断网闭关修炼了。确实啊,我们应该有选择turn it off的权利。
2.Remember your manners
It makes a huge difference when we recognize and express our gratitude.A simple please and thank you will brighten your day. You might even get a thank you back.
3.Go to the theater the concert
Why not go and see a performer standing on stage in theatre. We all know it’s the best to see live shows. there is no excuse not to sample some live drama or musicals.
4.Cook a different recipe every week
This is free and can broaden your diet and skill set. Go and experiment with the quirky bizarre recipes. Who knows, you might surprise yourself or scare your family.
5.Stop buying material goods and save up for long term
Ditch the shopping addiction and try and do a month surviving on what you own already, it might be liberating. Live as a minimalist.
6.Walk to work
It's an oldie but a goldie. Get off a bus stop or subway station early on your way to work or at the end of the day. Keep an eye on the air quality though. If the number hits 100, get a mask.
提前一站下车,步行剩下的路程,看看应该熟悉的风景 还能多消耗些卡路里。大人者,不失赤子之心者也,身边的小确幸,你找到了吗?
7.Get a green thumb
Plant some flowers and soon a burst of color will brighten your day. If flowers are too cheesy and not your thing, and you happen to be a little foodie, then this one is for you. Grow something to eat.
8.Visit an elderly relative
Get a gift and pop in, bring some joy to your auntie or Granny. Make their day with an hour of your time.
9.Go your own way
I’m just sharing some loose ideas for us to experience and try out. Embrace the richness of life and uncover the possibilities of yourself.
Try to avoid being drawn to prescriptive lists telling you what to do, how to live your life and the perfect life hacks. Do what you want, when you want, as long it doesn't hurt anyone.