最近读《饭祷爱》,回想起了在英国读书时去意大利旅行的时光(“喷泉 Fountain”和“冰淇淋 Gelato”)。很多细节,以为就这样过去了,可是读到相关文字,却又浮现眼前、历历在目。
In every major city in the western world, some things are always the same. The same African men are always selling knockoffs of the same designer handbags and sunglasses, and the same Guatemalan musicians are always playing "I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail" on their bamboo windpipes. [P46]
Knockoff: N-COUNT A knockoff is a cheap copy of a well-known product. 廉价仿制品 [非正式]
It is like somebody has invented this city just to suite my specifications. [P48] 这座城就像是特地为我造的。
旅行途中,每个人都不一样。有些人 Physically sturdy;有些人能够很快学会当地的语言,而一些人只会染上当地的疾病(People who can pick up new languages where others of us only pick up infecious diseases);有些人不管多么慌张,都面不改色(super-relaxed totally-in-charge expression);而有些人完全藏不住,别人一眼就能看清她的想法(Your face is an apparent transmitter of your every thought. You have the opposite of poker face)。
旅行不喜欢做准备,tend just to show up and see what happens。有的时候是会有一些美好的偶遇 chance encounters; but you should never rely entirely on chance.
旅行中,厚脸皮是必要的(be shameless enough),抱着“I just don't care”的心态。不过准备好一份联系人名单,以做备用(a substaintial list of contacts)。
书的15小结,阐述了为何许多人觉得意大利语非常优美。作者认为,这一切都离不开但丁(Dante,意大利诗人,代表作:《神曲(Divine Comedy)》)。因为标准的意大利语是在但丁的《神曲》的基础上逐渐形成的,而选择的标准就是“优美”。不像法语、西班牙语等都是由该国的主导城市方言演变而来,意大利语是前人结合了多种方言、从中选择最优美的部分融合而成。