modifier keys - 修饰键;
^:Control key. The most common use of Control is to mimic the right click on a mouse.
⌘:Command key. 某种程度上类似于 Win 下的 ^ 键(Control 键)。
⌥:Option key. Win 下的 Alt。
⇧:Shift key.
- apple: keyboard shortcuts;
- macworld: 34 Mac keyboard shortcuts you need to know;
- Control + Spacebar:Spotlight Search,搜索如:Terminal、Pictures。有时也常用 Command + Spacebar。
⌘ ~
:在同一个应用的多个窗口之间切换; - F11:Show Desktop( Apple LOGO > System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts)
⌘ W
:Close Window -
⌘ c
,⌘ x
,⌘ v
,⌘ z
,⌘ s
:对应 copy,cut,paste,undo,save -
⌘ H
:Hide 窗口(使用 Command + Tab 可以轻易切换,而最小化的窗口则必须使用鼠标从 Dock 点击恢复) - ⇧ ←,⇧ →:选择;
- ⌘ ⇧ ←,⌘ ⇧ →:选择到行首/行尾;
- fn ←,→,↑,↓:文件头(head)/文件尾(tail)/上页(Page Up)/下页(Page Down),但鼠标并不移动;
- Alt ←,→,↑,↓:上一个字/下一个字/(上一)行头/(下一)行尾;
- ⌘ ←,→,↑,↓:Home/End、Head/Tail(行首/行尾/文件头/尾);
- VoiceOver:⌘F5
- delete:类似 Win 下的 backspace(above the return key)
- Alt + delete:delete the whole word to the left of the cursor.
- fn + delete:which deletes to the right of the cursor.
- fn + Alt + delete:delete the whole word to the right of the cursor.
- ⌘ + Tab:在各个应用之间切换;
- Control + Tab:在本应用各 Tab 之间切换;
- Command + Option + {Eject|Power}:Sleep Mac(休眠)
- Control + Shift + {Eject|Power}:Lock screen(锁屏)
The (Media) Eject key is the very top right corner button。 - Control + {Eject|Power}:弹出 Shutdown|Restart|Sleep 窗口
- Spotlight Search:Control + Space 或者 ⌘ + Space
- 查找到 app,Open app;
- 是一个非常好的入口;
- 输入 sys 即可打开 System Preferences;
- Finder
- 类似于 Win File Explorer,Desktop(F11 显示桌面)
- 在 Finder 下,⇧⌘G 则 Go to Folder
- app data folder:~/Library/Application Support
- Zoom
Expand an app window to fill the space between the menu bar and the Dock.
Apple Logo 类似于 Win 控制面板入口
- dmg 文件( Disk Image 文件)
**Dragging App Icon to Applications Folder ** – Launch the App by double clicking the App Image icon. -
Unidentified Developer 警告
如果要安装的文件不在 Apple Mac OS X Store 里面,则出现 “app can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”。
请直接按住 Control 键点击鼠标,或者直接双击应用文件,打开Context Menu,点击 **Open” 即可。如下:
Context Menu
- Command + Spacebar:选中 Select the previous input source
System preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Input Sources - 搜狗输入法时,Shift 可在中英文之间切换。
Browsers(Safari | Chrome | Firefox) 快捷键
Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts - Mac
- ⌘T:New Tab
- ⌘W:Close Tab(多 Tab 时,则 ⇧⌘W 关闭所有窗口,退出应用;Closes Window/Instance);
- ⌘Q:Quit 应用(closes the application/process)
- ⌘R:Reload Page
- ⌘L:Highlight the URL in the address bar;(Tab 移开焦点)
- Command ⌘ Option ⌥ I:打开 Developer Tools
- Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ B:Show Bookmarks Bar
- Command ⌘ + Click:will open a link in a new a tab behind the current one;
- Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + Click:will open the new tab & bring it to the front.
- Command + 1,...,Command + 8 直接定位到指定位置的 Tab,Command + 9 则到最后一个 Tab(从左到右排序)
Security & Privacy
- Require a password after waking your Mac
1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Security & Privacy, then click General.
2. Select “Require password… after sleep or screen saver begins.”
3. Click the pop-up menu and choose the time that passes before a password is required.
- 打开新 Tab:Command+T;
- 在 Tabs 之间移动:Command+{,Command+},Command+Shift+←,Command+Shift+→;
关闭 Terminal 时:Hitting Ctrl+D instead of typing exit.
Terminal > Preferences -> Profiles > Shell 进行设置,避免 exit 时出现 Process completed; -
How to Launch GUI Applications from the Terminal
open -n /Applications/Safari.app/
This will launch a new instance of Safari, even if Safari is already open.(打开应用的多个实例)
How to control-alt-delete on a frozen Mac: Use Force Quit to shut down OS X apps?
Go to the Dock at the bottom of the screen and find the icon for the app, then right click (or ctrl+click) to bring up the contextual menu. At the bottom of this list is the Quit option.
ln -s 百度云同步盘/ baiduyunebooks
Taking screen shots and screen grabs?
Command + Shift + 3:Capture the screen to a file(By default they are stored on the Desktop)。
Control + Shift + A:QQ 截图
- Are you sure you want to open it?
- http://www.cultofmac.com
- /(根目录Macintosh HD)
- Zoom
Zoom is a different creature entirely. The green button used to be zoom in OS X, and you can still access zoom by holding down Option and clicking the green button.
Zoom on a Mac takes the window to its optimal largest size. So it may not fill the whole screen, but will rather take up as much space as it should. - maximize 最大化: Control + Command + f(罕用)
- minimize 最小化:Command + M(罕用)
- restore 恢复:Alt + Green Button(access zoom by holding down Option and clicking the green button).
- Uptime(启动时间,开机时间)
Your Mac system displays its uptime in the System Information window. Click the Apple menu icon on the bar at the top of your screen, hold down the Option key, and click System Information. Scroll down in the left pane, select Software, and look for System Software Overview: Time since boot to see your Mac’s uptime.
or: Open a Terminal window, run the uptime command. - Installation Date(安装日期)
Spotlight Search, type Console, and press Enter to open it. Expand the /var/log folder in the sidebar, scroll down, and click install.log in the list. Scroll up to the top of the install.log file and look at the oldest date there. -
dscacheutil -q user
OS X 也有 /etc/passwd 和 /etc/group 文件,但其内容和 Linux 是不一样的;