The arrangementsentered into by the Group with developers for property developments along theAirport Railway are considered to be jointly controlled operations pursuant toSSAP 21 "'Accounting for interests in joint ventures". Pursuant tothe development arrangements, the Group is normally responsible for its owncosts, including in-house staff costs1and the costs of enabling works,2and the developers normally undertake to pay for all other project costs suchas land premium,3construction costs, professional fees, etc. Suchcosts are deductible from the proceeds of sale before surplus proceeds areshared. In respect of its interests in such operations, the Group accounts forthe costs of enabling works net of up-front payments received as propertydevelopment in progress.
Monetary assetsand liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Hong Kongdollars at the rates of exchange prevailing at the balance sheet date1 orat the relevant forward contract2rates where applicable. Exchangedifferences are included in the profit and loss account.3Transactions during the year are converted into Hong Kong dollars at rates ofexchange ruling at the dates of transactions
The accounts ofsubsidiaries ,4jointly controlled entities5orassociated company6 denominated in foreign currencies are translatedinto Hong Kong dollars using the year end rates of exchange for balance sheetitems and the average rates of exchange for the year for the profit and lossaccount. Exchange differences are dealt with as a movement in reserves.