
DAY 20


1.ring out phr v

a voice, bell etc that rings out is loud and clear

The sound of a shot rang out.


a hoary joke, remark etc is so well-known that people no longer find it amusing or interesting

.Not that hoary old chestnut (=old idea, joke, remark etc) again.


old-fashioned grey or white in colour, especially through age

The Minnesota Orchestra emerged from a fifteen-month lockout crisis

4.New York Philharmonic/ Minnesota Orchestra/Seattle Symphony



with a strong and unhealthy interest in unpleasant subjects, especially death

morbid fascination/curiosity

a morbid fascination with instruments of torture

The trip was made all the worse by Frankie's morbid fear of flying.

medical relating to or caused by a disease

a morbid gene


>morbidly  adv

>morbidity  n [U]


adj [pred 作表语]

~ (on sb/sth) having an abnormal emotional attachment (to sb/sth)

(对某人[某事物])固恋, 异常依恋:

He is fixated on things that remind him of his childhood.

8.The supposedly imminent demise of classical music

noun [sing.]

the end or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc.

(formal or humorous) death: his imminent / sudden / sad demise

9.To place that tradition in context,consider the infographic below

the situation, events, or information that are related to something and that help you to understand it

10.design credit

11.How superfluous it is to declare 2014 the year the art form kick the bucket


more than is needed or wanted



Kick the bucket

old-fashioned to die - used humorously

12.There is a creepy bloodlust to the doom-mongering of classical music,as though an autopsy were being conducted on a still-breathing body.

13.Chamber ensemble 室内乐小组合奏;小组合奏团;小组室乐训练

14. purport

(fml 文) general meaning or intention (of sth) 主要意义; 大意; 意图:

The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt. 该项声明大意是该商行已破产.

> purport / pəˈpɔːt; pɚˋpɔrt/ v [Tt]

(fml 文) be meant to seem (to be); claim or pretend 意思似乎是; 声称; 伪称:

The document purports to be an official statement. 该文件据称是一项正式声明.

15.purportedly comatose


<the greying of sth>

the situation in which the average age of a population increases, so that there are more old people than there were in the past

the graying of classical music audiences

17.classical-music concern-trolls toss poorly aimed barbs.


v [I, Ipr] ~ (for sth) fish with a rod and line by pulling bait through the water behind a boat (在船後用杆和绳)拖饵钓鱼: trolling for pike 拖钓狗鱼.


(a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) throw sth lightly or carelessly or easily 扔; 抛; 掷:

He tossed the book down on the table. 他把书扔在桌子上.

* toss sth aside/away/out 把某物丢在一边[丢开/丢掉]

* They were tossing a ball about. 他们把球扔来扔去.

* He tossed the beggar a coin/tossed a coin to the beggar. 他把一枚硬币扔给乞丐. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (of a bull, etc) throw (sb) up with the horns (指公牛等)以角挑起(某人).

[Tn, Tn.p] jerk (one's head, etc), esp in contempt or indifference


(cause sb/sth to) move restlessly from side to side or up and down (使某人[某物])摇荡, 摇摆, 颠簸:

branches tossing in the wind 迎风摇摆的树枝

* I couldn't sleep, but kept tossing and turning/tossing about in bed all night. 我整夜在床上翻来复去睡不着.

* The ship was tossed back and forth by the waves. 那船随波涛颠簸.


adj difficult to understand 难解的; 深奥的.


n (fml 文) long, sad and complaining story of troubles, misfortunes, etc

悲伤的长篇故事; 血泪史.


(a) [U] deviation from what is accepted as normal or right 偏差; 越轨:

steal sth in a moment of aberration 一时糊涂而偷东西.

(b) [C] moral or mental lapse; temporary loss of memory 失检或失常; 一时失去记忆力

Owing to a strange mental aberration he forgot his own name. 由於一种莫名的精神错乱, 他把自己的名字忘了.

[C] fault or defect 毛病; 差错:

an aberration in the computer 计算机的差错.

21.勃拉姆斯 [Brahms, Johannes]

(1833.5.7,汉堡~1897.4.3,奥匈帝国 维也纳)

音乐, 人物小传




23.The moral angle is bust.


[not usually before noun] (informal)

(BrE) broken:

My watch is bust.

(of a person or business) failed because of a lack of money:

We're bust!

We lost our money when the travel company went bust.


that can be felt or touched 可触知的; 摸得出的.

(fml 文) clear to the mind; obvious 明显的; 明白的:

a palpable lie, error 明显的谎言﹑ 错误.

> palpably adv.


(a) person who is devoted to sth; enthusiast

a devotee of sport, music, crime fiction, etc

(b) zealous supporter (of a sect, etc)


the ability to think quickly and make good judgments

business/political/financial etc acumen


(formal) to write sth:

He penned a letter to the local paper.

~ sb/sth (in / up)  to shut an animal or a person in a small space:

At clipping time sheep need to be penned.

The whole family were penned up in one room for a month.


[I, Ip] ~ (out) make a loud harsh sound like a trumpet :

Car horns blared.

* The trumpets blared `out.

[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) produce or utter (such sounds)

The radio blared out pop music.

> blare n [U] blaring sound 巨大刺耳的声音:

the blare of police sirens, a brass band

29.A cursory glance

adj (often derog 常作贬义)

done quickly and not thoroughly; (too) hurried

a cursory glance, look, inspection, etc

30.hover around

If a something such as a price, value, or score hovers around a particular level, it stays at more or less that level and does not change much.

31.a niche market

noun [count] BUSINESS

the part of an industry that sells a particular type of product or service to the small number of customers who want it

A niche market means that targeting specific customer group for marketing and area of segment is very small that is known as niche marketing is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused.

The market niche defines as the product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intended to impact. It is also a small market segment. For example, sports channels like STAR Sports, ESPN, STAR Cricket, and Fox Sports target a niche of sports enthusiasts.


If someone cherry-picks people or things, they choose the best ones from a group of them, often in a way that other people consider unfair.

The club is in debt while others are queuing to cherry-pick their best players.

33.Crisis-ridden 危机四伏




used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning full of something, usually something unpleasant or harmful:

a crime-ridden society

a guilt-ridden expression

34.Snuff out

[Tn] cut or pinch off the burnt black end of the wick of (a candle)

(idm 习语) `snuff it (Brit sl joc 俚, 谑) die

His dad snuffed it a couple of years ago.

(phr v) snuff sth out (a) put out (a candle flame, etc); extinguish sth

(b) put an end to sth; finish sth

His hopes were nearly snuffed out

DAY 21




与前几篇相比,有一丢丢进步了(臭不要脸!哈!)这篇文章在做逻辑导图的时候会简单点,前面几篇文章是从比较抽象零散的文字中提取,但这篇文章的结构更清晰一点,总分式。比较容易写。感觉第一个逻辑图会相对容易些,如何“反驳古典音乐已死”,文中给出的信息比较明显,但还是要自己总结一下更为简练。第二个“如何展开辩论”需要思考的更多一些。从institution到history、fund、market share、cultural effect。讲真,感觉这两个逻辑图的后面差不多重合了~~




DAY 22


Instead, classical-music concern-trolls toss poorly aimed barbs. Critics blame the business (“It’s a charity case!” “Ticket sales will never account for all of its costs!”) and the culture (“Why all the abstruse rules of conduct?” “Why can’t I wear shorts?”) without having a clear grasp on either. There seems to be a deeper savagery at work, one that maniacally insists that a functioning industry reflect on itself, as though orchestra managers and opera intendants were oblivious to their own problems. “Listen to me!” the pundit demands, shaking classical music by its shoulders. “I have the stats. You’re dead.”

这一段在理解时遇到了问题,上面一段讲到why not … 一系列看得出是讽刺,到了这一段脑子没有连起来,导致了理解出现问题。

classical-music concern-trolls toss poorly aimed barbs.这句话讲的是doomsayers反其道行之,关注点跑偏。一会儿抱怨没有商业价值,一会说拘束多,没有抓住重点,还非得去多管闲事让一个好好运作的古典音乐跑去反省。说到激动点上,又补充到,我有证据,我有一堆数据可以说明classical music is dead.(脑补滑稽红脸)


Classical music

The term "classical music" has two meanings: the broader meaning includesall Western art music from the Medieval era to the 2000s, and the specific meaning refers to theart music from the 1750s to the early 1830s—the era of Mozart and Haydn. This section is about the more specific meaning.


Slate is an online liberal / progressive magazine that covers current affairs, politics and culture in the United States. It was created in 1996 by former New Republic editor Michael Kinsley, initially under the ownership of Microsoft as part of MSN. On 21 December 2004, it was purchased by The Washington Post Company, later renamed the Graham Holdings Company. Since 4 June 2008, Slate has been managed by The Slate Group, an online publishing entity created by the Graham Holdings Company to develop and manage web-only magazines. Slate is based in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, DC.

Slate 曾经报道一篇题为Classical music in America is dead. 作者就是文中提到的

Mark Vanhoenacker

这篇报道中一段话指出了classical music is dead 的原因:

Classical music has been circling the drain for years, of course. There’s little doubt as to the causes: the fingernail grip of old music in a culture that venerates the new; new classical music that, in the words of Kingsley Amis, has about as much chance of public acceptance as pedophilia; formats like opera that are extraordinarily expensive to stage; and an audience that remains overwhelmingly old and white in an America that’s increasingly neither. Don’t forget the attacks on arts education, the Internet-driven democratization of cultural opinion, and the classical trappings—fancy clothes, incomprehensible program notes, an omerta-caliber code of audience silence—that never sit quite right in the homeland of popular culture.

Even if every seat were filled, the vast majority of U.S. symphony orchestras still would face significant performance deficits.



还有一篇华盛顿邮报关于classical music 的报道 Classical music: dead or alive?

这篇文章主要就是针对Mark Vanhoenacker 报道的Classical music is dead 做出的评价和自己的看法。我个人比较赞同第二篇的观点。这位作者站在一个相对客观的角度上,既指出了Vanhoenacker 报道中的一些偏激和不正确的观点,也承认了classical music 在发展过程中存在的不足,比如票房减少、靠古典乐为生的音乐家们经济上也有困难,classical music 的crazy fans are emotional sometimes,等等。

最后一段给出了一个总结,take heart 既抽象也具体。Classical music is not dying. some people will write bad articles, and that doesn’t signal the death of journalism, either.一个类比铿锵有力,啪啪打脸,哈哈!

So I say to all of you: take heart. Classical music isn’t dying. I also say to all of you: some people will write bad articles, and that doesn’t signal the death of journalism, either. But for those of us who love the field, let’s think of more productive ways to marshall our intellectual resources than shooting fish in a barrel and congratulating each other about it afterwards. Indeed, such a vehement reaction looks suspiciously like protesting too much, and could lead an intelligent reader to suspect that the Slate article, poor as it is, might actually be onto something.




作为一名糙汉,对古典音乐了解甚少。趁着这次机会跑去搜了几首贝多芬、巴赫、勃拉姆斯的曲子,矫情点说,仔细听的话,真的有种洗涤心灵的感觉。这种感觉是现代大街上和网络上的口水歌比不来的。我觉得古典音乐在一定程度上可以与我们的传统文化进行对比。很久以来,我们就在讨论传统文化是否过时,一种声音是传统文化是经典,老祖宗的智慧,一定要传承下去;另外一种声音再喊,时代不同了,老一套过时了,没有几个人关心学习。如今社会上比较赞同的一个观点是“取其精华,去其糟粕”。再来说一下古典音乐。无论中世纪教会音乐、巴洛克风格、古典主义、浪漫主义及现当代的序列主义、约翰·凯奇和谭盾的音乐,都属于“古典音乐”范畴。格莱美的最佳当代古典音乐作曲奖就是颁给以古典风格作曲的当代音乐家。此外古典音乐(Classic Music)也包含了一层“经典音乐”的意思。在罗沃尔特音乐家传记丛书中,猫王、列侬、阿姆斯特朗都被排在古典音乐家行列,可见到了20世纪,古典音乐已经突破了风格界限。就像人们说的,世界上只有两种音乐:好音乐和不好的音乐。音乐没有界限。在娱乐时代,古典音乐赋予我们一种追求经典品质的精神。古典音乐的市场经济份额不大,经济效益不够惊人,但文化作为和经济平起平坐的必不可少的一部分,不应只以经济效益作为考核标准。支持classical music~~~

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