When a chicken sits on an egg, it incubates it. To incubate means to keep something safe and warm so that it can grow.
The word can be used metaphorically to mean to keep something safe in order for it to have time to grow. You incubate a plan or an idea before bringing it into the world, or, metaphorically speaking, hatching it.
Premature or particularly small babies are placed into an incubator when they are born. This warm, clean environment helps them to grow.
v. 孵化,培育,潜伏
A word that has the exact opposite meaning of another word is its antonym. Life is full of antonyms, from the "stop" and "go" of a traffic signal to side-by-side restroom doors labeled "men" and "women."
Most antonyms are pretty obvious, like "good" and "bad," or "black" and "white." Some words can be transformed into their antonyms simply by adding the prefixes "un," "in," or "non," as when "likable" is changed into its antonym, "unlikable." The word antonym iteself takes the Greek word anti, meaning "opposite," and adds it to -onym, which comes from the Greek onoma, or "name." So antonym literally means "opposite-name."
n. 反义词
A saddle is a leather seat for horseback riders. If you saddle something, you either put a saddle on it or you burden it with something else. If you buy an expensive saddle for example, you may be saddled (or burdened) with debt.
A saddle makes a horse's rider more comfortable and secure -- and if you ever ride a camel, you'll also sit on a saddle. As a verb, to saddle means "to put a saddle on an animal," although it also has the figurative meaning of "to burden." Your excessive spending might saddle you with debt, or your position as the oldest of eight siblings could saddle you with too much responsibility.
n. vt. 马鞍;承受
in the saddle
Be in the saddle means having control of something. For example, you can say, I'd like to assure people the government is firmly in the saddle.
To cause (someone or something) to have (a problem, burden, responsibility, etc.).
--- His actions have saddled the company with too much debt.
--- My boss saddled me with the task of organizing the conference.
--- The company is saddled with an enormous amount of debt.
--- She is saddled with a reputation for not being dependable.
The Grand Canyon is a monumental example of erosion -- the entire canyon was carved by the flow of the Colorado River, which slowly dug the canyon out of stone over the course of eons.
Erosion is the wearing away of sand, soil, or rock by water or wind. But it also has a metaphorical sense. The erosion of standards for behavior in society means that our grandparents would be shocked by what passes for good manners today.
n. 腐蚀,侵蚀
in the course of
Also, during the course of.
In the process or progress of, as in the famous phrase from the Declaration of Independence (1776), “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands ...” These phrases have been criticized as needlessly wordy (in or during alone are adequate), but they have an emphatic rhythm that keeps them alive. [Mid-1600s]
wear away
to gradually disappear or to cause (something) to gradually disappear or become thinner, smaller, etc., because of use
--The paint on the sign had worn away.
--Even a trickle of water will eventually wear rock away.
often used as(be) worn away
The table's finish was worn away.
If you find yourself making eyes at that stranger across the coffee shop, chances are there is an allure about him or her — something mysteriously, powerfully attractive and tempting.
You've probably noticed that allure contains lure, from the German word luder meaning "bait." A well-made lure is so alluring to a fish that it won't notice the hook. First used in the 15th century, this word has even landed its own fashion magazine — "Allure," which tries to tempt people to buy it by putting powerfully attractive people on the cover and hoping you'll believe that if you buy it, you'll have some allure as well.
n. v. 诱惑,吸引
研究了下发现,原来这件事情也是分很多派别的,其中一种派别区分就是你是用bait fishing还是用lure fishing。
我觉得吧。。。如果我。。。一定是lure fishing。。。因为我不想deal with哪些可怜的要被鱼吃掉的小动物。。。而且lure又比较好看!
有时间又感兴趣的可以戳这类看bait vs lures, which is best: https://www.fix.com/blog/bait-versus-lures-which-is-best/#:~:text=In%20many%20ways%2C%20fishing%20with,more%20water%20in%20less%20time.
突然想起来allure beauty award winner,这个很有影响力的奖项颁给的护肤美妆品都一直卖的很好。原来这个奖项就是allure这个杂志发起的。
If something is impending, it is about to happen. If you hear thunder in the distance, you might go inside to escape the impending storm.
The word impending often refers to something threatening or frightening: impending doom, impending disaster. Something that is impending hangs over you — you might say, "I was so distracted by thoughts of my impending failure in my exams, I couldn't study." A synonym is imminent.
a. 即将发生的,迫近的
A light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occuring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite
n. 钾
alkali metal group 碱金属家族
oxidize 氧化
carnallite, kainite, sylvite 分别是光卤石,钾盐镁矾和钾盐——这种看中文都看不懂的就忽略吧。。。
Truly, your resilience, or ability to bounce back, is not just admirable, but foolhardy, some might say; who else could have survived an attack by a rabid toucan and then gone on to become a world-renowned bird breeder?
The noun resilience stems from the Latin resiliens, "to rebound, recoil." As a character trait, resilience is a person's ability to recover quickly from unfortunate circumstances or illness. Runners who fall during a marathon only to pop back up and dash through the finish line show some serious resilience. Or Silly Putty that can stretch and stretch without breaking, and then come back to rest inside its egg-shaped carrying case -- that's resilience, or elasticity, for you.
n. 恢复力,弹力,顺应力
Generally you should eat dinner prior to brushing your teeth. Use the adjective prior for things that exist earlier in time or that happen first in time or order.
This is a formal word that is often used in legal language. A prior claim is a person's right to something that is considered more important or valuable because it came first. If you're looking for a less formal synonym, choose the word previous. Prior is from a Latin word with the same spelling.
Prior经常会被用在法律用语中。A prior claim是说一个人对什么事情的优先权利,更早发生会更重要或者有价值的。如果你想表达同样的意思,但希望非正式一些,那么可以用previous。Prior的拉丁文拼写和英文的一样。
A subsidy is a grant of financial assistance. Many school districts, for example, offer a subsidy to low-income families for book fees and lunch costs. The family pays a set amount and the district makes up the difference.
The noun subsidy comes from French and Latin roots that mean "help and aid." Subsidies are most often offered by the government, but individuals can offer subsidies as well. "The parents offered to give a subsidy for students to go on the ski trip. The deal was that if the kids earned half the money, the parents would pay for the other half."
n. 补贴,津贴,补助金
A subsidy是一笔财务上的援助金。很多学区都会提供一笔对低收入家庭的补助,用以减免书本费和午餐费。接受补助的家庭需要支付一定比例的金额,余下的由学区补足。