[vt] to make a judgment or guess about a situation, action, or person based on the information that you have. -- 引申义
[n] 测量仪器
evaluate, estimate, measure
1. He is unable to gauge his girlfriend's mood.
2. The worth of Phenomenal English should be gauged by the progress its members make.
3. For everyone's sake, it matters that Europeans gauge their welcome to China wisely.
1. 我们不能只用财富或者知名度来评估一个人成功与否。
One's success cannot be gauged only by his or her wealth or fame.
Success should not be gauged merely by wealth or popularity.
2. 从他对鸡毛蒜皮的小事的反应就可以判断出他的情绪。
His mood can be gauged by his response to trifles.
His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.
3. 他在盘算着敌人可能的动向和自己的对策时
When he was gauging the enemy's probable actions and his countermeasures... he gauged possible enemy moves and his own responses...