Today is Thursday.
Chiaroscuro lived in the dark dungeon. One day he came upon a great length of rope on the dungeon floor. He didn't think where the rope come from and he began to nibble the rope. Soon a huge voice boomed,"Never try to touch Gregory's rope, little rat, or you will be sorry for that." Then he was hung upside down with his tail by a huge hand. The man lit a match and took Chiaroscuro near the fire. The rat was scared for the light, but he didn't close his eyes. The man asked him to apologize, but the little rat didn't want to do. Then his whiskers on one side of his face was burned by the fire and he was let go by the man. Although Chiaroscuro's heart beat very fast, he couldn't forget how he feel when he had been wrapped by the light. From that moment, the little rat showed an abnormal, inordinate interest in illumination of all sorts.