transaction 里面有一个 delay_sec 的参数,默认是0,可以通过自定义实现延迟EOS转账。
具体代码可以查看 contracts/eosiolib/transaction.hpp
我们通过写一个新的合约,实现延时转账的 send 功能
void send(account_name from, account_name to, asset amount, string memo, uint64_t delay) {
eosio::transaction t{};
eosio::permission_level(from, N(active)), // with `from@active` permission
N(eosio.token), // You're sending this to `eosio.token`
N(transfer), // to their `transfer` action
std::make_tuple(from, to, amount, memo)); // with the appropriate args
t.delay_sec = delay; // Set the delay
t.send(eosio::string_to_name(memo.c_str()), from); // Send the transaction with some ID derived from the memo
$ cleos set account permission <sender-account> active '{"threshold": 1,"keys": [{"key": "<sender-pubkey>","weight": 1}],"accounts": [{"permission":{"actor":"<contract-account>","permission":"eosio.code"},"weight":1}]}' owner -p <sender-account>