第一章,必备编程基础和背景知识----Swift Apprentice中文版








        数字之于CPU处理器正如面包和牛奶之于我们。CPU能处理的就是数字,因此我们的软件和软件要处理的对象全部都是数字,我们看到的文本是数字,看到的图片也是由成千上万的数字表示的,图片上的每一个点叫做像素,一个像素有红绿蓝三色组成:纯红色就用 100%红,0%绿, 0%蓝这些数字表示,每个像素都有这些数字表示,所有像素按照一定的顺序保存起来就能够精确描述一张电子照片。



             (0*1000) + (4*100) + (2*10) + (3*1) =423



        (1*8) + (1*4) + (0*2) + (1*1) =13

        其中8= 2的3次方 4=2的2次方, 2 = 2的一次方, 1 = 2的0次方,对应于十进制的表达方式中,1000 = 10的3次方, 100 = 10的2次方, 10 = 10的一次方 1 = 10的0次方。通过此对应关系,你就可以理解什么是10进制表示,什么是2进制表示。


         计算机除了表示数字的方式和日常生活不一样外,它能够表示的数字的长度也是有限制的,比如上图中,为了表示13 这个数字,我们使用4个位表示,第一个权重是8的位,值是1,第二个权重是4的值是1 ,第三个权重是2的值是0, 最后一个权重是1,值也是1.这个4个位我们就说他是4个二进制位,或者4个比特位。因为计算机内存的限制,所有数字的表示全都用统一的位数长度,32比特位或者64比特位。



        •a=10    •b=11    •c=12    •d=13    •e=14    •f=15


4096 = 16的3次方 , 256=16的2次方,  16 = 16的1次方, 1 = 16的0次方。


(12*4096) + (0*256) + (13*16) + (14*1) =49374




第二步: 调整图片的大小为400*300











或者是 菜单栏中Window-->Welcome to Xcode.

在这个界面中,从左边选择"Get started with a playground",就是图中第一个选项。接着会显示新界面:














Welcome to our book! In this first chapter, you’re going to learn a few basics. You’ll

learn how the code works first. Then you’ll learn about the tools you’ll be using to write

Swift code.

How a computer works

You may not believe me when I say it, but a computer is not very smart on its own.

The power of computers is all derived from how they’re programmed by people like

you and me. If you want to successfully harness the power of a computer — and I

assume you do if you’re reading this book — it’s important to understand how

computers work.

It may also surprise you to learn that computers themselves are rather simple

machines. At the heart of a computer is a Central Processing Unit(CPU). This is

essentially a math machine. It performs addition, subtraction, and other

arithmetical operations on numbers. Everything you see when you operate your

computer is all built upon a CPU crunching numbers many millions of times per

second. Isn’t it amazing what can come from just numbers?

The CPU stores the numbers it acts upon in small memory units called registers.

The CPU is able to read numbers into registers from the computer’s main memory,

known as Random Access Memory(RAM). It’s also able to write the number

stored in a register back into RAM. This allows the CPU to work with large amounts

of data that wouldn’t all fit in the bank of registers.

Here is a diagram of how this works:

As the CPU pulls values from RAM into its registers, it uses those values in its math

unit and stores the results back in another register.

Each time the CPU makes an addition, a subtraction, a read from RAM or a write to

RAM, it’s executing a single instruction. Each computer program is usually made

up of thousands to millions of instructions. A complex computer program such as

your operating system, macOS (yes, that’s a computer program too!), may have

many millions of instructions in total.

It’s entirely possible to write individual instructions to tell a computer what to do,

but for all but the simplest programs, it would be immensely time-consuming and

tedious. This is because most computer programs aim to do much more than simple

math — computer programs let you surf the Internet, manipulate images, and allow

you to chat with your friends.

Instead of writing individual instructions, you write code in a specific programming language, which in your case will be Swift. This code is put through

a computer program called a compiler, which converts the code into instructions

the CPU knows how to execute. Each line of code you write will turn into many

instructions — some lines could end up being tens of instructions!

Representing numbers

As you know by now, numbers are a computer’s bread and butter, the fundamental

basis of everything it does. Whatever information you send to the compiler will

eventually become a number. For example, each character within a block of text is

represented by a number. You’ll learn more about this in Chapter 3, which delves

into types including strings, the computer term for a block of text.

Images are no exception. In a computer, each image is also represented by a series

of numbers. An image is split into many thousands, or even millions, of picture

elements called pixels, where each pixel is a solid color. If you look closely at your

computer screen, you may be able to make out these blocks. That is unless you

have a particularly high-resolution display where the pixels are incredibly small!

Each of these solid color pixels is usually represented by three numbers: one for the

amount of red, one for the amount of green and one for the amount of blue. For

example, an entirely red pixel would be 100% red, 0% green and 0% blue.

The numbers the CPU works with are notably different from those you are used to.

When you deal with numbers in day-to-day life, you work with them in base 10,

otherwise known as the decimal system. Having used this numerical system for so

long, you intuitively understand how it works. So that you can you can appreciate

the CPU’s point of view, consider how base 10 works.

The decimal or base 10 number 423 contains three units, two tens and four


In the base 10 system, each digit of a number can have a value of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, 7, 8 or 9, giving a total of 10 possible values for each digit. Yep, that’s why it’s

called base 10!

But the true value of each digit depends on its position within the number. Moving

from right to left, each digit gets multiplied by an increasing power of 10. So the

multiplier for the far-right position is 10 to the power of 0, which is 1. Moving to the

left, the next multiplier is 10 to the power of 1, which is 10. Moving again to the

left, the next multiplier is 10 to the power of 2, which is 100. And so on.

This means each digit has a value ten times that of the digit to its right. The

number423is equal to the following:

(0*1000) + (4*100) + (2*10) + (3*1) =423Binary numbers

Because you’ve been trained to operate in base 10, you don’t have to think about

how to read most numbers — it feels quite natural. But to a computer, base 10 is

way too complicated! Computers are simple-minded, remember? They like to work

with base 2.

Base 2is often called binary, which you’ve likely heard of before. It follows that

base 2 has only two options for each digit: 0 or 1.

Almost all modern computers use binary because at the physical level, it’s easiest

to handle only two options for each digit. In digital electronic circuitry, which is

mostly what comprises a computer, the presence of an electrical voltage is 1 and

the absence is 0 — that’s base 2!

Here’s a representation of the base 2 number 1101:

In the base 10 number system, the place values increase by a factor of 10: 1, 10,

100, 1000, etc. In base 2, they increase by a factor of 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. The

general rule is to multiply each digit by an increasing power of the base number —

in this case, powers of 2 — moving from right to left.

So the far-right digit represents (1 * 2^0), which is (1 * 1), which is 1. The next

digit to the left represents (0 * 2^1), which is (0 * 2), which is 0. In the illustration

above, you can see the powers of 2 on top of the blocks.

Put another way, every power of 2 either is (1) or isn’t (0) present as a component

of a binary number. The decimal version of a binary number is the sum of all the

powers of 2 that make up that number. So the binary number 1101 is equal to:

(1*8) + (1*4) + (0*2) + (1*1) =13

And if you wanted to convert the base 10 number 423 into binary, you would simply

need to break down 423 into its component powers of 2. You would wind up with

the following:

As you can see by scanning the binary digits in the above equation, the resulting

binary number is 110100111. You can prove to yourself that this is equal to 423 by

doing the math!

The computer term given to each digit of a binary number is abit(a contraction of

“binary digit”). Eight bits make up abyte. Four bits is called anibble, a play on

words that shows even old school computer scientists had a sense of humor.

A computer’s limited memory means it can normally deal with numbers up to a

certain length. Each register, for example, is usually 32 or 64 bits in length, which is

why we speak of 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs.

Therefore, a 32-bit CPU can handle a maximum base-number of 4,294,967,295,

which is the base 2 number11111111111111111111111111111111. That is 32 ones—

count them!

It’s possible for a computer to handle numbers that are larger than the CPU

maximum, but the calculations have to be split up and managed in a special and

longer way, much like the long multiplication you performed in school.

Hexadecimal numbers

As you can imagine, working with binary numbers can become quite tedious,

because it can take a long time to write or type them. For this reason, in computer

programming, we often use another number format known ashexadecimal, orhexfor short. This isbase 16.

Of course, there aren’t 16 distinct numbers to use for digits; there are only 10. To

supplement these, we use the first six letters,athroughf. They are equivalent to

decimal numbers like so:







Here’s a base 16 example using the same format as before:

Notice first that you can make hexadecimal numbers look like words. That means

you can have a little bit of fun. :]

Now the values of each digit refer to powers of 16. In the same way as before, you

can convert this number to decimal like so:

(12*4096) + (0*256) + (13*16) + (14*1) =49374

You translate the letters to their decimal equivalents and then perform the usual


But why bother with this?

Hexadecimal is important because each hexadecimal digit can represent precisely

four binary digits. The binary number1111is equivalent to hexadecimalf. It follows

that you can simply concatenate the binary digits representing each hexadecimal

digit, creating a hexadecimal number that is shorter than its binary or decimal


For example, consider the numberc0defrom above:

This turns out to be rather helpful, given how computers use long 32-bit or 64-bit

binary numbers. Recall that the longest 32-bit number in decimal is 4,294,967,295.

In hexadecimal, it isffffffff. That’s much more compact and clear.

How code works

Computers have a lot of constraints, and by themselves, they can only do a small

number of things. The power that the computer programmer adds, through coding,

is putting these small things together, in the right order, to produce something

much bigger.

Coding is much like writing a recipe. You assemble ingredients (the data) and give

the computer a step-by-step recipe for how to use them.

Here’s an example:

c = 1100

0 = 0000

d = 1101

e = 1110

c0de = 1100 0000 1101 1110

Step 1. Load photo from hard drive.

Step 2. Resize photo to 400 pixels wide by 300 pixels high.

Step 3. Apply sepia filter to photo.

Step 4. Print photo.

This is what’s known aspseudo-code. It isn’t written in a valid computer

programming language, but it represents thealgorithmthat you want to use. In

this case, the algorithm takes a photo, resizes it, applies a filter and then prints it.

It’s a relatively straightforward algorithm, but it’s an algorithm nonetheless!

Swift code is just like this: a step-by-step list of instructions for the computer.

These instructions will get more complex as you read through this book, but the

principle is the same: You are simply telling the computer what to do, one step at a


Each programming language is a high-level, pre-defined way of expressing these

steps. The compiler knows how to interpret the code you write and convert it into

instructions that the CPU can execute.

There are many different programming languages, each with its own advantages

and disadvantages. Swift is an extremely modern language. It incorporates the

strengths of many other languages while ironing out some of their weaknesses. In

years to come, we’ll look back on Swift as being old and crusty, too. But for now,

it’s an extremely exciting language because it is quickly evolving.

This has been a brief tour of computer hardware, number representation and code,

and how they all work together to create a modern program. That was a lot to

cover in one section! Now it’s time to learn about the tools you’ll use to write in

Swift as you follow along with this book.


The set of tools you use to write software is often referred to as thetoolchain. The

part of the toolchain into which you write your code is known as theIntegrated

Development Environment(IDE). The most commonly used IDE for Swift is

called Xcode, and that’s what you’ll be using.

Xcode includes a handy feature called aPlayground, which allows you to quickly

write and test code without needing to build a complete app. You’ll use playgrounds

throughout the book to practice coding, so it’s important to understand how they

work. That’s what you’ll learn during the rest of this chapter.

Creating a playground

When you open Xcode, it will greet you with the following welcome screen:

If you don’t see this screen, it’s most likely because the “Show this window when

Xcode launches” option was unchecked. You can also open the screen by pressingCommand-Shift-1or clickingWindow\Welcome to Xcodefrom the menu bar.

From the welcome screen, you can jump quickly into a playground by clicking onGet started with a playground. Click on that now and Xcode will take you to a

new screen:

From here, you can name the playground and select your desired platform. The

name is merely cosmetic and for your own use; when you create your playgrounds,

feel free to choose names that will help you remember what they’re about. For

example, while you’re working through Chapter 2, you may want to name your


The second option you can see here is the platform. Currently, this can be eitheriOS,macOSortvOS.

The platform you choose simply defines which template Xcode will use to create the

playground. Each platform comes with its own environment set up and ready for

you to begin playing around with code. For the purposes of this book, choose

whichever you wish. You won’t be writing any platform-specific code; instead, you’ll

be learning the core principles of the Swift language.

Once you’ve chosen a name and a platform, click onNextand then save the

playground. Xcode then presents you with the playground, like so:

New playgrounds don’t start entirely empty but have some basic starter code to get

you going. Don’t worry — you’ll soon learn what this code means.

Playgrounds overview

At first glance, a playground may look like a rather fancy text editor. Well, here’s

some news for you: It is essentially just that!

The above screenshot highlights the first and most important things to know about:


like a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit. You’ll notice the use of what’s

known as a monospace font, meaning all characters are the same width. This

makes the code much easier to read and format.


about how code is executed as you read through the book. The results sidebar

will be the main place you’ll look to confirm your code is working as expected.


can write code and immediately see the output. This control allows you to

execute the playground again. Holding down the button allows you to switch

between automatic execution and manual execution modes.


shows that the playground has finished executing and is ready to handle more

code in the source editor. When the playground is executing, this viewer will

indicate this with a spinner.

5.Panel controls: These toggle switches show and hide three panels,one that

appears on the left, one on the bottom and one on the right. The panels each

display extra information that you may need to access from time to time. You’ll

usually keep them hidden, as they are in the screenshot. You’ll learn more

about each of these panels as you move through the book.

Playgrounds execute the code in the source editor from top to bottom. Every time

you change the code, the playground will re-execute everything. You can also force

a re-execution by clickingEditor\Execute Playground. Alternatively, you can use

the execution control.

You can turn on line numbers on the left side of the source editor by clickingXcode

\Preferences...\Text Editing\Line Numbers. Line numbers can be very useful

when you want to refer to parts of your code.

Once the playground execution is finished, Xcode updates the results sidebar to

show the results of the corresponding line in the source editor. You’ll see how to

interpret the results of your code as you work through the examples in this book.

Key points

Computers, at their most fundamental level, perform simple mathematics.

A programming language allows you to write code, which the compiler converts

into instructions that the CPU can execute.

Computers operate on numbers in base 2 form, otherwise known as binary.

The IDE you use to write Swift code is named Xcode.

By providing immediate feedback about how code is executing, playgrounds allow

you to write and test Swift code quickly and efficiently.

Where to go from here?

If you haven’t done so already, open Xcode for yourself and create your first

playground. Give it the nameChapter01and use the iOS platform. Save it

somewhere on your hard drive and you’ll end up with an open playground.

Now you’re all set to follow along with the next chapter!

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