0. 序言
对装饰模式不了解的,可以点击链接跳转阅读: https://www.jianshu.com/p/82bb4e73b387
1. UML
2. 源码
- Context
public abstract class Context {
public abstract void startActivity(Intent var1);
public abstract void startActivity(Intent var1, Bundle var2);
- ContextImpl
class ContextImpl extends Context {
public void startActivity(Intent intent) {
startActivity(intent, null);
public void startActivity(Intent intent, Bundle options) {
// Calling start activity from outside an activity without FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK is
// generally not allowed, except if the caller specifies the task id the activity should
// be launched in. A bug was existed between N and O-MR1 which allowed this to work. We
// maintain this for backwards compatibility.
final int targetSdkVersion = getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion;
if ((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) == 0
&& (targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.N
|| targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P)
&& (options == null
|| ActivityOptions.fromBundle(options).getLaunchTaskId() == -1)) {
throw new AndroidRuntimeException(
"Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity "
+ " context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag."
+ " Is this really what you want?");
getOuterContext(), mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), null,
(Activity) null, intent, -1, options);
- ContextWrapper
public class ContextWrapper extends Context {
Context mBase;
public ContextWrapper(Context base) {
mBase = base;
public void startActivity(Intent intent) {
public void startActivity(Intent intent, Bundle options) {
mBase.startActivity(intent, options);
- ContextThemeWrapper
public class ContextThemeWrapper extends ContextWrapper {
- Activity
public class Activity extends ContextThemeWrapper{
- Context:
Context类在Android中成为上帝对象,它本质是一个抽象类,在装饰模式中扮演被装饰的原始对象的角色,其内部定义了大量的抽象方法。 - ContextImpl:
ContextImpl继承自Context,是对Context的真正实现,实现了Context中的抽象方法,其在装饰模式中扮演被装饰的具体对象角色。 - ContextWrapper:
ContextWrapper继承自Context,其内部有一个指向被装饰的具体对象的引用,其在装饰模式中扮演抽象装饰者角色。 - ContextThemeWrapper:
ContextThemeWrapper继承自ContextWrapper,是对ContextWrapper的再扩展。 - Activity:
3. 总结
ContextImpl 和 ContextWrapper 继承自 Context,ContextWrapper 内部包含Context类型的mBase对象,mBase 具体指向 ContextImpl。ContextImpl 提供了很多功能,但是外界需要使用并扩展 ContextImpl 的功能,所以这里选择使用装饰模式,ContextWrapper 是装饰类,它对 ContextImpl 进行包装,ContextWrapper 主要起到了方法传递的作用,ContextWrapper 中几乎所有的方法都是调用 ContextImpl 的相应方法来实现的。ContextThemeWrapper 是对 ContextWrapper 再扩展,Service 和 Application 都继承自 ContextWrapper ,都可以通过 mBase 来使用 Context 的方法,同时又添加了额外的功能,是 ContextWrapper 装饰类的具体实现和扩展类。ContextThemeWrapper 中包含和主题相关的方法,所以需要主题的 Activity 是 ContextThemeWrapper 装饰类的具体实现和扩展类。
4. 后续
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