The second lesson I learned from meditation might have been even more
important than the experiences of pure awareness. Here it is. You always have a choice.
Let me explain.
In meditation, you practice letting everything go. The more you do that,
all thoughts and feelings become objects. They lose their distinction. Whereas
some thoughts are more potent than others, like the ones that triggered all
that stress and anxiety, in meditation you treat them all the same. You let
them go and let them be.
冥想中你会练习放下一切。当你越这样做的时候, 所有的想法和感受都成了(你要观察的)对象。它们变得并无二致。尽管还是有一些想法会更难缠,比如那些会引发压力和焦虑的想法。放下他们,随他们去,让他们呈现本来的样貌。
All of them.
Of course, it’s harder to let go of some thoughts more than others. That’s
because we have more deeply ingrained responses to some thoughts and feelings.
But meditation is like a grand equalizer. You apply the same basic approach to
everything. You accept it as it is and you don’t try to change it. In fact, you
do nothing at all.
So for me, I eventually had the experience of seeing this anxiety—and the
thoughts and feelings that triggered it—become like every other thought or
feeling. And in that process, it lost it’s teeth as I learned how to let it go.
And more importantly, I learned that I had the choice to let it go. And
through exercising that choice over and over again, I proved to myself that I
was bigger than that thought pattern and the anxiety it triggered.
When that happened, something shifted in me. I let go on some deeper level
and slowly but surely the anxiety diminished. It no longer had me in it’s
grips. In truth, I learned that it was me holding on to it. I learned that it
was my choice all along. And that’s how I conquered it.