以 What 开头的疑问句
- 职业: What does your father do?
- He is an architect. - 出生: What country is Mr. Jeffery from?
- He is from Germany.
以 When 开头的疑问句: 介词 + 时间名词
- When will the play begin?
- In a few minutes.
- Within an hour.
- In approximately 10 minutes.
错误回答: For about 2 hours.
- When is the bill due?
- By the end of this month.
- When is your company going to hire a new sales director?
- As soon as they find the right person.
- When did you get your eyes check?
- When I had a comprehensive physical examination.
以 Why 开头的疑问句
Why is the secretary coming here?
-To pick up some required document.以Why来询问“没能做...”的理由时
- I had to finish my report.
- I had another engagement.
- I had another appointment.
- 以Why 开头疑问句开头但表示提议、建议的句子可以用Yes/No的形式回答
- Why don't we gather some survey data tomorrow?
- Yes, we couldn't do that.
- Why don't you visit your brother's house this afternoon?
- Yes, I guess I might.
- Why don't we have a meeting to discuss the current issues?
- That sounds reasonable.
-That's a great idea. - It's fine to me.
- I don't think that would be necessary.
- It was amazing.
- It was fantastic.
- It was perfect.
- Not as good as have expected.
- How many assembly line workers were hired last month?
- About one hundred.
- How long have you been working here?
- For almost five years.
- “不知道”的几种表达方式
- I have no idea.
- I am not sure.
- Ask the manager(someone).
- 对how about 的回答
- I like it very much.
- That sounds good(great).
- It's wonderful.
- It's amazing.
- I have a lot work to do.
- I'm afraid + .
以 Who 开头的疑问句,通常回答的是身份或职位
- 职务: CEO = Chief Executive Officer, president, vice president, director, executive, manager, assistant manager
- 部门: Marketing Department, Sales Department, Accounting Department, Human Resources = Personnel Department, General Affairs, Engineering Department
对 Where 场所的提问和以 “介词+名词”形式回答
- Excuse me. Where can I find the milk?
- It's in the Dairy Product Isle.
- Where is the outline for tomorrow's presentation?
- On the table in my office.
回答 Which 开头的疑问句
- Which proposal do you find more convincing?
- The one Mr. Long presented.
- Which of you approved this loan application?
- Bill okayed it.
回答以 Do 助动词开头的疑问句
- Did Ms. Gomez chair the panel session?
- She was able to make it.
- Do you know when the rain is supposed to stop?
- I haven't heard.
- Do you know when they are leaving for London?
- At 9 tomorrow.
- Have you received the memo form the personnel department?
- No, it hasn't arrived yet.
- Have you ever visited the Research Division?
- I've been there three times before.
回答以could 和 would 开头表示请求的疑问句
- Could you help me carry this box?
- Wait a minute. My hands are full.
- Would you like to receive our booklet?
- Thanks. But I'm not interested.
以 Can 开头,表示请求的疑问句
- Can you tell the difference between these two models?
- They look the same to me.
以 be 开头的问句及其回答
- Is there a bus to the Capital City form here?
- Yes, there's one every two hours.
- Are you going to join us for the party tonight?
- No, I already have plans.
- Sure, what time?
- You are still looking for a place to live, aren't you?
- Yes, I am.
- No, not any more.
- We are not going to have a new presentation for a new sales plan, are we?
-No, as far as I know.
-Yes, we are in a conference room.
- Mr. Gomez is in charge of marketing department, isn't he?
- No, he quit the job last month.
- I don't have any idea.
- I have no idea.
- Sorry, I don't know.
包含woldn't 的疑问句
- Wouldn't you like to go away for a few days?
- Yes, I have three days left from my annual leave.
包含haven't 的疑问句
- Haven't you turn in your science paper yet?
-No, I'm still working on it.
包含don’t 的疑问句
- Don't you want to join this Friday's party?
-No, I already have another engagement.
选择疑问句:or 前后结构一致
Do you want to get the document by fax or email?
-It's okay. I'll drop by your office this afternoon.Do you want me to start this project now or leave it for tomorrow?
- It can wait until next morning.
- Would you like a lift or will you just walk?
- I would appreciate a ride.
选择疑问句: or 前后结构不一致
- Have you signed your contract or are you still thinking about it?
- I haven't made my mind.
- I haven't decided yet.
- The copy machine isn't working properly.
- No way, it was checked only last night.
- This kind of construction generates much better result.
- I know but it's too expensive.
- We really need to update the phone directory.
- Yes, the staff had changed a lot.