- abject poverty 赤贫
abject: /ˈabdʒɛkt/
(of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree- cutting-edge 先进的
- casualty 死亡人数
A person killed or injured in a war or accident.- sovereignty 主权
Supreme power or authority.
sovereign+ty- exclusive right 专有权
Excluding or not admitting other things.
- cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病
dis(表否定)+ease(放松)- creditworthy 信誉良好
Good enough; suitable.- lethal 致命的
- collateral-free 无需担保的
col-, 强调。-later, 边,词源同lateral,多边multilateral. 即放在旁边作为抵押物品的。
/kəˈlat(ə)r(ə)l/- solvency 偿付能力
来自 solvent,有偿付能力的,可溶解的,-ency,名词后缀。
来自 solve,溶解,解决,-ent,形容词后缀。即可溶解的,用于经济学术语指有偿付能力的, 可清偿的等。
- micro-enterprise 微型企业
- entrenched 根深蒂固的
en-, 进入,使。-trench, 砍,切,词源同trench, truncate. 即切进去,牢固树立。- pension fund 养老基金
A regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age and to some widows and disabled people.- ceasefire 停火
Come or bring to an end.- outstanding loan 未偿还贷款
Not yet paid, resolved, or dealt with.
- hydropower 水电
- deportation 驱逐出境
de+port, deport
de-, 向下,离开。port, 港口。
The action of deporting a foreigner from a country.- ice cap 冰帽
- caucasian 白人的
White-skinned; of European origin.
Relating to the Caucasus.- trade deficit 贸易逆差
The amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.
- Cosmopolitan city 大都市
Including people from many different countries.- consensus 共识
con-, 强调。-sens, 感觉,词源同sense
A general agreement.- Double spending problem 双花问题
- resilience 韧性
The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.- distributive system 分布式系统
- multipolarity 多极化
/mʌltɪˈpəʊlə/- in the wake of 在……之后
Following (someone or something), especially as a consequence.- technology transfer 技术转移
- prefabricated building 预制建筑
Manufacture sections of (a building or piece of furniture) to enable quick assembly on site.- peer pressure 同辈压力
- due diligence 尽职调查
Careful and persistent work or effort.
Reasonable steps taken by a person to avoid committing a tort or offence.- tidal power 潮汐能
- fintech 金融科技
finance+technology- fossil fuel 化石燃料
/ˈfɒsɪl/ + /fjuː(ə)l/- anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施
Deposit or dispose of (rubbish, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way.
- ultraviolet 紫外线
ultra-, 超过的,极其的,violet, 紫色的。
/ʌltrəˈvʌɪələt/- carbon intensity 碳强度
- M&A 收购并购
merge and acquisition, /ˌakwɪˈzɪʃ(ə)n/
acquire, 前缀ac-同ad-, 去,往。词根quir, 追求,同question, 追问,问题。- biomass energy 生物质能
- trump card 王牌
- stomatology 空腔学
stoma/stomate, A small opening like a mouth in some lower animals.- jet lag 时差反应
jet: 喷气式飞机,喷嘴
lag: Fail to keep up with another or others in movement or development.
Extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a person after a long flight across different time zones.- inclusive finance 普惠金融
include- maglev train 磁悬浮
magnet + lev
缩写自magnetic levitation.- anti-doping measures 反兴奋剂措施
- sushi 寿司
- dehydration 脱水
de + hydrate + tion- the Bund 上海外滩
An embankment or causeway.- comparable prices 可比价格
- shareholder 股东
- disaster relief 赈灾
relief: Financial or practical assistance given to those in special need or difficulty.- autonomous region 自治区
autonomous: (of a country or region) having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs.- rule of law 法治
- unconventional threats 非常规威胁
convention: A way in which something is usually done.
Based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed.- economic downturn 经济衰退
- trade barrier 贸易壁垒
- renewable technology 可再生技术
- accessible facilities 无障碍设施
- universal values 普世价值
small and middle enterprise
- mascot 吉祥物
A person or thing that is supposed to bring good luck, especially one linked to a particular organization or event.- angel investment 天使投资
- boarding pass 登机牌
- venture investment 风险投资
- fixed asset 固定资产
asset:A useful or valuable thing or person.
- private equity 私募股权
equity: The value of the shares issued by a company.
/ˈɛkwɪti/- pillar industry 支柱产业
pillar: A tall vertical structure of stone, wood, or metal, used as a support for a building, or as an ornament or monument.- Chinese Academy of science CAS
- tourist destination 旅游目的地
- liberal education 通识教育
liberal: attributive (of education) concerned with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
- gross enrollment rate 毛入学率
gross:(of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total.- supervisor 导师、监督员
- land of abundance 天府之国
- illiterate 文盲
il + literate- intellectual property rights 知识产权
intellectual: intel-,在中间,来自inter-的变体,-lect,选择,选出,词源同collect, elite. 即鉴别的能力,引申词义智力,才智。词义演变比较science.
- vocational education 职业教育
- real economy 实体经济
- fertilizer 化肥 /ˈfəːtɪlʌɪz/
- forest coverage rate 森林覆盖率
- circulation 发行量
in singular The number of copies sold of a newspaper or magazine.
- energy mix 能源结构
- commodity 大宗商品
A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.- population aging 人口老龄化
- extensive growth 粗放型增长
- life expectancy 预期寿命
- deepening reform 深化改革
- obesity 肥胖症
- renaissance 文艺复兴
The revival of European art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries.- delivery 分娩
- precision medicine 精准医学
- benchmark 基准
- targeted poverty alleviation 精准扶贫
alleviation: The action or process of making suffering, deficiency, or a problem less severe.- rights and interests 权益
- multilateral trade 多边贸易
- industrial clustering 工业聚集
industry -> industrial
- sanction 制裁
A threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule.- smog 雾霾
smoke + fog- deep learning 深度学习
- intermediary 中间商
inter-,在内,在中间,相互,-med,中间,词源同middle, mediate.引申词义中间人,调解人。
/ˌɪntəˈmiːdɪəri/- demographic dividend 人口红利
demographic: Relating to the structure of populations.
dividend: /ˈdɪvɪdɛnd/
A sum of money paid regularly (typically annually) by a company to its shareholders out of its profits (or reserves).
- Belt and Road initiative 一带一路倡议
initiative: An act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something.- moderately prosperous society 小康社会
moderately: Average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree.
prosperous: prosper + ous
Successful in material terms; flourishing financially.