5. 《赛末点》
Gay Talese在《Fame and Obscurity》里写到过,美国的"bridge boom"时期,无数的大桥建起,随之而起的是无数的建筑师,而由于建桥的理论和实践都不完善,许许多多的大桥坍塌,随着大桥一起坍塌的还有它的建筑师。而O.H. Ammann是少有的几位业界未尝败绩的设计师之一, 他把自己的成功归因于幸运。
One day after he has completed his design, he mused aloud in his New York apartment, on the thirty second floor of the hotel Carlyle, that one reason he has experienced no tragedy with his bridges is that he has been blessed with good fortune.
"I have been luck," he said, quietly.
"Lucky!" snapped his wife, who attributes his success solely to his superior mide.
"Lucky," he repeated, silencing her with his soft, hard tone of his authority.