IT类翻译 -- 用NSURProtocol注入测试数据


Using NSURLProtocol forInjecting Test Data

September13, 2011 By: Claus Broch Filed in: Develop | ILBitly | iPhone | Testing |Tutorial


2011年9月13日,Claus Broch分类:Develop| ILBitly | iPhone | Testing | Tutorial

Inearlier posts I described methods for unit testing asynchronous network accessand how to use mock objects for further control of the scope of these unittests. In this tutorial I’ll present an alternative way of providing reliabletest data by customizing the NSURLProtocol class in order to deliver statictest data.


Afew months ago Gowalla made the networking code used in their iPhone clientavailable as open source on GitHub. The AFNetworking library as it is called isa “A delightful iOS networking library with NSOperations and block-basedcallbacks“. One of the things that first caught my eye was the built-in supportfor accessing JSON based services with just a few lines of code.


Thesimplicity of the AFNetworking interface inspired me to give it a test spin andwrite ILBitly which provides an Objective C based wrapper for the Bitly urlshortening service. It’s very easy to use AFNetworking and especially the JSONsupport that is accessed using a single class methods. Unfortunately thissimplicity also makes it quite difficult to write self-contained unit and mocktests using OCMock. This is mainly because OCMock doesn’t support mocking ofclass methods. My attempts with other techniques such as method swizzlingwasn’t successful either.

AFNetworking的界面之简洁,启发我运行一次快速的测试,并编写了ILBitly。ILBitly可提供一个基于Object C的包装类,从而获得Bitly的URL缩短服务。AFNetworking的使用非常简单,尤其是JSON的支持服务,仅需调用一个单个类的方法即可获得。然而这简洁性也为我们使用MCMock编写自包含单元和mock测试增添不少难度。这主要因为OCMock不支持mocking类方法。我也尝试过其它方法,例如method swizzling,然而也并不成功。

Itwasn’t until a few days ago when I noticed a discussion on GitHub about how toproperly mock the interface to AFNetworking. In the discussion Adam Ernstsuggested to use a customized NSURLProtocol for doing the task. That finallygave me the missing clue on how to solve the testing problem.



Subclassing NSURLProtocol


Asmentioned above I didn’t find any easy way to mock the interface toAFJSONRequestOperation in order to intercept the network access. So analternative solution is to intercept the standard http protocol built into iOS.This is done by registering our own custom NSURLProtocol subclass capable ofhandling http requests: ILCannedURLProtocol. Since each registered protocolhandler is asked in reverse order of registration our class will always beconsulted before the standard classes.



Theprimary goal of ILCannedURLProtocol is to respond with a pre-loaded set of testdata every time a http request is made. This way we’ll be able to remove anyoutside influences when running the tests. We’ll also be able to have the httprequest fail when we want it to fail. The interface for ILCannedURLProtocol is shownbelow:


@interfaceILCannedURLProtocol : NSURLProtocol






Itis not able to fully replace any http requests in its current form. Forinstance it is only designed to intercept GET requests. Neither does it supportany type of authentication challenge/response. But it provides enoughfunctionality to deliver the test data needed for testing ILBitly and probablyother similar classes.


challenge)或认证应答(authentication response)。但它现有的功能已经足以为测试ILBitly及其相似的类提供测试数据.

Basicallyeach of the setCannedXxx methods just retains the object passed to it so theobject can be returned again when needed by a http request. This also meansthat it is only able to serve one set of test data at a time.


Thereare a few additional methods that need to be implemented when subclassingNSURLProtocol. One of these iscanInitWithRequest: This method is called every time a NSURLRequest is startedin order to determine if that request is supported by the class. We’ll use thatto intercept the http GET requests:

子类化NSURLProtocol还需要实现一些其他的方法。其中之一是canInitWithRequest:每当发起一个NSURLRequest时,都会调用该方法,来判断该类是否支持这一请求。我们将使用这个方法来拦截http GET请求:

+(BOOL)canInitWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {

// For now only supporting http GET

return [[[request URL] scheme]isEqualToString:@"http"]

&& [[request HTTPMethod]isEqualToString:@"GET"];


Wealso need to implement the startLoading method. This method is called once theappropriate protocol handler has been instantiated in order to service therequest with data. Our method is able to either respond with a successfulresponse or with an error depending on which of the canned data that has beenset:

同时我们也需要实现startLoading方法。该方法会在每次实例化相关protocol handler时被调用,从而给请求提供数据。根据设置的封装数据不同,我们的方法将会给出一个成功的回应,或者报出一个错误:

-(void)startLoading {

NSURLRequest *request = [self request];

id client = [self client];

if(gILCannedResponseData) {

// Send the canned data

NSHTTPURLResponse *response =

[[NSHTTPURLResponse alloc]initWithURL:[request URL]




[client URLProtocol:selfdidReceiveResponse:response


[client URLProtocol:selfdidLoadData:gILCannedResponseData];

[client URLProtocolDidFinishLoading:self];

[response release];


else if(gILCannedError) {

// Send the canned error

[client URLProtocol:selfdidFailWithError:gILCannedError];



Ifyou decide to use the above code for testing in your own project you must makesure not to accidentally include it in the production code for any appstargeted for the App Store. If you haven’t already spotted the reason for thisI’ll lead your attention to the initializer for NSHTTPURLResponse. This is aprivate api obtained by running class-dump on the iOS 4.3 SDK. If you includethis call in your production code you therefore risk it being rejected byApple. There is also a slight chance Apple might decide to modify it in futureupdates of iOS. But as long as it’s just used when running the unit testseverything should be fine.

如果你决定在自己的项目中使用上述代码测试,小心不要把它写入任何打算上传到APP Store的产品代码中去。如果你不明白为什么,让我们来看一下NSHTTPURLResponse的初始化程序。这是一个私有API,通过在iOS 4.3 SDK上运行class-dump来获取。如果你把这段回调加在你的产品代码中,苹果就又能会拒了它。苹果甚至可能会在未来的iOS更新中对它进行修改,尽管可能性不大。但如果只是用它来跑单元测试的话,那应该没什么问题。

Exceptfor a few other methods which are basically empty that’s all there is to it.Now we’ll just need to register our custom class and load some canned data intoit.


Preparing the Unit Tests


Theunit test class for ILBitly just includes a few instance variables:


@interfaceILBitlyTest : SenTestCase {

ILBitly *bitly;

id bitlyMock;

BOOL done;



Thebitly variable contains an instance of the ILBitly code under test, bitlyMockholds the partial mock object for the ILBitly test, and done is used forsignaling when the asynchronous calls have finished. These are explained morein details later.


Beforeevery test case is executed the setUp method is automatically called allowingus to prepare things:




[super setUp];

// Init bitly proxy using test id and key -not valid for real use

bitly = [[ILBitly alloc]initWithLogin:@"LOGIN" apiKey:@"KEY"];

done = NO;

[NSURLProtocol registerClass:[ILCannedURLProtocolclass]];



We’lluse this method to prepare a default test instance as well as registering theILCannedURLProtocol. The parameters used for initializing the ILBitly instanceare just placeholders which are passed on to the service requests. Since we’llbe using static test data they have no real meaning except that we’ll verifylater on that they are actually passed on as expected.


Inorder to balance things out properly, we’ll unregister our custom protocol aswell as dispose of the test data after each test:




[NSURLProtocolunregisterClass:[ILCannedURLProtocol class]];

[ILCannedURLProtocol setCannedHeaders:nil];


[ILCannedURLProtocol setCannedError:nil];

[bitly release];

bitlyMock = nil;

[super tearDown];


We’llalso need to prepare some test data. This can easily be done by using curl tosave the raw response from bitly to a JSON file and loading that again for eachtest case as described in this previous post.


Putting it all Together


Finallywe’ll need to write some tests that verifies the ILBitly code. As an exampleone of the tests for the shortening service is shown below:


-(void)testShorten {

// Prepare the canned test result

[ILCannedURLProtocolsetCannedResponseData:[self cannedDataWithName:@"shorten"]];

[ILCannedURLProtocol setCannedHeaders:

[NSDictionarydictionaryWithObject:@"application/json; charset=utf-8"


// Prepare the mock

bitlyMock = [OCMockObjectpartialMockForObject:bitly];

NSURL *trigger = [NSURLURLWithString:@"http://"];

[[[bitlyMock expect] andReturn:[NSURLRequestrequestWithURL:trigger]]

requestForURLString:[OCMArgcheckWithBlock:^(id url) {

return [urlisEqualToString:EXPECTED_REQUEST];


// Execute the code under test

[bitlyshorten:@"" result:^(NSString *result){

STAssertEqualObjects(result,@"", @"Unexpected short url");

done = YES;

} error:^(NSError *err) {

STFail(@"Shorten failed with error:%@", [err localizedDescription]);

done = YES;


// Verify the result

STAssertTrue([self waitForCompletion:5.0],@"Timeout");

[bitlyMock verify];


Inthe first part the static test data is loaded into the test protocol.


Nexta partial mock object is created for the bitly object. Its primary role is tointercept the internal call to requestForURLString: and setup an expectationthat it’s actually being called. Once that call is made it will verify that theexpected url is requested and finally return an instance of NSURLRequest. Thatinstance just contains enough of the basic url scheme in order to trigger theload of our custom protocol.

之后我们为bitly对象创建了部分mock对象。它的主要功能是拦截对requestForURLString的内部调用,并创建一个我们期望调用的URL。调用时,测试会验证是否向我们期望的URL发出了请求,并最终返回一个NSURLRequest实例。为触发加载我们自定义Protocol,该实例只包含了基本的URL Scheme。

Thecode under test can now be executed as shown in the third part. Since theblocks may be called at any time after invoking the shorten:result:error:method done is set so we know when it has been called.

被测试的代码可如第三部分所示被执行。由于invoke shorten:result:error后block随时可能被回调,我们设置了done,这样一来被调用时我们就能知道了。

Thefinal part of the code then waits for up to 5 seconds for done to be set asdetailed in a previous post. Finally verify is called on the mock object toensure that the expected messages were received.


Ifwe instead want to test for proper handling of errors we’ll just have toreplace the first part of the test method so it sets up error data and changethe tests accordingly:


[ILCannedURLProtocol setCannedError:

[NSError errorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain





AsI’ve shown above it’s possible to use NSURLProtocol for injecting predictabletest data into unit and mock tests that would otherwise have been subject toexternal factors. It’s also possible to extend these tests even further. Forinstance you could use this method for implementing various simulations of badnetwork conditions such as high latencies and low bandwidth. The possibilitiesare endless and I just hope that this post at least have provided someinspiration.


TheILBitly wrapper as well as the accompanying test classes used in this post areavailable on GitHub along with a sample iPhone app that demonstrates some of thefunctionality.



Update:The ILCannedURLProtocol class is now included in the ILTesting repository onGithub.


Commentsand suggestions are welcome as always.


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